Open days - bachelor
Open Days at CBS is a great opportunity to get the answers to all of your questions about studying at CBS. At Open Days you can attend general presentations about CBS as well as introductions of each bachelor programme. It is also a chance for you to meet students and student guidance counsellors.
Thursday 7 May (Sign up on facebook)
programme for the event 7 May 2015 (pdf)
International applicant?
I forlængelse af Åbent Hus afholder CBS en særlig dag for internationale ansøgere til CBS' bachelor- eller kandidatuddannelse. Her kan du høre mere om CBS og om at være studerende i Danmark. Du vil også få mulighed for at møde andre potentielle internationale studerende på CBS. For mere information se - International Applicant Day
Questions about admission and application?
Find more information on Undergraduate admission
Applying for a graduate programme?
Please visit us at Graduate Open Day