Department of Digitalization

Jonas Hedman explores how digitalization transforms businesses and society. His empirical focus is the financial sector and how technological innovations such as Open-API, smart money, and blockchain shape it. Furthermore, he is also studying the digitalization of sports and e-sports.
Primære forskningsområder
- FinTech Revolution
- Cashless society
- Payments
- Digital Transformation
- E-sports
Link til denne hjemmeside
- FinTech
- Digitalization of sports
- e-sports
Udvalgte publikationer
- Kimberly, S; Barz, L. Hedman, J. (2023) Critical Success Factors in the FinTech World: A Stage Model, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 60, 101280. 2.
- Medaglia, R., Eaton, B., Hedman, J. and E. Whitley (2022). Mechanisms of Power Inscription for IT Governance: Lessons from Two National Digital Identity Systems, Information Systems Journal 32(2), 242-277.
- Sarker, S., Henningsson, S. and Jensen, T., Hedman, J. (2021). The use of blockchain as a resource for combating corruption in global shipping: an interpretive case study, Journal of Management Information Systems 38(2), 338-373
- Ng, D., Kauffman, R. J., Griffin, P., & Hedman, J. (2021). Can we classify cashless payment solution implementations at the country level?. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 46, 101018
- Hedman, J., Bødker, M., Gimpel, G. and Damsgaard, J. (2019) Patterns of Embodiment in Technology Use, Information Systems Journal, 29(6), 1179-1200. DOI: 10.1111/isj.12232
- Hedman, J. and T. Kalling (2003). The Business Model Concept: Theoretical Underpinnings and Empirical Illustrations, European Journal of Information Systems 12(1), pp. 49-59.
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Ben Eaton; Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman; Maximilian Schneider; Benny Boye Johansen / API Product Quality : A Comprehensive Reflection Guide.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2024, 12 s.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2024, 12 s.
Juan Giraldo-Mora; Jonas Hedman / The Historical Formation of Information Infrastructure
Abstract from 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop, 2024
Abstract from 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop, 2024
Konferenceabstrakt til konference > peer review
Juan Giraldo-Mora; Jonas Hedman / Time Shall Tell : Temporally Rethinking Infrastructure Tensions in the Digitalisation of the Global Payment Infrastructure.
Abstract from 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop, 2024
Abstract from 7th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop, 2024
Konferenceabstrakt til konference > peer review
Lisa Barz; Sarasimone Lindeque; Jonas Hedman / Critical Success Factors in the FinTech World : A Stage Model.
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 60, Nr. July-August, 7.2023
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 60, Nr. July-August, 7.2023
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Daniel Gozman; Jonas Hedman / Revolutionizing Banking Through Modular Architecture
I: Amplify, Vol. 36, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 8-13
I: Amplify, Vol. 36, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 8-13
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Katrine Frost Folkmann; Jonas Hedman; Michel Avital / A Typology of Digital Offerings
I: Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. red. /Tung X. Bui. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2022, s. 6383-6392 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
I: Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. red. /Tung X. Bui. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2022, s. 6383-6392 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Rony Medaglia; Ben Eaton; Jonas Hedman; Edgar A. Whitley / Mechanisms of Power Inscription into IT Governance : Lessons from Two National Digital Identity Systems.
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 32, Nr. 2, 3.2022, s. 242-277
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 32, Nr. 2, 3.2022, s. 242-277
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Dennis Ng; Robert J. Kauffman; Paul Griffin; Jonas Hedman / Can We Classify Cashless Payment Solution Implementations at the Country Level?
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 46, 3.2021
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 46, 3.2021
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Tanya Beaulieu; Michael Karlström / The Tales of Alphanumerical Symbols in Media : The Case of Bitcoin.
I: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 16, Nr. 7, 12.2021, s. 2768-2792
I: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 16, Nr. 7, 12.2021, s. 2768-2792
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Suprateek Sarker; Stefan Henningsson; Thomas Jensen; Jonas Hedman / The Use of Blockchain as a Resource for Combating Corruption in Global Shipping : An Interpretive Case Study.
I: Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 38, Nr. 2, 2021, s. 338-373
I: Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 38, Nr. 2, 2021, s. 338-373
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jos van Hillegersberg; Jonas Hedman / Smart Contracts for Global Sourcing Arrangements
I: Digital Technologies for Global Sourcing of Services: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Global Sourcing of Information Technology and Business Processes. Global Sourcing 2019. . red. /Ilan Oshri; Julia Kotlarsky; Leslie P. Willcocks. Cham : Springer 2020, s. 82-92 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 410)
I: Digital Technologies for Global Sourcing of Services: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Global Sourcing of Information Technology and Business Processes. Global Sourcing 2019. . red. /Ilan Oshri; Julia Kotlarsky; Leslie P. Willcocks. Cham : Springer 2020, s. 82-92 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 410)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Juan Giraldo-Mora; Jonas Hedman; Michel Avital / The Evolution of Global Instant Payment Infrastructure
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2020, 24 s.
: SSRN: Social Science Research Network 2020, 24 s.
Working paper
Jonas Hedman / Cashless Society
I: Form Relation System Fiktion: En antologi om nutidige og fremtidige pengesystemer. . red. /Jack Jones; Pernille Gøtz; Johanne Aarup Hansen; Asmus Lauridsen. København : Parole.cc 2019, s. 154-158
I: Form Relation System Fiktion: En antologi om nutidige og fremtidige pengesystemer. . red. /Jack Jones; Pernille Gøtz; Johanne Aarup Hansen; Asmus Lauridsen. København : Parole.cc 2019, s. 154-158
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Juan Giraldo-Mora; Michel Avital; Jonas Hedman / Development Dynamics of Digital Infrastructure and Organization : The Case of Global Payments Innovation.
I: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). red. /Helmut Krcmar; Jane Fedorowicz; Wai Fong Boh; Jan Marco Leimeister; Sunil Wattal. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2019 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
I: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). red. /Helmut Krcmar; Jane Fedorowicz; Wai Fong Boh; Jan Marco Leimeister; Sunil Wattal. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2019 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Thomas Jensen; Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / How TradeLens Delivers Business Value With Blockchain Technology
I: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 12.2019, s. 221-243
I: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, 12.2019, s. 221-243
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Xiao Xiao; Jonas Hedman / How a Software Vendor Weathered the Stormy Journey to the Cloud
I: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, 3.2019, s. 37-50
I: MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, 3.2019, s. 37-50
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Kalina Stefanova Staykova; Jonas Hedman / In Search of New Perspective on Electronic Marketplaces
I: ECIS 2019 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2019 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
I: ECIS 2019 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2019 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Abayomi Baiyere; Thomas Jensen; Louise Harder Fischer; Kalina Staykova; Michael Wessel; Jonas Hedman / Navigating Global Online Market Places (GOMPs) : An ADR Perspective.
I: ICT Unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption: Proceedings of FIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2019. . red. /Yogesh Dwivedi; Emmanuel Ayaburi; Richard Boateng; John Effah. Cham : Springer 2019, s. 529-535 (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Nr. 558)
I: ICT Unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption: Proceedings of FIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2019. . red. /Yogesh Dwivedi; Emmanuel Ayaburi; Richard Boateng; John Effah. Cham : Springer 2019, s. 529-535 (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Nr. 558)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jos van Hillegersberg; Jonas Hedman / Smart Contracts for Global Sourcing Arrangements
Paper presented at 14th Global Sourcing Workshop, 2019
Paper presented at 14th Global Sourcing Workshop, 2019
Paper > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jan Damsgaard / Translating Evolving Technology Use into User Stories : Technology Life Narratives of Consumer Technology Use.
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 11.2019, s. 1178-1200
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 11.2019, s. 1178-1200
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Stoney Brooks; Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson; Saonee Sarker; Xuequn Wang / Antecedents and Effects of Green IS Adoptions : Insights from Nordea.
I: Journal of Cases on Information Technology, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, 1.10.2018, s. 32-52
I: Journal of Cases on Information Technology, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, 1.10.2018, s. 32-52
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Abayomi Baiyere; Thomas Jensen; Michael Wessel; Jonas Hedman; Jan Damsgaard / Navigating Global OnlineMarket Places (GOMPs) : An ADR Perspective.
I: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2018, 1 s. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
I: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2018, 1 s. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Niklas Arvidsson; Jonas Hedman; Björn Segendorf / När slutar svenska handlare acceptera kontanter?
Stockholm : Handelsrådet 2018, 40 s. (Forskningsrapport, Nr. 2018:1)
Stockholm : Handelsrådet 2018, 40 s. (Forskningsrapport, Nr. 2018:1)
Rapport > peer review
Frederik Fenger; Simon Westh Henriksen; Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Open API : An Investigation of its Business Value.
Frederiksberg : Department of Digitalization. CBS 2018, 14 s. (DIGI Communications, Nr. 2018/1)
Frederiksberg : Department of Digitalization. CBS 2018, 14 s. (DIGI Communications, Nr. 2018/1)
Working paper
Daniel Gozman; Jonas Hedman; Kasper Sylvest / Open Banking : Emergent Roles, Risks & Opportunities.
