Nye bøger

Neoliberalism, Accountability, and Reform Failures in Emerging Markets by Luigi Manzetti


Neoliberalism, Accountability, and Reform Failures in Emerging Markets:Eastern Europe, Russia, Argentina, and Chile in Comparative Perspective

Luigi Manzetti

One of the main concerns of this book is to discuss the relationship between major financial crises in the 1990s and the lack of political accountability by office holders in Eastern Europe, Russia, Argentina,and Chile.

Published by Penn State University Press, 2009.

Andre udgivelser af centrets medarbejdere inkluderer:

The US Economy Today

Edward Ashbee

The US Economy today provides an invaluable introduction to American economic history since 1929. In addition, the volume considers core contemporary economic policy debates and draws conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the US economic “model”. It looks at the causes and consequences of inequality, the extent of economic mobility, and the impact of globalisation and foreign trade.

Published by Manchester University Press, 2010.

USA - Historie og Identitet

Niels Bjerre-Poulsen

Second edition of Niels Bjerre-Poulsen's book about US history and identity has been published by Systime. The book is in Danish.

Read more here

Obama's America

Carl Pedersen

The year 2008 will be remembered as the moment when the US elected its first African American president. This revealing book seeks to place the extraordinary rise of Barack Obama within the larger context of a possible historic political realignment in the US and of limits to US power in the world.

Published by Edinburgh University Press 2009.

Utopías y Globalización

Ed. Helen Balslev Clausen, Jan Gustafsson and Mario Alberto Velásquez Garcia

Published by El Colegio de Sonora, Mexico, 2009.

Read more here. The book is in Spanish.

Revisitar la Etnicidad: Miradas cruzadas en torno a la diversidad

Daniel Gutiérrez Martinez and Helene Balslev Clausen (coords.)

Published by El Colegio 2008.

Bodies and Voices: The force-field of representation and discourse in colonial and post-colonial studies

A wide ranging collection of essays centred on readings of the body in contemporary literary and socio-anthropological discourse, from slavery and rape to female genital mutilation, from clothing, ocular pornography, voice, deformation and transmutation to the imprisoned, dismembered, remembered, abducted or ghostly body, in Africa, Australasia and the Pacific, Canada, the Caribbean, Great Britain and Eire. Editors: Merete Falck Borch, Eva Rask Knudsen, Martin Leer and Bruce Clunies Ross Rodopi 2008.

Det Andet USA: Fornyelse og frihed i fremtidens Amerika, af Carl Pedersen

Magtbalancen i USA er ved at skifte. De konservative højrekræfter er på retur for første gang siden Reagan. I stedet vil dette århundrede tilhøre 'Det Andet USA': Det progressive Amerika båret af sociale, grønne og spraglede folkebevægelser, som efter årtier i defensiven hastigt samler opbakning fra helt almindelige amerikanere. Lindhart & Ringhof 2008

The Bush Administration, Sex and the Moral Agenda

The book by Edward Ashbee is a study of the ways in which the Bush White House has approached the cultural issues that often appear to have defined the US political process in recent years. It looks at abortion policy, the “wars” around gay rights and same-sex marriage, the spread of “abstinence-only” sex education programmes, the campaign to promote “healthy marriage”, as well as efforts to rein in obscenity and indecency. Its coverage includes the political battles around “partial birth abortion” the efforts to pass the Marriage Protection Amendment, and the controversies surrounding Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction”. Published by Manchester University Press in 2007.

Read more about the book at Manchester University Press.

The Politics, Economics, and Culture of Mexican-U.S. Migration: Both Sides of the Border

Edward Ashbee, Helene Balslev Clausen og Carl Pedersen, alle fra The Center for the Study of the Americas, har redigeret The Politics, Economics, and Culture of Mexican-U.S. Migration: Both Sides of the Border. Bogen er udgivet af Palgrave Macmillan, New York i 2007.

US Elections and Voting Behaviour

US Elections and Voting Behaviour er skrevet af Eddie Ashbee, Lektor ved Center for Amerikanske Studier, og udgivet af Philip Allan Updates i serien Advanced Topic Master, i 2007.

America in the Course of Human Events

Edward Ashbee har bidraget til den nye bog, America in the Course of Human Event, redigeret af Josef Jarab, Marcel Arbeit, og Jenel Virden og udgivet at Vrije Universiteit Press. Læs mere om .

Den forkerte krig, USA og den nye verdensorden

Carl Pedersen, adjungeret professor ved Center for the Study of the Americas har skrevet den netop udkomne bog om USA og Irak. Bogen udgives af Aschehoug. Læs mere om .

Bushs Amerika

Niels Bjerre-Poulsen er en af forfatterne til bogen om præsident Bush og det præg, han har sat på USA. De øvrige forfattere er Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Jørgen Dragsdahl og David Gress. Bogen er udgivet af People's Press og Nyhedsmagasinet Ræson. Læs mere her og her.

Coming to a Theatre Near You

Niels Bjerre-Poulsen har skrevet et bidrag til den nye antologi om amerikansk film. Bogen er redigeret af Helle Porsdam og udgives af Syddansk Universitetsforlag; den udkom i oktober 2005. .

The 2004 US presidential election

Eddie Ashbee har skrevet en artikel om George W. Bush's genvalg, som er udgivet i The Political Quarterly. Læs artiklen her.

Los Angeles and the Future of Urban Cultures

George J. Sanchez har redigeret en særudgave af American Quarterly sammen med Raúl Homero Villa. Bogen udgives af Johns Hopkins University Press. Læs her.

Right Face, Organizing the American Conservative Movement 1945-65

Niels Bjerre-Poulsens bog kan nu fås som 'e-book' fra Museum Tusculanum. Læs mere.

Conciliation - Compulsion - Conversion. British Attitudes towards Indigenous Peoples 1763-1814.

Merete Borch's bog - et studie af britiske holdninger til oprindelige folk i de tidligere bosættelseskolonier i det britiske imperium - er blevet udgivet af Rodopi Press. Læs mere om bogen her og en anmeldelse her.

US Politics Today (2nd edition)

Manchester University Press har udgivet anden udgave af Edward Ashbee's bog. Læs Manchester Press kataloget her.

Sidst opdateret: Communications // 20/01/2011