Børsen Ledelse
Børsen Ledelse contents
Børsen Ledelse is a special media about management, where you will find articles about new trends in management and information about the current agenda for managers.
Børsen Ledelse covers the executive’s role within strategy, organization and change processes, recruitment and diversity, and personal challenges.
On the front page, you'll find the most recently published articles of Børsen Ledelse.
Via the top menu bar, you can filter the articles by:
- Most read (distributed by the topics covered by Børsen Ledelse)
- Sections:
- Management & Organization
- Strategy & Innovation
- Work-Life Balance
- Handbook archive: access to articles from Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger, which ceased to be published in 2016. The articles will not be updated.
- Podcast: access to editor-in-chief Niels Lunde's podcast.
Børsen Ledelse facts
Geography | Danish perspective |
Provider | Dagbladet Børsen A/S |
Sidst opdateret: CBS Library // 01/03/2023