Expanded Career Fair will equip students

On 4 February, CBS will host a Career Fair with more participating companies than ever before. At the same time, CBS Career Centre has come up with new initiatives to better equip students.


Once again CBS gives students the opportunity to meet representatives from a large number of companies and perhaps even get a new job. Participating students can meet as much as 50 companies at this Career Fair - the largest ever.

A new initiative is Career Seminars, which will be held during the day. The seminars will equip the audience to make the most of the Fair and offer advice on the next step after the Fair. They will be held by CA A-kasse,  Akademikernes A-kasse, DJØF and Work in Denmark.

During the day, companies will also give ten minute Company Presentations to elaborate on their reasons for participating in the Career Fair and explain what they can offer students.

Career Centre Lounge

The physical layout of the Career Fair has also undergone a change. At the entrance to Solbjerg Plads, facing the Wedge, there will be a Career Centre Lounge. Here you will find a registration desk, help to have your CV checked and an opportunity to have a photo taken for your CV. You will also find a lounge with sitting areas where you can take a break between conversations and presentations.

It is important that you sign up for the Career Fair in advance so you can get a name tag, which you will need for the CV photo, the CV check and to participate in Company Presentations.

Read more and sign up

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CBS Career Fair 2015
4 February, 10:00-16:00
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017