9th Copenhagen Supply Chain Management Summit at CBS

Summit Theme: Energy for the supply chain

Thursday, August 24, 2017 - 14:00 to 18:30

Summit Theme: Energy for the supply chain

Registration between 13.30 and 14:00 – be early and grow your network!

14:00 Welcome and introduction to the event by Professor Britta Gammelgaard, CBS

14:15 Supply Chain Megatrends
By Jacob Bønnelycke Hartzberg, partner, Implement Consulting Group

Viewpoint on global megatrends that are influencing the 2-t-2 supply chain and leave companies with a window of opportunities and/or challenges if they make the right choice.

14:45 The Rise and Fall of the Electric Vehicle: a Study of Domination
By Claus Juul Varnes, Associate Professor, Department of Operations Management

Get insight into the struggle between gasoline and electrically driven engines and why it is (has been?) so difficult to change energy form.

15:15 Break

15:30 City Distribution anno 2017 is more than parcels to consumers
By René Sidor, General Manager, European Logistics, DACHSER, Denmark A/S

More and more restrictions are being placed on the access to inner cities. The urban access regulations in
cities in Europe have increased by 87% to 500 restrictions in the period from 2008 to 2016. The solution is to be found in more efficient and sustainable delivery methods. DACHSER is creating a toolbox which will be a practical method for providing a variety of solutions.

16:10 Value creation in a global supply chain in the energy industry
By Niels Petter Hansen, Siemens AS, Oslo

How to secure value, not only price reduction? Key content Global Value Sourcing, Design to Cost, Cost Value Engineer-ing + early engagement for Contribution to Growth. Why and how to report within Supply Chain? Key content will be to show how we report PVO and deep dive into our CNI and CNI+ (saving and value add) concept and reporting.

17:00 Break

17:30: Nomination and presentation of the best MSc SCM theses 2017
Presentation of this year’s nominations for best MSc SCM Thesis by the candidates. Implement Consulting Award for Best MSc SCM Thesis 2017.

18:30 End of Summit 2017

Book a seat at the summit via www.tilmeld.dk/CPHsummit17 Deadline 20 August 2017.

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