I: ECIS 2018 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2018 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
I: ECIS 2018 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2018 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Constance Marie Dominique Remy; Triin Pärnpuu; Jonas Hedman / Smart Cities & Sustainable Information Systems
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 18 s. (DIGI Communications, Nr. 2018/2)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 18 s. (DIGI Communications, Nr. 2018/2)
Working paper
Ben Eaton; Jonas Hedman; Rony Medaglia / Three Different Ways to Skin a Cat : Financialization in the Emergence of National e-ID Solutions.
I: Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 33, Nr. 1, 3.2018, s. 70–83
I: Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 33, Nr. 1, 3.2018, s. 70–83
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Felix Ter Chian Tan; Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Beyond ‘Moneyball’ to Analytics Leadership in Sports : An Ecological Analysis of FC Bayern Munich’s Digital Transformation.
I: AMCIS 2017 Proceedings: A Tradition of Innovation. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017
I: AMCIS 2017 Proceedings: A Tradition of Innovation. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Niklas Arvidsson; Jonas Hedman; Björn Segendorf / Cashless Society : When Will Merchants Stop Accepting Cash in Sweden. A Research Model.
I: Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry: Revised Papers of the 8th International Workshop, FinanceCom 2016. . red. /Stefan Feuerriegel; Dirk Neumann. Heidelberg : Springer 2017, s. 105-113 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 276)
I: Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry: Revised Papers of the 8th International Workshop, FinanceCom 2016. . red. /Stefan Feuerriegel; Dirk Neumann. Heidelberg : Springer 2017, s. 105-113 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 276)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Linda Frygell; Jonas Hedman; Sven Carlsson / Implementing CRM System in a Global Organization National vs. Organizational Culture
I: Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017. red. /Tung X. Bui; Ralph Sprague. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017, s. 4586-4595 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
I: Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017. red. /Tung X. Bui; Ralph Sprague. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017, s. 4586-4595 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Rony Medaglia; Jonas Hedman; Ben Eaton / It Takes Two to Tango : Power Dependence in the Governance of Public-private e-government Infrastructures.
I: ICIS 2017 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
I: ICIS 2017 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Aakanksha Gaur; Michele Osella; Enrico Ferro; Jonas Hedman / Open Innovation as Business Model Game-changer in the Public Sector
I: ECIS 2017 Proceedings. red. /Isabel Ramos; Virpi Tuunainen; Helmut Krcmar. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017, s. 2317-2330 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
I: ECIS 2017 Proceedings. red. /Isabel Ramos; Virpi Tuunainen; Helmut Krcmar. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017, s. 2317-2330 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Rony Medaglia; Jonas Hedman; Ben Eaton / Public-Private Collaboration in the Emergence of a National Electronic Identification Policy : The Case of NemID in Denmark.
I: Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017. red. /Tung X. Bui; Ralph Sprague. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017, s. 2782-2791 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
I: Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017. red. /Tung X. Bui; Ralph Sprague. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017, s. 2782-2791 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Michel Avital; Jonas Hedman; Lars Albinsson / Smart Money : Blockchain-based Customizable Payments System.
I: Dagstuhl Reports, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, 2017, s. 104-106
I: Dagstuhl Reports, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, 2017, s. 104-106
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Xiao Xiao; Jonas Hedman; Felix Ter Chian Tan; Chee-Wee Tan; Eric T. K. Lim; Torkil Clemmensen; Stefan Henningsson; Raghava Rao Mukkamala; Ravi Vatrapu; Jos van Hillegersberg / Sports Digitalization : An Overview and a Research Agenda.
I: ICIS 2017 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
I: ICIS 2017 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Nikolina Vukelić; Jonas Hedman / Strategy and Action by The Department of IT Management : Journal Analysis between 2011 and 2015.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2017, 23 s. (DIGI Communications, Nr. 2017/1)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2017, 23 s. (DIGI Communications, Nr. 2017/1)
Working paper
Jonas Hedman; Felix B. Tan; Jacques Holst; Martin Kjeldsen / Taxonomy of Payments : A Repertory Grid Analysis.
I: International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 35, Nr. 1, 2017, s. 75-96
I: International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 35, Nr. 1, 2017, s. 75-96
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Agneta Ranerup; Helle Zinner Henriksen; Jonas Hedman / An Analysis of Business Models in Public Service Platforms
I: Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 33, Nr. 1, 1.2016, s. 6-14
I: Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 33, Nr. 1, 1.2016, s. 6-14
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Developing Ecological Sustainability : A Green IS Response Model.
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, Nr. 3, 2016, s. 259–287
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, Nr. 3, 2016, s. 259–287
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Saonee Sarker; Daniel Veit / Digitization in Business Models and Entrepreneurship
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, Nr. 5, 2016, 2 s., s. 419-420
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, Nr. 5, 2016, 2 s., s. 419-420
Leder > peer review
Elisabeth M.A. Juel; Jonas Hedman / Mitigating the Impacts from the Challenges that Arise in IT Outsourcing Relationships
Paper presented at The 10th Global Sourcing Workshop, 2016
Paper presented at The 10th Global Sourcing Workshop, 2016
Paper > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Open Sesame : The Journey Towards an Open Platform Strategy – Saxo Bank.
I: Cases on IT Leadership: CIO Challenges for Innovation and Keeping the Lights on. . red. /Niels Bjørn-Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2016, s. 187-198
I: Cases on IT Leadership: CIO Challenges for Innovation and Keeping the Lights on. . red. /Niels Bjørn-Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2016, s. 187-198
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Jens Erik Wang; Jonas Hedman; Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen / Path Creation, Path Dependence and Breaking Away from the Path : Re-examining the Case of Nokia.
I: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, 5.2016, s. 16-27
I: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, 5.2016, s. 16-27
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Niels Bjørn-Andersen / The Challenge of Technology Dept - Coop
I: Cases on IT Leadership: CIO Challenges for Innovation and Keeping the Lights on. . red. /Niels Bjørn-Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2016, s. 15-27
I: Cases on IT Leadership: CIO Challenges for Innovation and Keeping the Lights on. . red. /Niels Bjørn-Andersen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2016, s. 15-27
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Transition to the Cloud : A Vendor Perspective.
I: Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016). red. /Ralph H. Sprague; Tung X. Bui. Los Alamitos, CA : IEEE 2016, s. 3989-3998 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
I: Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016). red. /Ralph H. Sprague; Tung X. Bui. Los Alamitos, CA : IEEE 2016, s. 3989-3998 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Johannes Sang-Un Chae; Jonas Hedman / Business Models for NFC Based Mobile Payments
I: Journal of Business Models, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 29-48
I: Journal of Business Models, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 29-48
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Emma Runnemark; Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Do Consumers Pay More Using Debit Cards than Cash
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 2015, s. 285–291
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 2015, s. 285–291
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Eco-Effectiveness as a Paradox : Developing a Duality View of Economic and Ecological Sustainability.
Paper presented at Paradoxes in Corporate Sustainability, 2015
Paper presented at Paradoxes in Corporate Sustainability, 2015
Paper > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Suprateek Sarker / Information System Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions : Research Ahead.
I: European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 24, Nr. 2, 2015, 4 s., s. 117-120
I: European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 24, Nr. 2, 2015, 4 s., s. 117-120
Leder > peer review
Jacques Holst; Martin Kjeldsen; Jonas Hedman; Felix B.Tan / Payment Instrument Characteristics : A Repertory Grid Analysis.
I: Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems. AMCIS 2015Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2015
I: Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems. AMCIS 2015Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2015
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / The New Normal : Market Cooperation in the Mobile Payments Ecosystem.
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 2015, s. 305-318
I: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 2015, s. 305-318
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Xiao Xiao; Jonas Hedman; Emma Runnemark / Use of Payment Technology : A Perspective Based on Theory of Consumption Value.
I: ECIS 2015 Proceedings. red. /Jörg Becker; Jan vom Brocke; Marco De Marco. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2015 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
I: ECIS 2015 Proceedings. red. /Jörg Becker; Jan vom Brocke; Marco De Marco. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2015 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Mads Rebsdorf; Jonas Hedman / Cloud Challenges for an ERP Vendor : Business Model Implications.
I: Governing Sourcing Relationships: A Collection of Studies at the Country, Sector and Firm Level. . red. /Julia Kotlarsky; Ilan Oshri; Leslie P. Willcocks. Cham : Springer Science+Business Media 2014, s. 36-48 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 195)
I: Governing Sourcing Relationships: A Collection of Studies at the Country, Sector and Firm Level. . red. /Julia Kotlarsky; Ilan Oshri; Leslie P. Willcocks. Cham : Springer Science+Business Media 2014, s. 36-48 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 195)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Michelle Antero; Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Competitive Moves over Time : The Case of SAP.
