CANCELLED Forskningens Døgn: UN Cinema at CBS - The Chocolate Case

CANCELLED due to virus precautions: The CBS Business in Society Inequality Research Platform at Forskningens Døgn.

Torsdag, 23 april, 2020 - 18:30 to 21:00


Danish below

The Chocolate Case

Are your favorite chocolate bar sustainable? Hear the amazing story about three Dutch journalists who uncover child labor in the chocolate industry and later sets on a mission to create a sustainable chocolate bar.

In the film 'The Chocolate Case' tells the story of child labor in the cocoa production chain. The three journalists try to persuade large corporations to end these unethical practices once and for all. Scorned and rejected by the industry and having sought in vain to become imprisoned for their cause, the trio sets out on a mission to develop the first ‘slave-free’ chocolate bar known as ‘Tony’s Chocolonely’ – now one of The Netherland’s leading chocolate brands. Watch the trailer here.

UN CINEMA is a successful, international event concept, which is now coming to Denmark: The United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC), the Danish United Nations Association and Copenhagen Business School present the documentary "The Chocolate Case" in partnership with the Dutch Embassy in Copenhagen.

CBS’ Dean of Education, Gregor Halff will welcome the audience, and the screening will be preceded by an opening statement by Dutch ambassador, Rob Zaagman. The screening will be followed by a discussion during which the audience will have a chance to ask questions from the expert panelists.

The participants in the panel debate are Chief Evangelist at Tony’s Chocolonely, Ynzo van Zanten, Deputy Director in Fairtrade Denmark, Andreas Hansen and Professor from Copenhagen Business School, Lisa Ann Richey. The discussion will be moderated by UNRIC’s Árni Snævarr and held in English. CBS will be hosting a small reception afterwards.

The event is held in English and is sponsored by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.


The screening is free but requires registration. Register here. Should you be unable to attend, please unregister by sending a mail to


DANSK - The Chocolate Case

Er din foretrukne chokoladebar bæredygtig? Hør den utrolige historie om tre hollandske journalister, der afdækker børnearbejde i chokoladebranchen og senere sætter sig for at skabe den første bæredygtige chokoladebar.

Se filmen ’The Chocolate Case’, der følger tre hollandske journalister på deres utrolige rejse: De drager ud for at overtale store selskaber til at stoppe børnearbejdet i chokoladebranchen, men ender med at tage sagen i egne hænder ved selv at producere verdens første slavefrie chokoladebar. Deres episke rejse resulterer efter ti år i etableringen af chokoladefirmaet 'Tony's Chocolonely', som nu er et af Hollands mest kendte brands. Dokumentarfilmen er en stærk fortælling sammensat af arkivoptagelser og nyt materiale – en sjov og til tider rørende film, der også er både tankevækkende og inspirerende. Se trailer til ”The Chocolate Case” her.

UN CINEMA er et succesrigt, internationalt event-koncept, og nu kommer det til Danmark: UNRIC, FN-forbundet og Copenhagen Business School præsenterer dokumentarfilmen ’The Chocolate Case’ i samarbejde med Den Hollandske Ambassade i Danmark. CBS’ uddannelsesdekan og ambassadøren byder velkommen. Efter filmen er der paneldebat med forskere og eksperter, og publikum får lejlighed til dialog og spørgsmål. Vi slutter af med en forfriskning.

CBS’ uddannelsesdekan, Gregor Halff og den hollandske ambassadør, Rob Zaagman byder velkommen, og selve filmvisningen efterfølges af en paneldebat, hvor publikum får lejlighed til at stille spørgsmål til panelets forskere og eksperter.

I panelet er Ynzo van Zanten, Chief Evangelist, Tony's Chocolonely, Andreas Hansen, produktchef, Fairtrade Danmark og Lisa Ann Richey, professor, Copenhagen Business School med forskningsplatformen Inequality Platform. Debatten modereres af Árni Snævarr fra FN’s regionale informationskontor for Vesteuropa (UNRIC).

Arrangementet afholdes på engelsk og er sponsoreret af KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.


Filmvisningen er gratis, men kræver tilmelding. Tilmeld dig her.

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Sidst opdateret: Business in Society platforms // 23/06/2023