The following lists represent an effort to measure the publication quality at CBS LAW level. While the Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) has the capacity of an official list, its breadth is not always indicative of the quality of research in law, particularly in a business school. CBS LAW, therefore, aims to introduce a broader spectrum of measuring tools, that would more adequately reflect our strategic aims. The lists are not intended to serve as indicators for individual appointments and promotions but rather the CBS LAW’s strategic research efforts.
The general list is a made of two components.
The first is the Google Scholar metrics lists for European Law (link below). The list consists of 20 general international and European law (not just EU law) journals. The second is a basket of 6-7 representative Nordic law journals. Both lists represent respected and recognized high-quality journals covering the broad spectrum of CBS LAW’s interest (defined as law in the business & society context, in Denmark and the EU). While the journals may not be easy to publish in, their quality is beyond dispute and appearing in them (especially in a consistent manner) should act to improve CBS LAW’s exposure. Crucially, it should be possible – in principle at least - for all CBS LAW VIPs to publish in all of the journals on both lists.
The specific list represents the individual scholars’ desire to publish in highly-respected journals. The list is subject-specific and aimed squarely at specific legal disciplines. It is particularly this list that aims to cover some of the gaps in the BFI list, i.e. a more focused pool of subject-specific publications is offered.
The common CBS LAW/MPP list represent the desire to channel the future CBS LAW/MPP cooperation into publications which would be accessible to both sides. While the journals indicated here may theoretically accessible, further efforts on both sides would be taken to identify appropriate outlets.
Monographs (incl. edited volumes, anthologies and conference proceedings) are not represented in a special list since they already are on the BFI list, and BFI2 in particular contains the highest-rated law publishers (such as OUP, CUP, Elgar, Hart, Routledge, etc.)
The lists will be adjusted as the need arises, after an impact assessment has been made.
- Joint CBS LAW/MPP list, to be developed in line with research collaboration as this collaboration unfolds
- Efforts to encourage publication on AJG and ABS lists to be supported where the potential to do so already exists
GENERAL CBS LAW LIST - A Google Scholar European Law metrics list (updated yearly)
- Common Market Law Review
- European Law Journal
- German Law Journal
- International Journal Of Constitutional Law
- European Constitutional Law Review
- European Law Review
- Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
- European Journal of Risk Regulation
- European Business Organization Law Review
- European Company and Financial Law Review
- Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
- European Business Law Review
- European Public Law
- European Review of Private Law
- New Journal of European Criminal Law
- Intertax
- European Review of Contract Law
- EC Tax Review
- ERA Forum
- European Public Private Partnership Law Review
B Nordic basket of journals
- Scandinavian Studies in Law
- Nordic Journal of Commercial Law
- Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen
- Tidsskrift for Retsvitenskab
- Juristen
- Erhvervsjuridisk tidsskrift
- Retfærd
- Journal of Money Laundering Control
- International Review of Law and Economics
- Journal of Strategic Contracting and negotiation
- Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret
- Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts
- Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht
- International Trade Law and Regulation
- Global Journal of Comparative Law
- European Labour Law Journal
- Public Procurement law review
- Computer Law & Security Review
- Journal of Consumer Policy
- International Journal of Law and Information Technology
- International Data Privacy Law
- Revue Internationale de Droit Compare
- Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
- Review of law and economics
- Journal of European Tort Law
- World Competition
- International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
- Competition Policy International
- SR-Skat
- Nordic Tax Journal
- World Tax Journal
- Pharmaceutical Policy and Law
- World trade and arbitration materials
- Journal of European Tort Law
Research |
Seminars | |
Education | |
PhDs |