I: CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCIST 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. red. /João Varajão; Manuela Cunha; Niels Bjørn-Andersen; Rodney Turner; Duminda Wijesekera; Ricardo Martinho; Rui Rijo. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2014, s. 613-622 (Procedia Technology, Vol. 16)
I: CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCIST 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. red. /João Varajão; Manuela Cunha; Niels Bjørn-Andersen; Rodney Turner; Duminda Wijesekera; Ricardo Martinho; Rui Rijo. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2014, s. 613-622 (Procedia Technology, Vol. 16)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Emma Runnemark; Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Do Consumers Pay More Using Debit Cards than Cash? : An Experiment.
Lund : Lund University 2014, 9 s. (Working paper. Department of Economics, Lund University, Nr. 21, Vol. 2014)
Lund : Lund University 2014, 9 s. (Working paper. Department of Economics, Lund University, Nr. 21, Vol. 2014)
Working paper
Mads Rebsdorf; Jonas Hedman / Moving to the Cloud : Business Implications for an ERP Vendor.
Paper presented at The 8th Global Sourcing Workshop, 2014
Paper presented at The 8th Global Sourcing Workshop, 2014
Paper > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Bo Andersson / Selection Method for COTS Systems
I: CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCIST 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. red. /João Varajão; Manuela Cunha; Niels Bjørn-Andersen; Rodney Turner; Duminda Wijesekera; Ricardo Martinho; Rui Rijo. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2014, s. 301–309 (Procedia Technology, Vol. 16)
I: CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCIST 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. red. /João Varajão; Manuela Cunha; Niels Bjørn-Andersen; Rodney Turner; Duminda Wijesekera; Ricardo Martinho; Rui Rijo. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2014, s. 301–309 (Procedia Technology, Vol. 16)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Michelle Antero; Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Sourcing Strategies to Keep up with Competition : The Case of SAP.
I: International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, Vol. 2, Nr. 4, 2014, s. 61-74
I: International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, Vol. 2, Nr. 4, 2014, s. 61-74
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Technology-Based Transformation of Digital Ecosystems : The DETT Framework.
I: Proceedings of International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM 2014): Big Data – Revolutionizing How We Live, Work, and Think. . red. /Dong Thi Bich Thuy; Annette Mills; Hien T. Nguyen. Red Hook, NY : Curran Associates, Inc. 2014, s. 1-14
I: Proceedings of International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM 2014): Big Data – Revolutionizing How We Live, Work, and Think. . red. /Dong Thi Bich Thuy; Annette Mills; Hien T. Nguyen. Red Hook, NY : Curran Associates, Inc. 2014, s. 1-14
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / The Initiation of IS Projects : An Organizational Response Perspective.
Paper presented at ICIS 2014 JAIS Theory Development Workshop, 2014
Paper presented at ICIS 2014 JAIS Theory Development Workshop, 2014
Paper > peer review
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / Time-out/Time-in : The Dynamics of Everyday Experiential Computing Devices.
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 24, Nr. 2, 2014, s. 143-166
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 24, Nr. 2, 2014, s. 143-166
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Transformation of Digital Ecosystems : The Case of Digital Payments.
I: Information and Communication Technology: Second IFIP TC5/8 International Conference, ICT-EurAsia 2014 Bali, Indonesia, April 14–17, 2014 Proceedings. Heidelberg : Springer Science+Business Media 2014, s. 46-55 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nr. 8407)
I: Information and Communication Technology: Second IFIP TC5/8 International Conference, ICT-EurAsia 2014 Bali, Indonesia, April 14–17, 2014 Proceedings. Heidelberg : Springer Science+Business Media 2014, s. 46-55 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nr. 8407)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Christel Augsburg; Jonas Hedman / Value Added Services and Adoption of Mobile Payments
I: ICEC '14: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce. . red. /Shih-Fen Cheng; Johnna Capitano. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2014, s. 27-32
I: ICEC '14: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce. . red. /Shih-Fen Cheng; Johnna Capitano. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2014, s. 27-32
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Development of Industry-Wide IS Integration Model in the Agri-Industry
I: Agribusiness and Information Management, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 20-30
I: Agribusiness and Information Management, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 20-30
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Nikhil Srinivasan; Rikard Lindgren / Digital Traces of Information Systems : Sociomateriality Made Researchable.
I: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems. ICIS 2013. red. /Richard Baskerville; Michael Chau. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2013
I: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems. ICIS 2013. red. /Richard Baskerville; Michael Chau. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2013
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Michelle C. Antero; Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Evolution of Business Models : A Case Study of SAP.
I: ECIS 2013 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2013 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
I: ECIS 2013 ProceedingsAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2013 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Sang-Un Chae; Jonas Hedman / Exploring Business Models for NFC Enabled Mobile Payment Services : The Case of Google Wallet and ISIS.
Paper presented at DiBME 2013, 2013
Paper presented at DiBME 2013, 2013
Eric Clemons; Jonas Hedman; Saonee Sarker; Daniel Veit / Information Systems Journal Special Issue in the 'Digitisation in Business Models and Entrepreneurship'
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 23, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 277-279
I: Information Systems Journal, Vol. 23, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 277-279
Leder > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Mikael Schonström / Managerial and Ontological Issues in the Development of Enterprise Architechture : Experiences from a Case Study.
I: Journal of Enterprise Architecture, Vol. 9, Nr. 2, 5.2013, s. 44-53
I: Journal of Enterprise Architecture, Vol. 9, Nr. 2, 5.2013, s. 44-53
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Emma Svensson; Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Payment Research : A Litterature Review.
I: Proceedings: Second International Cashless Society Roundtable. . red. /Fergal Carton; Jonas Hedman. København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region 2013, s. 53-70
I: Proceedings: Second International Cashless Society Roundtable. . red. /Fergal Carton; Jonas Hedman. København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region 2013, s. 53-70
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Emma Svensson; Jonas Hedman; Xiao Xiao / Payment as a Function of Context and Value : A Conjoint Analysis.
I: Proceedings: Second International Cashless Society Roundtable. . red. /Fergal Carton; Jonas Hedman. København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region 2013, s. 23-28
I: Proceedings: Second International Cashless Society Roundtable. . red. /Fergal Carton; Jonas Hedman. København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region 2013, s. 23-28
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Fergal Carton (Redaktør) ; Jonas Hedman (Redaktør) / Proceedings : Second International Cashless Society Roundtable (ICSR).
København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region The 2nd International Cashless Society Roundtable, 2013, 70 s.
København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region The 2nd International Cashless Society Roundtable, 2013, 70 s.
Antologi > peer review
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Shaping Information Infrastructure Evolution : Governmental Claims of Architectural Control Points.
I: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on eGovernment. red. /Walter Castelnovo; Elena Ferrari. Vol. 1, Como : Academic Conferences and Publishing International The 13th European Conference on eGovernment, 2013, s. 240-247 (Proceedings of the European Conference on eGovernment)
I: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on eGovernment. red. /Walter Castelnovo; Elena Ferrari. Vol. 1, Como : Academic Conferences and Publishing International The 13th European Conference on eGovernment, 2013, s. 240-247 (Proceedings of the European Conference on eGovernment)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Andreas Borell / Broadening Information Systems Evaluation through Narratives
I: Leading Issues in ICT Evaluation Research. red. /Egon Berghout. Vol. 1, Reading : Academic Publishing International Limited 2012, s. 1-16 (Leading Issues)
I: Leading Issues in ICT Evaluation Research. red. /Egon Berghout. Vol. 1, Reading : Academic Publishing International Limited 2012, s. 1-16 (Leading Issues)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Collaboration and Competition in the Payment Eco-system
I: Proceedings First International Cashless Society Roundtable (ICSR): Copenhagen, Denmark, April 18 & 19, 2012. . red. /Jonas Hedman. København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region 2012, s. 47
I: Proceedings First International Cashless Society Roundtable (ICSR): Copenhagen, Denmark, April 18 & 19, 2012. . red. /Jonas Hedman. København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region 2012, s. 47
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Competition and Collaboration Shaping the Digital Payment Infrastructure
I: ICEC '12 Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce. red. /Rajendra Srivastava; Steven Miller; Lim Ee-Peng. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2012, s. 178-185
I: ICEC '12 Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce. red. /Rajendra Srivastava; Steven Miller; Lim Ee-Peng. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2012, s. 178-185
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Mia Olsen; Jonas Hedman; Ravi Vatrapu / Designing Digital Payment Artifacts
I: ICEC '12: Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce. . red. /Rajendra Srivastava; Steven Miller; Lim Ee-Peng. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2012, s. 161-168
I: ICEC '12: Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce. . red. /Rajendra Srivastava; Steven Miller; Lim Ee-Peng. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2012, s. 161-168
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman / Det pengeløse samfund : Udfordringer og implikationer.
Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Digital Payments Infrastructure Evolution : Requirements on Organizational Capabilities.
Paper presented at Innovation in Information Infrastructures. 2012, 2012
Paper presented at Innovation in Information Infrastructures. 2012, 2012
Paper > peer review
Fergal Carton; Jonas Hedman; Jan Damsgaard; Kay-Ti Tan; J.B. McCarthy / Framework for Mobile Payments Integration
I: Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Vol. 15, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 13-24
I: Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Vol. 15, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 13-24
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Green IT : Sustainability from a Information Systems Perspective.
