Ekstern finansiering

For at styrke CBS’ profil som en af de bedste forskningsinstitutioner, har CBS de senere år haft øget fokus på ekstern finansiering. CBS arbejder strategisk med at tiltrække forskningsbevillinger fra både offentlige og private bevillingsgivere nationalt og internationalt. Nedenfor finder du en oversigt over de eksternt finansierede projekter CBS har deltaget i de sidste fem år. For hvert projekt kan du klikke dig frem til information om hvilke CBS-forskere der er involveret, hvad formålet er med projektet, bevillingskilden og projektets løbetid.

Klik på en af kategorierne i den øverste menu, hvis du vil have listen sorteret anderledes.

AkronymTitelInstitutTypeStatusStartsorter stigende
EDDIEEuropean Distributed Data Infrastructure for EnergyØkonomisk InstitutEU Igang01-01-2023
Organisering af samarbejde mellem grundskoler og erhvervsliv i DanmarkInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-01-2023
Cirkulær beton - Udvikling af teknologi til 100% reel genanvendelse af nedrivningsbeton i ny cement og betonInstitut for AfsætningsøkonomiPublic (National)Igang01-01-2023
Maritime Research AllianceInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2023
Overcoming Misperceptions to Increase the Impact of Individual Climate ActionCopenhagen Business SchoolPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2023
Behavioral Accounting: How Management Control Systems affect the likelihood of auditors speaking up in conflict between commercialism and professionalismInstitut for RegnskabPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2023
NIMBUSTeknologiforståelse og naturfaglig dannelse Institut for Digitalisering Private (National)Igang01-01-2023
Patient Innovation Bootcamp: Boosting Patient EntrepreneurshipInstitut for Strategi og InnovationEU Igang01-01-2023
Eliteforsker Prisen 2023Department of Business Humanities and LawPublic (National)Igang01-01-2023
Kompetencer til et grønt DanmarkCopenhagen Business SchoolEU Igang01-01-2023
Forebyggelse og bedre behandling af komplikationer efter indsættelse af kunstigt knæledØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Igang01-01-2023
D&I Interventions in the Construction Industry: Development, Implementation & EvaluationInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-01-2023
P2GreenClosing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flowsDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-12-2022
Ældres formuer, ulighed og kønØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Igang01-12-2022
Al Comparison and Reference Selection in OrganizationsInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPublic (International)Igang01-11-2022
VCOMPGenerating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Interlocking the Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust Public' Cooperation, Ethicality and ComplianceDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-11-2022
CREATECircular Economy in Bangladesh’s Apparel IndustryDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationPublic (National)Igang01-10-2022
TWINSEEDSTowards a World Integrated and Socio-economically Balanced European Economic Development ScenarioInstitut for Strategi og InnovationEU Igang01-10-2022
WENDYMulticriteria analysis of the technical, environmental and social factors triggering the PIMBY principle for Wind technologiesDepartment of Management, Society and CommunicationEU Igang01-10-2022
SMVProSMV:ProfessionaliseringØkonomisk InstitutEU Igang07-09-2022
The Effects of Research Funding on the Rate and Direction of ScienceInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPublic (National)Igang01-09-2022
The implications of large-scale grants for the university as an institutionalized organizationInstitut for OrganisationPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2022
PhD - Limited Diversity in Accounting Career TracksInstitut for RegnskabPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2022
Driving Digital Transformation with Organizational Development and Change PracticesInstitut for Digitalisering Public (National)Igang01-09-2022
Circular Economy with a focus on Plastics and TextilesInstitut for Digitalisering Public (National)Igang01-09-2022
What is Keeping Unemployed Workers from Finding Employment? The Role of Informations, Job Characteristics and Behavioral BiasesØkonomisk InstitutPrivate (National)Igang01-09-2022
Post-pandemic Poverty: Debt and the Feminisation of Finance in Marginal SitesInstitut for OrganisationPublic (National)Igang01-08-2022
Corporate Subjects: An Intellectual History of the CorporationInstitut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Igang01-08-2022
PAINTMultilevel Pathways for Integrating Marginalized GroupsInstitut for Strategi og InnovationPrivate (National)Igang01-07-2022
Bylivets Sorte OmstillingInstitut for Ledelse, Politik og FilosofiPrivate (National)Igang18-05-2022
