CBS highlights responsible management education

CBS has released the “Report on Progress 2015” Friday on the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). The report shows the multiple ways in which CBS works to promote responsible management.


Forside PRME Report on Progress 2015 magasinforside
Photo: Jakob Boserup

“How would you define responsible management in your field?” This question and numerous others were posed by staff from the CBS Office of Responsible Management Education to focus groups comprising students and faculty from nearly every undergraduate programme at CBS. The answers were used to determine what responsible management is within a given area. How are mathematical formulas, for example used responsibly?

This is CBS’ third report on PRME, which is an initiative backed by business schools from across the world that support responsible management education. The report describes how responsible management has been a part of CBS activities in 2013 and 2014 and in that context draws attention to the 160 CBS researchers who have contributed to CBS’ efforts in this regard.

The report also mentions that CBS was invited to join the PRME Champions group. Only 32 out of almost 600 PRME business schools signatories have been selected due to their particular commitment to responsible management

A central element
- Responsible management is very close to the core of our Business in Society strategy, which is why we’ve chosen to spend time, money and effort on writing the report. Examining CBS from such a specific angle provides us with new insights into our organisation. In this case the insights gained are both interesting and relevant, explains Vice Dean of Education Sven Bislev.

In his view the report is one way of bringing responsible management efforts to the attention of both internal and external audiences, as well as a tool for showing how the various endeavours are related and intersect.

Reaching this point
Vice Dean Bislev sees the fact that PRME has reached so many parts of CBS as an advantage and as stemming from the fact that CBS is a business school with cross-disciplinary programmes. This trend also seem to be reflected among new researchers, where a large number of CBS PhD students focus their research on topics related to, for instance sustainability, ethics, social responsibility and the environment.

- Participation in the PRME initiative is one of the many ways in which CBS maintains its international network with other strong, high-profile business schools, says Bislev, who continues:

- Our commitment to PRME highlights that we’re an internationally oriented, globally competitive business school with a broad academic perspective and that we focus on societal challenges. Reporting on PRME reminds us of who we are and how we got there.

Report on Progress 2015

Read more about the CBS Office of Responsible Management Education

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