I: CBS Sustainability Quarterly , Vol. 3, 10.2012, s. 29-31
I: CBS Sustainability Quarterly , Vol. 3, 10.2012, s. 29-31
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Industry-wide Supply Chain Information Integration : The Lack of Management and Disjoint Economic Responsibility .
I: Information Technologies, Methods, and Techniques of Supply Chain Management. red. /John Wang. Hersley, PA : Idea Group Publishing 2012, s. 98-117 (Business Science Reference)
I: Information Technologies, Methods, and Techniques of Supply Chain Management. red. /John Wang. Hersley, PA : Idea Group Publishing 2012, s. 98-117 (Business Science Reference)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Information Systems Integration in the Food Industry
I: Nordic Contributions in IS Research: Third Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, SCIS 2012 Sigtuna, Sweden, August 17–20, 2012 Proceedings. . red. /Christina Keller; Mikael Wiberg; Pär J. Ågerfalk; Jenny S. Z. Eriksson Lundström. Heidelberg : Springer Science+Business Media 2012, s. 145-160 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)
I: Nordic Contributions in IS Research: Third Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, SCIS 2012 Sigtuna, Sweden, August 17–20, 2012 Proceedings. . red. /Christina Keller; Mikael Wiberg; Pär J. Ågerfalk; Jenny S. Z. Eriksson Lundström. Heidelberg : Springer Science+Business Media 2012, s. 145-160 (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson; Lisen Selander / Organizational Self-Renewal : The Role of Green IS in Developing Eco-Effectiveness.
I: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012. red. / F. George Joey. Vol. 1, Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2012, s. 853-871 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Vol. 2012)
I: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012. red. / F. George Joey. Vol. 1, Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2012, s. 853-871 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Vol. 2012)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman (Redaktør) / Proceedings First International Cashless Society Roundtable (ICSR) : Copenhagen, Denmark, April 18 & 19, 2012.
København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region The 1st International Cashless Society Roundtable, 2012, 51 s. (Fremtidens penge / Future of Money)
København : Copenhagen Finance IT Region The 1st International Cashless Society Roundtable, 2012, 51 s. (Fremtidens penge / Future of Money)
Antologi > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Towards Sustainable Banking : The Nordea Case.
I: The Future of Banking Services. red. /Jaakko Aspar; Risto Rajala; Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. Helsinki : Aalto University 2012, s. 107-121 (Aalto University Publication Series. Business and Economy)
I: The Future of Banking Services. red. /Jaakko Aspar; Risto Rajala; Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. Helsinki : Aalto University 2012, s. 107-121 (Aalto University Publication Series. Business and Economy)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Linda Frygell; Sven Carlsson; Jonas Hedman / CRM System Implementation : How Great Expectations in Sweden are Dashed in China.
I: Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, Vol. 13, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 7-20
I: Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, Vol. 13, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 7-20
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Ravi Vatrapu; Mia Olsen / E-Wallet Prototypes
I: Service Oriented Perspectives in Design Science Research: 6th International Conference, DESRIST 2011, Milwaukee, WI, USA, May 5-6, 2011. Proceedings. . red. /Hemant Jain; Atish P. Sinha; Padmal Vitharana. Berlin : Springer Science+Business Media 2011, s. 223-237 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 6629)
I: Service Oriented Perspectives in Design Science Research: 6th International Conference, DESRIST 2011, Milwaukee, WI, USA, May 5-6, 2011. Proceedings. . red. /Hemant Jain; Atish P. Sinha; Padmal Vitharana. Berlin : Springer Science+Business Media 2011, s. 223-237 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 6629)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Mia Olsen; Jonas Hedman; Ravi Vatrapu / E-Wallets
: Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2011, 16 s.
: Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2011, 16 s.
Working paper
Mia Olsen; Jonas Hedman; Ravi Vatrapu / E-wallet Properties
I: Proceedings of the 2011 10th International Conference on Mobile Business: ICMB 2011. Washington DC : IEEE 2011, s. 158-165
I: Proceedings of the 2011 10th International Conference on Mobile Business: ICMB 2011. Washington DC : IEEE 2011, s. 158-165
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Mia Olsen; Jonas Hedman; Ravi Vatrapu / HCI Issues in Mobile Wallet Design
Abstract from The Tenth Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS. SIGCHI 2011, 2011
Abstract from The Tenth Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS. SIGCHI 2011, 2011
Konferenceabstrakt til konference > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Nordea Goes Green with IT : From 2007-2010.
: Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2011, 36 s.
: Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2011, 36 s.
Working paper
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Three Strategies for Green IT : Storefront, Tuning and Redesign.
I: I T Professional, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, 2011, s. 54-57
I: I T Professional, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, 2011, s. 54-57
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Fergal Carton; Jonas Hedman; Jan Damsgaard; Kay-Ti Tan; J.B. McCarthy / Towards a Framework for the Evaluation of Mobile Payments Integration
I: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation. red. /Walter Castelnovo; Elena Ferrar. Reading : Academic Publishing Limited 2011, s. 84-91
I: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation. red. /Walter Castelnovo; Elena Ferrar. Reading : Academic Publishing Limited 2011, s. 84-91
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman / A Selection Method for COTS Systems
Frederiksberg : Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2010, 15 s. (CAICT Communications, Nr. 2010/1)
Frederiksberg : Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2010, 15 s. (CAICT Communications, Nr. 2010/1)
Working paper
Jonas Hedman / ERP Systems : Critical Factors in Theory and Practice.
Frederiksberg : Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2010, 27 s. (CAICT Communications, Nr. 2010/2)
Frederiksberg : Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2010, 27 s. (CAICT Communications, Nr. 2010/2)
Working paper
Jonas Hedman; Heidi Tscherning / Emotions and Intention to Buy : Applying Neuro-is on the Adoption of the Iphone.
Poster session presented at The 2010 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference / CoNEcs, 2010, 12 s.
Poster session presented at The 2010 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference / CoNEcs, 2010, 12 s.
Poster > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Heidi Tscherning / Emotions and Intention to Buy : Applying Neuro-IS on the Adoption on the iPhone.
Paper presented at The 2010 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference / CoNEcs, 2010
Paper presented at The 2010 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference / CoNEcs, 2010
Paper > peer review
Stefan Henningsson; Jonas Hedman / Industry-Wide Supply Chain Information Integration : The Lack of Management and Disjoint Economic Responsibility.
I: International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2010, s. 1-20
I: International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2010, s. 1-20
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Sven A. Carlsson; Jonas Hedman; Odd Steen / Integrated Curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Business information Systems Design (BISD 2010)
I: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 26, 4.2010, s. 525-546
I: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 26, 4.2010, s. 525-546
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Johansson Björn / Measuring Utilization of ERP Systems Usage in SMEs
I: Enterprise Information Systems Design, Implementation and Management: Organizational Applications. . red. /Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha; João Varajão. Hershey, PA : Idea Group Publishing 2010, s. 287-299
I: Enterprise Information Systems Design, Implementation and Management: Organizational Applications. . red. /Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha; João Varajão. Hershey, PA : Idea Group Publishing 2010, s. 287-299
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / Technology Use : Time-in or Time-Out?.
Paper presented at The 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2010 , 2010
Paper presented at The 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2010 , 2010
Paper > peer review
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / Technology Use : Time-in or Time-out?.
I: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems. red. /Trish Alexander; Marita Turpin; JP van Deventer. www : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2010
I: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems. red. /Trish Alexander; Marita Turpin; JP van Deventer. www : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2010
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Gregory Gimpel / The Adoption of Hyped Technologies : A Qualitative Study.
I: Information Technology and Management, Vol. 11, Nr. 4, 2010
I: Information Technology and Management, Vol. 11, Nr. 4, 2010
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / The Values of Using Smart Phones
I: Selected Papers of the 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia: Inclusive Design. red. /Julie Molka-Danielsen. : TAPIR Akademisk Forlag The 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. IRIS 2009, 2010, s. 203-216
I: Selected Papers of the 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia: Inclusive Design. red. /Julie Molka-Danielsen. : TAPIR Akademisk Forlag The 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. IRIS 2009, 2010, s. 203-216
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Jonas Hedman / Affärsnytta och spridning av affärssystem
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 29-46
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 29-46
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Philippe Devantier Becker; Jonas Hedman / Evolving Business Models in the Computer Game Industry : A Case Study.
I: Proceedings of the eChallenges e-2009 Conference. red. /Paul Cunningham; Miriam Cunningham. 2009, s. 1-8
I: Proceedings of the eChallenges e-2009 Conference. red. /Paul Cunningham; Miriam Cunningham. 2009, s. 1-8
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Information Infrastructures in the Extended Value Chain of the Food Industry
I: Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment. . red. /James Sheffield. : ISCE Publishing 2009, s. 189-197
I: Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment. . red. /James Sheffield. : ISCE Publishing 2009, s. 189-197
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius / Inledning
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 17-25
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 17-25
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Jonas Hedman; M. Lind / Is There Only One Systems Development Life Cycle?
