International Universities would like to get Responsible Management Education at CBS

End of May, 20 researchers and university employees from 13 different countries were visiting CBS to learn about how to implement UN Principles for Responsible Management Education.


Photography: Oliver Folkmann

The wide world is interested in Scandinavia, which is famous for its focus on responsibility and sustainability. In addition, CBS as a business school, has a strong profile that attracts international researchers.

More than 500 universities throughout the world have signed a contract that they will live up to the UN’s principles for responsible management education. CBS, however, is among the 31 signers that the UN office in New York has appointed PRIME Champion because of our efforts and results.

Therefore, CBS is an obvious place for other PRME members to find advice and ideas for the implementation of the principles in PRME, which CBS itself implemented after the signing in 2008.


Seminar about responsible management with CBS as its point of departure

The three-day seminar “Launching and Implementing a Responsible Management Education Program” was visited by 20 participants from universities and schools that were either members of PRME or are planning to become members.

The seminar was developed by the Office of Responsible Management Education and CBS Executive.

Based on CBS’s efforts, participants were introduced to concrete examples of initiatives to increase responsibility in the educations, and in addition, participants were given a great opportunity for exchanging experiences and for discussions.

Upon the three-day seminar end it was the goal that participants should have their bags full of not only inspiration, but also concrete plans as to how they could proceed with the implementation of the principles back home at their own universities.


The page was last edited by: PRME // 05/17/2022