CBS researchers win prestigious grant

Two CBS-researchers are awarded DKK 6 million for their research



Valentina Tartari, Associate Professor at the Department of Strategy and Innovation at CBS, and Luigi Butera, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at CBS have been awarded the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s Sapere Aude grant of DKK 6 million.

Valentina Tartari is awarded the grant for her research on the impact of research funding on the rate and direction of science.

“This Sapere Aude grant is an important stepping-stone to fulfil my ambition of creating, growing and sustaining a research group devoted to the study of scientific knowledge creation and to make it a leading hub worldwide within the field of innovation studies,” says Valentina Tartari.

Luigi Butera is awarded for his research on how people use information and form expectations. He will map  expectations into people’s actual economic outcomes, and study how information about policies and macroeconomic events causally affects expectations and behaviour.

“The Sapere Aude will allow me to establish an international network of world-leading economists with diverse expertise, providing key contributions to the emerging field of behavioural macroeconomics. The programme will allow me to lay the foundations for a long-term “living lab” for studying the role of expectations for the economy,” says Luigi Butera.

According to the press release the selection criteria weighted “groundbreaking ideas and high leadership ambitions for the benefit of Denmark’s future”. Only 42 researchers have been awarded Sapere Aude grants in the current round.

What is Sapere Aude?
The Sapere Aude grant has been awarded by Independent Research Fund Denmark since 2010. ‘Sapere Aude’ means ‘dare to know’ in Latin.

Read more about Valentina Tartari and her research here.

Read more about Luigi Butera and his research here.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/07/2023