I: Information systems Develeopment: Challenges in practice, Theory and Education. . red. /Chris Barry; Kieran Conboy; Michael Lang; W. Gregory Wojtkowski; Wita Wojtkowski. Vol. 1., : Springer Science+Business Media 2009, s. 105-116
I: Information systems Develeopment: Challenges in practice, Theory and Education. . red. /Chris Barry; Kieran Conboy; Michael Lang; W. Gregory Wojtkowski; Wita Wojtkowski. Vol. 1., : Springer Science+Business Media 2009, s. 105-116
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Mikael Lind / Livscykler och affärssystem
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 121-144
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 121-144
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Björn Johansson / Measuring ERP Systems Usage
I: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Management : Göteborg Universitet 2009, s. 206-213
I: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Management : Göteborg Universitet 2009, s. 206-213
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Björn Johansson / Measuring Extent of ERP Systems Utilization in Enterprises
I: Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2009. red. /Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha; João Eduardo Quintela Varajão; Luís Alfredo Martins do Amaral. 2009, s. 303-314
I: Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2009. red. /Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha; João Eduardo Quintela Varajão; Luís Alfredo Martins do Amaral. 2009, s. 303-314
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jan Damsgaard; Jonas Hedman / Mobile Services Revisited : An Analysis of ICMB 2006.
Frederiksberg : Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2009, 17 s. (CAICT Communications, Nr. 2009/2)
Frederiksberg : Center for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS 2009, 17 s. (CAICT Communications, Nr. 2009/2)
Working paper
Sven Carlsson; Jonas Hedman; Odd Steen / Model Curriculum for a Bachelor of Science Program in Business Information Systems Design : Organisational Impacts.
I: Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education. . red. /Chris Barry; Kieran Conboy; Michael Lang; Gregory Wojtowski; Wita Wojtowski. Vol. 2, : Springer Science+Business Media 2009, s. 781-794
I: Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education. . red. /Chris Barry; Kieran Conboy; Michael Lang; Gregory Wojtowski; Wita Wojtowski. Vol. 2, : Springer Science+Business Media 2009, s. 781-794
Konferencebidrag i proceedings
Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius / Sammanfattning och slutsatser
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 269-276
I: Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige. red. /Jonas Hedman; Fredrik Nilsson; Alf Westelius. Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, s. 269-276
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / Smart Phones and their Substitutes : Task-Medium Fit and Business Models.
I: Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on Mobile Business, 2009. ICMB 2009. red. /Xiangpei Hu; Eusebio Scornavacca; Qing Hu. Los Alamitos, CA : IEEE 2009, s. 24-29
I: Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on Mobile Business, 2009. ICMB 2009. red. /Xiangpei Hu; Eusebio Scornavacca; Qing Hu. Los Alamitos, CA : IEEE 2009, s. 24-29
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / Technology Use as Consumption : A Longitudinal Study of Smart Phones.
Paper presented at International Conference on Information Systems 2009, 2009
Paper presented at International Conference on Information Systems 2009, 2009
Paper > peer review
Jonas Hedman (Redaktør) ; Fredrik Nilsson (Redaktør) ; Alf Westelius (Redaktør) / Temperaturen på affärssystem i Sverige
Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, 291 s.
Lund : Studentlitteratur 2009, 291 s.
Antologi > peer review
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / The User Experience of Smart Phones : A Consumption Values Approach.
Paper presented at Global Mobility Roundtable, 2009
Paper presented at Global Mobility Roundtable, 2009
Paper > peer review
Mads Bødker; Gregory Gimpel; Jonas Hedman / The Values of Using Smart Phones
Paper presented at The 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. IRIS 2009, 2009
Paper presented at The 32nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. IRIS 2009, 2009
Paper > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Mikael Lind; Olov Forsgren; Lars Albinsson / Business Models for Public Private Partnership : The 3P Framework.
I: Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications. . red. /P. Cunningham; M. Cunningham. : IOS Press 2008, s. 484-491 (Case Studies, Vol. 5)
I: Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications. . red. /P. Cunningham; M. Cunningham. : IOS Press 2008, s. 484-491 (Case Studies, Vol. 5)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningson / ERP Systems in the Extended Value Chain of the Food Industry
I: ERP Systems and Organizational Change: A Socio-Technical Insight. . red. /Bernard Grabot; Anne Mayére; Isabelle Bazet. London : Springer Science+Business Media 2008, s. 13-25
I: ERP Systems and Organizational Change: A Socio-Technical Insight. . red. /Bernard Grabot; Anne Mayére; Isabelle Bazet. London : Springer Science+Business Media 2008, s. 13-25
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Heidi Tscherning / Emotions, Possession and Willingness to Pay : The Case of iPhone.
I: Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications. . red. /P. Cunningham; M. Cunningham. : IOS Press 2008, s. 1304-1311 (Case Studies, Vol. 5)
I: Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications. . red. /P. Cunningham; M. Cunningham. : IOS Press 2008, s. 1304-1311 (Case Studies, Vol. 5)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson; Björn Johansson / Towards a Framework for Enterprise System Integration in Industries
Paper presented at The 3gERP Workshop, 2008
Paper presented at The 3gERP Workshop, 2008
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson; Björn Johansson / Towards a framework for IS integration in industries
Paper presented at Microsoft Academic Preconference and Convergence 2008, 2008
Paper presented at Microsoft Academic Preconference and Convergence 2008, 2008
Bo A. T. Andersson; Jonas Hedman / Developing M-services : Lessons learned from the developers perspective.
I: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 20, 2007, s. 605-620
I: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 20, 2007, s. 605-620
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Bo Andersson; Jonas Hedman / Diffusion of Advanced Mobile Services : A Survey of Large Swedish Firms.
Paper presented at 6th Annual Global Mobility Roundtable 2007, 2007
Paper presented at 6th Annual Global Mobility Roundtable 2007, 2007
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Information infrastructures in the Extended Value Chain of the Food Industry
Paper presented at The 13th Australia and New Zealand Systems Conference (ANZSYS '07), 2007
Paper presented at The 13th Australia and New Zealand Systems Conference (ANZSYS '07), 2007
Michael Lind; Lars Albinsson; Olov Forsgren; Jonas Hedman / Integrated Development, Use and Learning in a Co-design Setting : Experiences from the Incremental Deployment of e-Me.
I: Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies. . red. /Paul Cunningham; Miriam Cunningham. Vol. 4, : IOS Press 2007, s. 773-780
I: Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies. . red. /Paul Cunningham; Miriam Cunningham. Vol. 4, : IOS Press 2007, s. 773-780
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Mikael Lind / Is there only one systems development life cycle?
Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2007), 2007
Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2007), 2007
Paper > peer review
Sven Carlsson; Jonas Hedman; Odd T. Steen / Model Curriculum for a Bachelor of Science Program in Business Information Systems Design (BISD 2007) : Organisational Impacts.
Paper presented at The 16th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2007), 2007
Paper presented at The 16th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2007), 2007
Paper > peer review
Sven A. Carlsson; Jonas Hedman; Odd T. Steen / Model Curriculum for a Bachelor of Science Programme in Business Information Systems Design (BISD 2007)
Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems & Technology, 2007
Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems & Technology, 2007
Paper > peer review
Bo Andersson; Jonas Hedman; Mikael Lind / The Adoption of Advanced Mobile Services
I: Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Application, Case Studies. . red. /Paul Cunningham; Miriam Cunningham. Vol. 4, : IOS Press 2007, s. 1508-1514
I: Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Application, Case Studies. . red. /Paul Cunningham; Miriam Cunningham. Vol. 4, : IOS Press 2007, s. 1508-1514
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson; Paul Pierce / The IS integration of Extended Value Chains from an Alliance perspective
Paper presented at The 13th Asia Pacific Management Conference (APMC 2007), 2007
Paper presented at The 13th Asia Pacific Management Conference (APMC 2007), 2007
Flere resultater ...(i alt 135 )
Jonas Hedman (Udøver) / Rig på viden E130 : Instant payments with Jonas Hedman.
København : Rig på viden 2023
København : Rig på viden 2023
Lyd og/eller billed produktion (digital)
Jonas Hedman (Udøver) / Rig på viden. E53 : A Cashless Society with Jonas Hedman.
København : Rig på viden 2022
København : Rig på viden 2022
Lyd og/eller billed produktion (digital)
Lars Ohnemus; Jan Damsgaard; Jonas Hedman; Lars Christensen; Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose; Alexandra Andhov; Rasmus Kristian Feldthusen / Hvis Danmark ikke får en e-krone, mister vi mulighed for selv at bestemme
I: Berlingske, 30.11.2021, s. 24-25
I: Berlingske, 30.11.2021, s. 24-25
Bidrag til avis - Kronik
Jonas Hedman (Udøver) ; Anne Kejser (Producent) / Kejserriget: Min pung er tom
Silkeborg : Jyske Bank 2020
Silkeborg : Jyske Bank 2020
Lyd og/eller billed produktion (digital)
Jonas Hedman (Udøver) ; Carola Schmitz-Becker (Udøver) ; Lothar Meenen (Udøver) / Treasury in Real-time : Expert Voices: 2.
