Studerende kan nu læse shipping-bachelor med praktik

CBS har fået godkendt en ambitiøs shipping-bachelor med praktik i den maritime sektor. Den ny uddannelse åbner dørene i 2014 og er direkte respons fra CBS Maritime på anbefalinger fra regeringens vækstteam for det blå Danmark.


Full speed ahead. The Ministry of Higher Education has just given its thumbs up for the new bachelor degree in shipping that CBS will offer as of next year in cooperation with Singapore Management University. Singapore is a powerhouse of the maritime sector. Danish students will study in the Asian city-state for one semester and are guaranteed an internship in the shipping industry.

The programme is a direct response to recommendations from the government’s growth teams and a request from the Danish shipping industry. The programme director of the new bachelor degree, Associate Professor Martin Jes Iversen, says: “We can’t wait to get started and are proud of our partnership with Singapore Management University, which is one of the most recognised in its field in Asia.”

A call from Blue Denmark
Development of the programme was initiated by CBS Maritime, whose purpose is to coordinate maritime activities and expertise at CBS, as well as to develop research and education in the field in close cooperation with industry. The programme will accept 25 students prior to its start in September 2014.

During the first semester, students will work with areas in which Blue Denmark has unique skills in operations and risk management. In the next semester, the students will live in Singapore, where emphasis will be on the Asian shipping centre’s core areas, such as port management and trade economics. This new bachelor degree will also provide direct access to the MSc programme.

“It’s the first time we’re able to offer a bachelor degree in shipping. Our goal is to move away from a more old-fashioned apprenticeship towards a more contemporary education,” explains Martin Jes Iversen.

Expanding in Northern Europe and the US
Initially, Danish shipping and maritime companies will be linked to the degree, but the goal is to involve companies from all over Northern Europe and to work with a third university.

“We’d like to have an annual intake of 50 students, which is why we’d already like to expand the cooperation to include a third university in the US in the first year,” adds Martin Jes Iversen.

For more information contact programme director Martin Jes Iversen or the co-director of CBS Maritime, Carsten Ørts Hansen

The page was last edited by: Communications // 01/25/2024