PhD defence: Ida Marie Schrøder

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Ida Marie Schrøder has submitted her thesis entitled: Hybridising accounting and caring: A symmetrical study of how costs and needs are connected in Danish child protection work

Fredag, 16 november, 2018 - 13:00 to 15:00

With this dissertation, I take up a question that is currently debated within both popular, political and academic arenas: Namely how management accounting practices informs and interferes with professional decision-making in public sector organizations.  However, instead criticising how procedures are pushed in certain directions by either “accounting” or “caring” practices, I investigate how, when and where the hybridisation between “accounting” and “caring” is practically achieved. The aim of this is not to replace or reject earlier critiques, but to add insights into the present work of public sector accounting and caring professionals. For instance insights about how it is possible to make conclusions about costs, when a child’s life is at stake.
Primary Supervisor:
Professor Jan Mouritsen
Department of Operations Management
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisor:
Associate Professor Lise Justesen
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Reader Frank Ebsen
Department of Social Work
University College Copenhagen
Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Thomas Frandsen, Chair
Department of Operations Management
Copenhagen Business School

Reader and Head of Department of Accounting Ann-Christine Frandsen
University of Birmingham
Professor Claes-Frederik Helgesson
University of Linköbing
The thesis will be available from

The Doctoral School of Business and Management will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in FUHU Faculty club.

Date: 16 November 2018
Time: 13-15
Location: Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, SPs05, 2000 Frederiksberg

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/10/2019