Sandwich : Treasury Today 2018
Sandwich : Treasury Today 2018
Lyd og/eller billed produktion (digital)
Niklas Arvidsson; Jonas Hedman / Skrota kontanterna : Här är lösningarna.
I: Aftonbladet, 25.11.2017
I: Aftonbladet, 25.11.2017
Bidrag til avis - Kommentar/debat
Niklas Arvidsson; Jonas Hedman / Stefan Ingves har en gammaldags syn på pengar
I: Dagens Nyheter, 21.3.2016
I: Dagens Nyheter, 21.3.2016
Bidrag til avis - Kommentar/debat
Jonas Hedman; Stefan Henningsson / Nordea goes Green with IT
I: Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. . red. /Kenneth C. Laudon; Jane P. Laudon. Harlow : Pearson Longman 2011, s. 216-217
I: Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. . red. /Kenneth C. Laudon; Jane P. Laudon. Harlow : Pearson Longman 2011, s. 216-217
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Jonas Hedman; Mikael Lind; Bill Andersson; Olov Forsgren / Lyft fram goda it-exempel
I: Computer Sweden, 15.6.2007
I: Computer Sweden, 15.6.2007
Bidrag til avis - Avisartikel
Flere resultater ...(i alt 11 )
Professor: Det kommer Netcompanys milliard-opkøb af SDC til at betyde for den danske bank-sektor
10/02/2025 // Computerworld.dk // Frederik Therkildsen
Formand om salg til Netcompany: ''Det bliver en gamechanger i banksektoren”
10/02/2025 // Computerworld.dk // Frederik Therkildsen
Myt att äldre använder kontanter mer
08/10/2024 // Nya Dagbladet // Sofie Persson
Vi har stadig pengesedler og mønter i pungen: Se, hvor i landet vi oftest bruger kontanter
07/10/2024 // Dr.dk // Lise Soelberg & Allan Bo Poulsen
DR P4 Midt & Vest Nyheder 07.10.2024 15:30
07/10/2024 // DR P4 Midt & Vest Nyheder 15.30
Er det dig? Har du stadigvæk kontanter i din pung?
07/10/2024 // Msn.dk // Kasper Rud
I årevis overhørte Nordea advarsler om ”Bin Laden-sedlen” - nu er der nyt i sagen
12/07/2024 // Tv2.dk // Mikkel Walentin Mortensen
Kort eller kontanter?
03/07/2024 // cbs.dk // Copenhagen Business School
Skal vi begynde at gemme penge i sofaen til krisen? Hvis strømmen går i flere dage, vil »et vildt scenarie« udspille sig
19/06/2024 // Jyllands-posten.dk // Didde Venzel Frost
Råd til forbrug
18/05/2024 // Ude og Hjemme // Gitte Gerner Eriksen
Forbrugerrådet om gebyrsvipser: Danskerne er blevet snydt for et tocifret milliardbeløb
22/03/2024 // Jyllands-Posten // Michael Stenvei
Vi har betalt for meget i 11 år: Lovsvipser har kostet danskerne tocifret milliardbeløb i gebyrer
22/03/2024 // denoffentlige.dk // J. Bøgen
Lovfejl koster danske forbrugere milliarder
19/03/2024 // Tænk // Morten Steiniche og Sally Jensen
Ulovlige gebyrer på indbetalingskort
19/03/2024 // Tænk // Morten Steiniche og Sally Jensen
Større Betalingsservicegebyrer på grund af fejlagtig lov
19/03/2024 // Tænk // Morten Steiniche og Sally Jensen
På papiret mangler der tech-kompetencer i landets bestyrelser: Bankerne har outsourcet it-hjernen
30/01/2024 // Finanswatch.dk // Mikkel Kjær og Martine Thorsager Stock
Skal vi til at gemme penge i madrassen ligesom svenskerne?
17/01/2024 // Politiken // Per Thiemann
"Langt de fleste" kontanter bruges ifølge Peter Kofod på lovlige formål. Men det kan han umuligt vide
06/12/2023 // Tjekdet.dk // Daniel Greneaa Hansen og Kalle Thue Gregersen
Bør vi gemme kontanter i tilfælde af cyberkrig? Nej, siger ekspert, men flere nabolande opfordrer til det
01/12/2023 // Tv2.dk // Mads Oxlund Petersen
Švedska izbacila kes iz upotrebe! Čovek koji je najzaslužniji za to za Kurir predviđa kad će ostatak sveta poći ovim putem
03/11/2023 // Kurir // Infobiz
Dankortet fylder 40 år: Har plastickortet en fremtid?
31/08/2023 // Kristeligt Dagblad // Michael Særkjær og Jeppe Schropp
Σουηδία δεν χρησιμοποιεί μετρητά
26/03/2023 // iGuRu
Szwecja miała być pierwszym bezgotówkowym krajem na świecie. Śmierć płatności gotówkowych zapowiedziano na marzec 2023 r. I co?
15/03/2023 // Subiektywnie O Finansach // Maciej Danielewicz
A Suécia quer aposentar o dinheiro em espécie. O que esperar?
09/03/2023 // Bloomberg Linea // Lionel Laurent
Има ли някакви рискове? Швеция излиза без пари в брой
02/03/2023 // Darik News
Sweden Is Ditching Cash. Just Wait for the Fallout
01/03/2023 // Washingtonpost // Lionel Laurent
Analysis | Sweden Is Ditching Cash. Just Wait for the Fallout
01/03/2023 // World News Era // Laurie Foti
The cashless economy: Sweden's switch to digital tells a cautionary tale
01/03/2023 // Business Standard // Lionel Laurent
La Suède abandonne l'argent. Attendez juste les retombées
01/03/2023 // Les Actualites
Colonizarea digitală: pericolele renunțării la banii cash
01/03/2023 // National
Ποια χώρα κατάργησε τα μετρητά - Μια επιτυχία με αστερίσκους
01/03/2023 // Phile News // Lionel Laurent (Bloomberg news)
Швеция захвърли кеша, а светът научи важни уроци
01/03/2023 // investor.bg // Виктория Тошкова & Бойчо Попов
Opfordring til at bruge flere kontanter deles i tusindvis, men kortet er altså billigere
31/01/2023 // Tjekdet.dk // Kalle Thue Gregersen, Andreas Søndergaard Petersen
Mærsks digitale revolution kører i slæbegear: »Ingen taler om blockchain længere«
12/10/2022 // Finans.dk // Steffen Villadsen
Tradelens-direktør kalder blockchain-løsning en succes - men vil ikke sige, hvor mange der bruger den
12/10/2022 // Finans.dk // Steffen Villadsen
Mønterne gemmer på vores historie - men vi orker ikke at bruge dem længere
31/07/2022 // Berlingske // Julie Søltoft
Ruslands rigeste taber svimlende summer på papiret - men virkeligheden ser anderledes ud
05/04/2022 // Tv2.dk // Louise Bolvig Hansen
Bestil en CBS-forsker til Forskningens Døgn
16/03/2022 // Cbs.dk (Copenhagen Business School)
Professor: Kritiske russere kan donere penge til Ukraine uden at blive opdaget
10/03/2022 // Politiken // Jonas Bach-Madsen
Vesten lod det helt store våben blive i hylsteret: 'Ukraines mænd, kvinder og børns blod er på jeres hænder'
25/02/2022 // DR.dk // Marcel Mirzaei-Fard
Dansk fintech er på vej mod børsnotering
13/01/2022 // Børsen // Katrine Søndermark
Dansk fintech har digitaliseret boligsalg og fjernet mægleren - nu vil den børsnoteres
12/01/2022 // Borsen.dk/nyheder/finans // Katrine Søndermark
Danmark bør overveje udvikling af e-krone
21/12/2021 // Finansforbundet.dk
Cure for the Itch: Deputizing Blockchain to Fight Public Corruption
18/12/2021 // Cointelegraph: The Future of Money // Andrew Singer
Syv forskere i opråb til Lars Rohde: Vil have dansk e-krone
30/11/2021 // Finanswatch.dk; Itwatch.dk // Mette Mandrup
Can blockchain technology battle corruption? Yes, CBS research suggests
27/09/2021 // Cbswire.dk // Anne Thora Lykkegaard
Nu kommer penge med udløbsdato
27/08/2021 // Magasinet Finans // Bjørn Willum
Partier uenige om udfasning af kontanter
27/07/2021 // Radio4.dk // Anne Phillipsen
Køen slanger sig
12/07/2021 // Udogse.dk
Psst! Knas tørre kontanter?
