Lecture by Honorary Doctor Peter Buckley

On March 20th 2015, Peter Buckley will be appointed Honorary Doctor at Copenhagen Business School and the Department of Strategic Mangement and Globalization (SMG).

Friday, March 20, 2015 - 11:00 to 12:00
"The Global Factory": Globalisation and the Multinational Enterprise
This presentation analyses "the global factory" - the dispersed, networked multinational firm in the context of globalisation. Globalisation is examined as the interaction of markets and institutions, and their conflicts, in the world economy. The strategies of the focal firm in the global factory are explained, together with their impact on host and source countries. Methods of growing global factories in an emerging country are examined."
Peter Buckley's bio in brief
Peter J. Buckley is Professor of International Business at the University of Leeds. He is a world-leading scholar within the International Business field, and indeed one of its founders. His 1976 book, The Future of the Multinational Enterprise with Mark Casson) is a seminal contribution, and is often seen as the founding contribution to the theory of the multinational corporation. Professor  Buckley has published over 190 refereed articles in European, American and Japanese journals including 21 contributions to the leading international business journal, the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS).   His research on why and how firms internationalize and become multinational enterprises has become a core part of international business research and teaching. Professor Buckley is a Fellow of several learned societies, is a past President of the European International Business Academy, and his received several Prizes and Awards for his scholarly contributions.
This event is arranged by:
SMG & The Presidents Office
For further information please contact SMG: smg@cbs.dk


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