Ekstern finansiering

For at styrke CBS’ profil som en af de bedste forskningsinstitutioner, har CBS de senere år haft øget fokus på ekstern finansiering. CBS arbejder strategisk med at tiltrække forskningsbevillinger fra både offentlige og private bevillingsgivere nationalt og internationalt. Nedenfor finder du en oversigt over de eksternt finansierede projekter CBS har deltaget i de sidste fem år. For hvert projekt kan du klikke dig frem til information om hvilke CBS-forskere der er involveret, hvad formålet er med projektet, bevillingskilden og projektets løbetid.

Klik på en af kategorierne i den øverste menu, hvis du vil have listen sorteret anderledes.

AkronymTitelInstitutTypesorter stigendeStatusStart
Politics of the European Green Deal: What is the role of missions?Institut for OrganisationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2022
Equality, diversity and inclusion as a moralized marketInstitut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-09-2021
Workshop: From Internationalization of research and development to global innovationInstitut for International Økonomi, Politik og BusinessPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2021
Making Oceans count in the Nordic financial systemDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2021
MAKING DISTANT FUTURES ACTIONABLE: Innovating for a zero-carbon futureInstitut for OrganisationPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2021
Maritime Research AllianceInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-06-2020
Community for CybersikkerhedInstitut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang01-11-2021
Datadreven kundeindsigtInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2021
Novo Nordisks historieInstitut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-06-2020
CoDaControversial Data and Algorithms: Digital solutions to crises of public trustInstitut for OrganisationPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2021
Vacational School InitiativeØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-08-2020
The Parameters of Terror: The Copenhagen Shootings and the Renegotiations of Danish Cultural Codes in the Civil Sphere, 2015-2020Institut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2021
Understanding the mechanisms of gender disparity in financial choicesInstitut for FinansieringPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2021
Enterprise Foundations in the Corona CrisisInstitut for RegnskabPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-10-2020
Maritime Digital Business ModelsInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang01-07-2021
Supply chain resilience i små- og mellemstore danske produktionsvirksomhederInstitut for Produktion og ErhvervsøkonomiPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-04-2021
Behavioural Circular Society – a research programme in five propositions Department of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Igang01-05-2021
Digitalization: Jobs, firms and householdsØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Igang01-07-2021
Course development related to using the Babele App in sustainable entrepreneurship educationDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Afsluttet16-04-2021
Tax (dis)honesty in the digital economy: The case of Airbnb in DenmarkInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-07-2021
SMV Due Diligence StandardInstitut for RegnskabPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-07-2021
The Cybersecurity gamesInstitut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang03-01-2022
EU Cyber Security Regulation: From Global Politics to Local ImplementationInstitut for Digitalisering Private (National)Afsluttet11-11-2021
Danske Bank og danskerne 1871-2021Institut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-09-2022
Craft: Making New Forms in a Broken World.Institut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-07-2022
Mitigating diversity barriers in growth potential and promotability of employeesInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-09-2022
CircOpCircular Construction PlatformsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-01-2022
CF FutureUnlocking the full potential of conservation finance Department of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Afsluttet01-07-2022
The implications of large-scale grants for the university as an institutionalized organizationInstitut for OrganisationPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2022
Developing Sustainable Business Models for Emerging Markets and Developing Countries – The case of Novo Nordisk (and Roche) engaging in sustainable business in the pharmaceutical industry in EMDCs.Department of Management, Society and CommunicationPrivate (National)Afsluttet08-09-2022