01/07/2021 // Ud og Se // Benjamin Dane
National e-valuta kan igen give nationalbankerne magten over pengene
19/04/2021 // Mandag Morgen // Simon Friis Date
En digital euro "er uundgåelig" og har potentialet til at ændre finanssektoren som vi kender den
19/02/2021 // Finanswatch.dk // Mads Oddershede
Helle Olsson insisterer på at betale sine børn lommepenge i kontanter
01/02/2021 // Jyllands-Posten // Thomas Lund Hansen
Kontanterne er på vej ud af lommerne på danskerne - men en gruppe borgere stritter imod
31/01/2021 // Jyllands-Posten // Thomas Lund Hansen
Professor: Bankerne er ikke skurken
15/11/2020 // Viborg Stifts Folkeblad // Julie Goul Svendsen og Niels Christian Jönsson
Banker hæver gebyrer drastisk og presser små foreningers pengekasser
25/10/2020 // Jydske Vestkysten // Amalie Tarp Borup
Fysiske penge forsvinder ikke helt
23/10/2020 // Magasinet Finans // Carsten Jørgensen
Kejserriget: Min pung er tom
15/10/2020 // Jyskebank.tv // Anne Kejser
Cashless Future Ahead? Utopian Digital Dream with Dystopian Inequality
02/10/2020 // Cointelegraph // Andrew Singer
Betalingsmidler gennem tiderne
21/08/2020 // Magasinet Finans // Regner Hansen
Jeg betalte dagens ret med mit ansigt -men IT-ekspert advarer
02/01/2020 // Berlingske // Søren Martin Olsen
Kort eller kontant? Disse ting afgør, hvordan du betaler i udlandet
09/12/2019 // Børsen.dk (Abonnementsområde) // Michael Rachlin
I fremtiden kan du betale uden at røre en finger
02/12/2019 // Børsen.dk (Abonnementsområde) // Tina Nikolajsen
Interview mit Jonas Hedman - Vox pop
29/09/2019 // Arte.tv // Nora Hamadi
Ny tænketank ser nærmere på automatisering
24/09/2019 // Finansforbundet.dk // Carsten Jørgensen
Coins vs Contactless: Should businesses be forced to accept cash?
18/09/2019 // Roundtable // David Foster
Operation X afslører: Pengetransportfirma er involveret i omfattende hvidvasksag
09/05/2019 // TV 2 /Nyhederne Online // Steen Schat-Holm
Children Think Their Parents Have a Magic Card
12/03/2019 // Nets.eu
Financial Health for the Future of Work
01/01/2019 // Financial Health for the Future of Work
Bankgebyrers himmelflugt dræner foreningers pengekasser
11/12/2018 // Altinget.dk // Julie Hjerl Hansen, Linus Klemp
Bankgebyrers himmelflugt dræner foreningers pengekasser
11/12/2018 // Altinget.dk // Julie Hjerl Hansen, Linus Klemp
Cafeer, værtshuse og pizzeriaer snyder med skat og moms
19/11/2018 // DR1 TV-Avisen 18.30 // Martin Kiil
Professor: Digitale kasseapparater vil kunne give milliarder til staten
19/11/2018 // DR P3 Nyhederne
Digitale kasseapparater kan stoppe snyd med moms og skat
19/11/2018 // DR1 TV-Avisen 21.30 // Martin Kiil
Frisør og grønthandler i Malmø om digitale kasseapparater: Danmark bør kopiere os
19/11/2018 // DR.dk // Oliver Batchelor
Reassessing Digital Transformation - The Change Imperative for Financial Services
06/11/2018 // Briefing Paper - Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
Venner er blevet til fjender, men dankortet nægter at dø
03/11/2018 // Jyllands-Posten // René Deichgræber
Forskere forudsiger farvel til kontanter i Danmark i 2025
23/10/2018 // Finanswatch.dk // Thomas Bo Christensen
Forskere spår kontantløst Danmark i 2025
23/10/2018 // Berlingske // Matias Ludvig Littauer
Gebyrfest for 200 mia. dollars: Derfor er betalingsselskaber blevet det nye guldæg i erhvervslivet
28/09/2018 // Jyllands-posten.dk (Abonnementsområde) // Rene Deichgræber
Dyr streaming: Danskerne betaler mest for Netflix
16/09/2018 // B.T. // Amanda Mortensen
Danskerne betaler mest for Netflix
14/09/2018 // BT.dk // Amanda Mortensen
Har du styr på, hvilke bankpapirer du har adgang til?
14/09/2018 // Tænk Penge // Anne Rumland Østbygaard, Rasmus Buhl
Konkurrencesagen mod Nets rejser en stribe : barske spørgsmål
31/08/2018 // Jyllands-Posten // Jette Aagaard, René Deichgræber
Konkurrencefusk kan have forgyldt ledelsen i Nets
31/08/2018 // Jyllands-Posten // Jette Aagaard, René Deichgræber
Trump lægger dæmper på investorernes optimisme med WTO-trusler
31/08/2018 // Business.dk
Top-ledelsen i Nets kan have scoret store gevinster på aftaler, som nu er meldt til politiet
31/08/2018 // Computerworld Online // Dan Jensen
Going Cashless: What Can We Learn from Sweden’s Experience?
31/08/2018 // Knowledge@Wharton
Lektor: Før eller siden forsvinder kontanterne i Danmark
14/08/2018 // Ritzaus Bureau // Mads Petersen
Bankchef vil afskaffe kontanter i 2025
14/08/2018 // Ritzaus Bureau // Christian Grunert Rantorp
Denmark will eventually be cash-free: expert
14/08/2018 // Thelocal.dk // Ritzau /The Local
Professor: Bargeld bald Geschichte
14/08/2018 // Nordschleswiger.dk // jt
Denne mand leverede millioner til kriminelle fra Nordea
24/05/2018 // TV 2 /Nyhederne Online // Steen Schat-Holm
Du kan betale med din mobil, dit ur, din finger - og mere er på vej
19/05/2018 // Jyllands-Posten // LENE ANDERSEN
Operation X er tilbage med program om Nordea og pengevaskeri
18/05/2018 // Digitalt.tv
Schweden schafft das Bargeld ab. Und alles begann mit Bankräubern.
17/01/2018 // Orange by Handelsblatt // Katharina Blenk
Nets bliver partner med Silicon Valleyselskab
25/12/2017 // Jyllands-Posten // RENE DEICHGRÆBER
Fremtidens pengesystemer vil sladre om din søns colaforbrug
24/12/2017 // Børsen Søndag // Dorthe Bach
Nets bliver partner med Silicon Valley-selskab
22/12/2017 // Finanswatch.dk // Anne Louise Houmann
Mobilepay i rekord med køb for 1 mia. kr. om måneden
21/12/2017 // Finans.dk // Ritzau Finans
Mobilepay banker frem i butikker og online
21/12/2017 // Børsen // Tor Johannesson og Emma Klinker Stephensen tojo@borsen.dk.
Ekspert: Udryddes kontanter, har vi brug for noget andet
25/11/2017 // Børsen Lørdag // Dorthe Bach
Apple Pay og mobilbetaling er blot ét slag i krigen om fremtidens bank
10/11/2017 // Ingeniøren // Magnus Boyemab
Exploring the "FinTech Revolution" With a New Online Course by Copenhagen Business School
Report: Sweden Cashless By 2023
13/10/2017 // Paymentweek.com // Steven Anderson
Is Sweden going cash-free?
12/10/2017 // AOL // Rosie Vare
Här är datumet Sverige väntas bli kontantfritt
Det här datumet försvinner de sista kontanterna
11/10/2017 // Femina.se // Henrik Högström
Blir Sverige världens första kontantlösa samhälle?
11/10/2017 // P4 Kristianstad, Svergies Radio
Will Sweden Become the First Country to Go Cash-Free?
