Rasmus T. Varneskov wins Multa Scripsit award at Econometric Theory Awards 2023

Rasmus T. Varneskov has won the Multa Scripsit award at Econometric Theory Awards 2023, which is based on his publications in the Econometric Theory journal.


The Department of Finance and Center for Big Data in Finance (BIGFI) proudly congratulate Rasmus T. Varneskov for winning the Multa Scripsit Award at the Econometric Theory Awards for 2023. This award is presented annually and is based on a point system reflecting an author's cumulative publications in the Econometric Theory journal. 

Rasmus T. Varneskov shares the honor with fellow recipients Zhengyu Zhang, Yiguo Sun, and Tassos Magdalinos. In addition, Juan Carlos Escanciano received the Plura Scripsit Award. The ET Awards feature three levels: Multa Scripsit, Plura Scripsit, and Plurima Scripsit.

Cambridge University Press joins the Department of Finance and Center for Big Data in Finance at Copenhagen Business School in celebrating the achievements of Rasmus T. Varneskov and the other 2023 Econometric Theory Awards winners, expressing gratitude for their significant contributions to the field of econometric theory. 

Sidst opdateret: Department of Finance // 10/01/2024