Ole Andersen launches collaboration with CBS

The chair of the board at Danske Bank, Ole Andersen, will share his practical experience with board work at CBS. Newly appointed as adjunct professor, he will hold his inaugural lecture, “Board dynamics and board leadership”, on Thursday 26 March 2015.


Ole Andersen, Danske Bank
CBS' new adjunct professor Ole Andersen, chair of the board of Danske Bank. Photo: Danske Bank

As chair of the board at Danske Bank, Chr. Hansen, B&O and Tiger shops, CBS’ new adjunct professor Ole Andersen is one of Denmark’s most influential business leaders.

On Thursday he will be officially affiliated with the Center for Corporate Governance, which has appointed him based on his “extensive experience and insight into board work and corporate governance,” and, as his nomination states, because this cooperation will “bring our research a unique application-oriented perspective that will create new knowledge and develop best practice”.

Ole Andersen says that it is “an honour” to be appointed and is looking forward to the collaboration:

- My goal is to contribute to the development of corporate governance in general and board work specifically. I believe that collaboration between the business community and academia benefits both parties and beyond my contribution to teaching and research, I certainly also expect to receive something in return.

Board dynamics and board leadership
On Thursday 26 March 2015 from 16:00 to 18:00 Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS, will welcome Ole Andersen to CBS, after which Ole Andersen will give his first lecture as an adjunct professor. The subject is board dynamics and board leadership.

He will address topics such as the most important tasks of boards for creating value, the hallmarks of well-functioning boards, quality assurance and pitfalls in decision making, board size and standards of conduct in the group, as well as the chair’s role in generating collaboration and determining what direction to go.

This is not Ole Andersen’s first appearance on the podium at CBS, however, because he already teaches CBS Executives’ Board Leadership master class, and in other board programmes. In addition to serving as a CBS Case Competition judge, he has also participated in various debates at CBS.

Register by sending an e-mail to cbsi.int@cbs.dk or hsh@bestyrelsesforeningen.dk.

See the inaugural lecture programme here (In Danish)

For more information please contact:
Professor Steen Thomsen, Center for Corporate Governance, CBS
Tel.: +45 5121 1908; st.int@cbs.dk

About the Center for Corporate Governance, CBS
Established in 2005 the Center for Corporate Governance at CBS is considered a leading research centre in the field of corporate governance. The centre promotes a research environment where knowledge about corporate governance is developed and exchanged across areas globally and locally. The vision is to carry out pioneering research on corporate governance that creates value for businesses and society. There are 15 researchers and three PhD students affiliated with the Center for Corporate Governance.

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