11/10/2017 // NBC News // Kyree Leary, Chelsea Gohd
Sweden could stop using cash by 2023
11/10/2017 // GEAB: Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin
Money, Money, Money: Sweden to Become World's First Cashless Society by 2023
11/10/2017 // Sputniknews
Signal of Change / Sweden on Track to Becoming First Cashless Society by 2023
11/10/2017 // The Future Centre // Munur Munuroglu
På denne datoen er vi et kontantfritt samfunn
11/10/2017 // P4.no // Jan Normann
Store slagsmål om deleøkonomi lurer
10/10/2017 // Berlingske // Jakob Chor
Ny forskning: Då får vi ett kontantfritt samhälle
10/10/2017 // Aftonbladet
Ekspert: Fremtiden kommer til at være kortløs
09/10/2017 // Finans.Børsen.dk
Ekspert: Fremtiden kommer til at være kortløs
09/10/2017 // Børsen // Mads Nicolai Andersen
Tidligere SAS-pilot lander kort-aftale med Fingerprint
09/10/2017 // Børsen // Mads Nicolai Andersen
När slutar handeln med kontanter? Nu finns det ett datum för det
09/10/2017 // Computer Sweden // Karin Lindström
Studie: Det här datumet försvinner kontanter ur handeln
09/10/2017 // Metro // Johan Wikén
Dagen då kontanterna kan försvinna
09/10/2017 // Dagens Nyheter // Dan Lucas
Nyt dansk tech-eventyr samler momentum
22/09/2017 // Jyllands-Posten // Kasper Baatrup
Digitaliseringen er årsagen til den danske del af PostNords milliardunderskud
20/09/2017 // DR1 TV-Avisen 21.30 // Casper Schrøder
Problemerne fortsætter i Postnord: Eksperter spår store tab i Sverige
20/09/2017 // DR.dk // Morten Frandsen, Casper Schrøder
Ja, de penga: Kontantenes svanesang
New £10 note suggests that a cashless society is a long way off
14/09/2017 // matt Reynold
Game on: E-sport er ved at skabe et stort forretningsområde rundt om sig
03/08/2017 // Finans.dk
Professorn om hotet mot kontanterna: Döda swish och stoppa rut och rot
Loyalitet gennem digitale services
04/04/2017 // Visitor // Sandra Samuelsen
Worldlines øverste chef: Man kigger på Mobilepay over hele Europa
15/02/2017 // Børsen // Thomas Zigler og Thomas C. Høie
Træt af at spilde tiden? Her er supermarkedet uden køer og kasser
06/12/2016 // B.dk
Teknologi-startups æder sig ind på bankernes forretning
21/10/2016 // Ingeniøren // Mads Nyvold og Magnus Boye
Swipp lancerer e-handelsløsning
12/10/2016 // Finanswatch.dk // David Bentow
Ep1: Kontanternes svanesang
06/10/2016 // Ja, de penga // Stig Arild Pettersen
Farvel till den klingende mønt
01/10/2016 // Nordea Private Banking Nr 23, pp 24-26 // Mads Nyvold
Er Danmark klar til at vinde digitaliseringsslaget?
06/09/2016 // Jyllands-Posten // Rasmus Bendtsen
Danmark kan få baghjul i det teknologiske udskilningsløb
06/09/2016 // Jyllands-Posten // Rasmus Bendtsen
Danmark kan tabe det store digitaliseringskapløb
06/09/2016 // Ritzaus Bureau // Finans
Nu er mobilen din tegnebog
24/08/2016 // Søndagsavisen Vestegnen // Rasmus Elm Rasmussen
Nu er mobilen din tegnebog
19/08/2016 // Søndagsavisen // Rasmus Elm Rasmussen Datatid TechLife
Banker har smidt nye millioner ind i Swipp
06/06/2016 // Børsen // Rikke Baltzer
Nu bliver mobilen også din tegnedreng
26/05/2016 // Datatid // Natasja Broström
Bankerna avvisar Stefan Ingves kontantkrav
16/03/2016 // Dagens Industri // Nils Åkesson
Mobilepay når 18 mia i 2015 og slår alle rekorder
08/01/2016 // Finans.Børsen.dk (Abonnementsområde)
Fingerprint-partner säkrar miljonstöd
14/12/2015 // Dagens Industri
Cardlab-direktør: Vi kan matche Fingerprint
12/12/2015 // Børsen Lørdag // Kevin Grønnemann og Jonas Lund
Swipp mørklægger tal mens Mobilepay fester
12/11/2015 // Børsen // Kevin Grønnemann
Swipp mørklægger overførselstal. Mobilepay nærmer sig 100 millioner
11/11/2015 // Børsen - Finans // Kevin Grønnemann
Pers digitale bedemandsforretning møder modvind fra kunder og leverandører
22/10/2015 // Mx.dk (MetroXpress) // Julie Schoen
Danmark kan blive kontantløs på et år
18/09/2015 // Børsen, Finans.Boersen.dk // Dorthe Bach
Danmark kan blive kontantløs på et år
18/09/2015 // Jyllands-Posten // Mathias Bencke Fremmen
Swipp lancerer nyt betalingssystem
09/09/2015 // TV 2 News 9 Finans 09.15 (resumé) // Miriam Zesler
Ekspert: Denne app vil slå MobilePay
09/09/2015 // TV2/Nyhederne Online // Martin Tordrup
Rejsekortet ser potentiale i kontantløst samfund
09/09/2015 // Berlingske
Potentiel gevinst at hente i kontantløst samfund
07/09/2015 // Børsen // Eva Aagaard
Rejsekortet ser muligheder i kontantløs betaling
07/09/2015 // FinansWatch // Anna Bernsen
Rejsekort ser muligheder i et kontantløst samfund
04/09/2015 // Børsen // Thomas C. Høie
Dansk it-startup spildte to måneders udviklingstid på forkert udmelding fra Nets
31/08/2015 // Version2.dk
Nyt dankort ind i kamp om mobilbetaling
13/08/2015 // Børsen // Christoffer Lund-Hansen og Thomas C. Høie
Accents d'Europe: Les étrangers, enjeu du scrutin danois
18/06/2015 // RFI // Sung Shim Courier
Mobilbetaling får os til at bruge flere penge
11/05/2015 // Politiken.dk // Britt Christensen
Ny app tilbyder digital pengepung på mobilen
11/05/2015 // Politiken.dk // Britt Christensen
Ny app tilbyder digital pengepung på mobilen
08/05/2015 // Dansk Handelsblad
Ny app tilbyder digital pengepung på mobilen
04/05/2015 // Dhblad.dk
Mobilbetaling: Får os til at bruge flere penge
02/05/2015 // Politiken // Britt Christensen
Ny app tilbyder digital pengepung på mobilen
02/05/2015 // Politiken // Britt Christensen
Nu skal bankkontoen også være social
09/04/2015 // Magasinet F5 // Asser Bøggild Christensen
Bevankning av grundläggande betaltjänster
01/11/2014 // Länsstyrelsernas årsrapport 2014 // Christian Rehnberg, Monica Rönnlund
Bevankning av grundläggande betaltjänster
01/11/2014 // Länsstyrelsernas årsrapport 2014 // Christian Rehnberg, Monica Rönnlund
Familieabonnementer gør mobilen unødigt dyr
04/10/2014 // Netplan.dk // Mette Guldagger
Familieabonnementer gør mobilen unødigt dyr
13/09/2014 // Politiken // Mette Guldagger
Kræftens Bekæmpelse samler penge ind med MobilePay
31/03/2014 // NetAvisen // Stine Oksbjerg
Ekspert kritiserer Nets-salg
25/03/2014 // DR P1 Morgen // Tanja Nyrup Madsen
Sådan sikrer du dig mod misbrug
08/02/2014 // Jyllands-Posten // Elias Lundström
Scandanavia turns its back on cash
22/12/2013 // Deutsche Welle // Malcolm Brabant
Cashless Society
18/12/2013 // CCTV (Central China Television) // Malcolm Brabant
Kontanter er en vanesag
01/11/2013 // Magasinet Finans // Mille Skjold Madsen
Unge gider ikke kontanter
28/10/2013 // Bornholms Tidende, Berlingske Nyhedsbureau, JydskeVestkysten
Kort eller kontanter?
09/10/2013 // DR1 Magasinet Penge kl. 21.55 (resumé) // Dorte Fals, Michael Aae
Kontanter er en vanesag
08/10/2013 // Finansforbundet.dk // Mille Skjold Madsen
Mental skillelinje mellem kort og kontanter
17/09/2013 // Finansforbundet.dk
Fremtidens penge?
11/07/2013 // Scenario, nr. 4, s. 33-37 // Pernille Formsgaard og Jesper Knudsen
DR2 Dagen
05/04/2013 // DR2 Dagen // Jacob Illeborg
Langt flere unge bliver iværksættere
24/10/2012 // Metroxpress.dk
Stor stigning i antallet af unge iværksættere
24/10/2012 // metroXpress // Signe Lene Christiansen
Slut med sniksnak om grøn it
20/04/2012 // Epn.dk (Erhverv På Nettet)
Slut med sniksnak om grøn it - her er det nye mål
20/04/2012 // Computerworld Online
Slut med sniksnak om grøn it: Her er det nye mål
20/04/2012 // Computerworld
Grøn it handler om kolde kontanter
13/04/2012 // Computerworld // Mads Elkær
Minedrift i cyberspace
17/06/2011 // Weekendavisen
Forsikringsselskabet bestemmer, hvor du køber ny cykel
03/12/2010 // Politiken.dk, Penge & Bolig
Flere resultater ...(i alt 192 )
- Første internationale "Cashless Society" rundbordsmøde
- Kendetegn ved betalings: Udvikling af en undersøgelse
- E-eksport via online markedsplader
- Otto Mønsted Gæstprofessorat - Robert Kauffman
- Kontraktstøttede digitale kontanter
- Hvordan virksomheder kan sælge komplekse services og tjenesteydelser via globale online markedspladser i en platform-økonomi
- Nordic Finance and the Good Society II
- Financial Inclusion in a cashless world
- No outside activities
- Advisor at DG COMP, European Commission (2021)
- Danfoss: Consulting
- SWIFT Institute: Research
- The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council: Research
- Tebon Securities: Training
- Implement Consulting Group: Edutainment
- CBS Executive