Grith Skovgaard Ølykke modtager bevilling fra Konkurrensverket


Grith Skovgaard Ølykke modtager bevilling på SEK 770.000 fra det svenske Konkurrensverket. Grith skal i samarbejde med den svenske økonom Johan Nyström fra VTI, Statens vej- og transportforskningsinstitut, bruge det næste halvandet år på projektet. Titel og abstract er som følger: 

Title: Abnormally low tenders: pricing strategies and efficient assessment by contracting authorities and courts/the complaints board

Abnormally low tenders is a highly topical issue at the practical level in public procurement: there is a fine line between fierce price competition and low pricing which is not desirable, and this line has not been clearly drawn. This project will examine where the line is drawn by Swedish courts/the Danish complaints board for public procurement, and make an economic assessment which should result in recommendations on how categories of low prices should be handled, taking into account the recent amendment of the provision on abnormally low tenders in new the public procurement directives from 2014.

Sidst opdateret: Department of Economics // 17/12/2017