Research in Blended Learning (RiBL)

Research in Blended Learning
The aim of the project is the construction of new knowledge about the future of technology-supported teaching and learning in Higher Education and its consequences and prospects for student learning. With the RiBL project, CBS aims to deliver this state-of-the-art research to develop the area scientifically and to provide the ground for practical implementation.
The RiBL project will combine new ground-breaking research with the practical implementation project to give CBS the unique opportunity to learn from practice and to generate new knowledge about technology-enhanced future learning and its longer-term and institution wide consequences.
Two Main Goals
RiBL is special in the way that it builds on a close relationship between practice and research. Usually research-based teaching is emphasized as an important foundation of the university. In the RiBL project, teaching-based research is just as important. The RiBL project will make it possible for us to try out new ideas while exploring their value for student learning.
Focus for the RiBL project is to develop new pedagogically valuable forms of teaching and learning activities combining no- or low-tech with high tech opportunities. And to make them the object for research. By experimenting with technology in combination with face-to-face teaching, the aim in RiBL is to develop CBS pedagogically and to make sure that other Higher Education institutions will learn from this.
The project will benefit all of CBS’ 22,000 students when blended learning is implemented to become the new dominant form of teaching and learning at CBS. To help and ease the transition, there will be a focus on training and support of teachers, administrative staff and students. To accommodate the changes, new support structures, new organizational forms and new physical spaces will be tested and implemented in close collaboration with the researchers on the projects.
Endowed Chair of Blended Learning
An integral part of this initiative and to support the goals of the RiBL project is the establishment of the Endowed Chair of Blended Learning in 219, which is held by Prof. Anoush Margaryan. For more information, visit her CBS-profile here.