
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
PhD, Vice Dean

Kontor: POR/18.B-2.156
, Mobil:
+45 4185 2502
E-mail: rj.bhl@cbs.dk
Rasmus Johnsen

As the Vice Dean for Lifelong Learning at CBS, my primary objective is to cultivate a unique approach to lifelong learning. A significant aspect of my focus is on fostering intergenerational learning and collaborations with the business community. This endeavor includes the creation of novel educational formats tailored for executive education and lifelong learning at business schools.

My research interests intertwine the domains of leadership, management education, and the exploration of institutional dysfunctions alongside the cultural history of discontent. A particular focus of mine in recent years has been the exploration of the emotional aspects of time and boredom within organizational structures. My work frequently integrates insights from philosophy and literature. Additionally, I am involved in the Horizon Europe Project “Hephaestus” - Heritage in EuroPe: New tecHnologies in crAft for prEserving and innovaTing fUtureS. This project is dedicated to examining how craftsmanship, slow-design practices, and creative ventures can bolster rural communities, engage with marginalized groups, and offer innovative solutions to combat climate change.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Lifelong learning and executive education
  • Management Education
  • Organization studies
  • Boredom
  • Pathologies and the malaise of modern work-life


Administrative opgaver
  • Vice Dean for Lifelong Learning
  • Member of the Aspen Institute Business in Society Advisory Board
  • Member of the Teaching Ambassador Network (CBS)


Curriculum Vitae
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Organisationsforståelse, selvindsigt og personlig udvikling (Master of Business Development)
  • Filosofi 1: Politisk og økonomisk filosofi (HA fil.)
  • Time and temporality in organization
  • Strategy in a philosophical light
  • Institutional Pathologies (including stress, boredom and depression)
  • Business school education and the humanities
Udvalgte publikationer

Rasmus Johnsen; Annika Skoglund; Matt Statler; William M. Sullivan / Management Learning and the Unsettled Humanities: Introduction to the Special Issue. In: Management Learning, Vol. 52, Nr. 2, 4.2021, s. 135-143

Rasmus Johnsen; Christina Berg Johansen; Sammy Toyoki / Serving Time : Organization and the Affective Dimension of Time. In: Organization, Vol. 26, Nr. 1, 2019, s. 3-19

Robin Holt; Rasmus Johnsen / Time and Organization Studies In: Organization Studies, Vol. 40, Nr. 10, 10.2019, s. 1557-1572

Rasmus Johnsen / Boredom and Organization Studies in: Organization Studies, Vol. 37, Nr. 10, 2016, s. 1403-1415

Christian De Cock; Rasmus Johnsen; Thomas Burø / Bolaño’s Black Smoke: The Revelation of Horror in Organization, in Organization 2666: Literary Troubling, Undoing and Refusal. ed. /Christian De Cock; Damian O’Doherty; Sine N. Just; Christian Huber. Wiesbaden : Springer VS 2020, s. 151-169


Publikationer sorteret efter:
Rasmus Johnsen; Marta Gasparin / Mourning, Hope and the Ethics of Consolation
Paper presented at 17th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, 2023
Paper > peer review
Rasmus Johnsen / "Busy Idleness" : The Active and Moral Dimension of Boredom.
I: Organization, Vol. 29, Nr. 5, 9.2022, s. 806-815
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Rasmus Johnsen; Marta Gasparin / Craft and the Ethics of Consolation
Paper presented at 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, 2022
Paper > peer review
Rasmus Johnsen; Marta Gasparin / Leading the Response to the Climate Crisis by Re-organizing for Public Value in the Anthropocene
Paper presented at 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, 2022
Rasmus Johnsen; Annika Skoglund; Matt Statler; William M. Sullivan / Management Learning and the Unsettled Humanities : Introduction to the Special Issue.
I: Management Learning, Vol. 52, Nr. 2, 4.2021, s. 135-143
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian De Cock; Rasmus Johnsen; Thomas Burø / Bolaño’s Black Smoke : The Revelation of Horror in Organization.
I: Organization 2666: Literary Troubling, Undoing and Refusal. . red. /Christian De Cock; Damian O’Doherty; Sine N. Just; Christian Huber. Wiesbaden : Springer VS 2020, s. 151-169
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Johan Gersel; Rasmus Johnsen / Toward a Novel Theory of Rational Managerial Deliberation : Stakeholders, Ethical Values, and Corporate Governance.
I: Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 19, Nr. 3, 9.2020, s. 269-288
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Rasmus Johnsen / Cruel Fairy Tales : The Ethico-politics of Whistleblowing: Mediated Truth-telling in Digital Cultures.
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 19, Nr. 4, 11.2019, s. 883-888
Anmeldelse > peer review
Birke Otto; Justine Grønbæk Pors; Rasmus Johnsen / Hidden in Full View : The Organization of Public Secrecy in Miéville’s The City and the City.
I: Culture and Organization, Vol. 25, Nr. 2, 15.3.2019, s. 91-103
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Rasmus Johnsen; Christina Berg Johansen; Sammy Toyoki / Serving Time : Organization and the Affective Dimension of Time.
I: Organization, Vol. 26, Nr. 1, 2019, s. 3-19
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Flere resultater ...(i alt 34 )
  • Psykiatrifonden, 2019: Lecture