Green Organizational Change - Open Classroom hosted by University of Copenhagen (KU) and CBS
Here we invite you to join a real class room. The lecture is part of the course ‘Practical Advanced Organisational Analysis’ at KU, Political Science, taught by Jacob Troelsgård. In this lecture, the theme is on ‘Temporary organisations for change: project management’ with the CBS strategy project ‘Green Transition’ as the case. Join and get updated (or read some of the suggested literature).
- Anderson, Erling S. (2006): "Towards a theory og project management theory for renewal projects", Project Management Journal 37(4): 15-30
- Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2017). Project management: a strategic managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons., s. 41-47
- Belout, A. and C. Gauvreau (2003): Factors influencing project success: The impact of human resource management. International Journal of Project Management.
Sidst opdateret: Green Transition // 13/04/2023