Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Global SCLM is a tri-continental programme focusing on a combination of international business, global logistics and supply chain management.

The programme is a collaboration between Copenhagen Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in Shenzhen and The University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver. The programme will bring together 45 top students from three continents, which will create an ambitious and multicultural environment, placing the students in front of both cultural and academic challenges and global opportunities.

Read more at the Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management webpage

Download a flyer for Global SCLM - Will be available soon.


Each of the three universities will select 15 talented students, creating a group of 45 students. The CBS students will be selected in the spring semester. Students are selected following an application process incorporating grades, interview performance, personal motivation and achievements. The programme is only open to CBS students from BSc Shipping and BSc IB.


The 45 students will study together at the three different partner universities, during their time in the programme. Hereby they will both be hosts and visitors.

  • CBS – Third semester will take place at Copenhagen Business School
  • UBC – Fourth semester will take place at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
  • CUHK, Shenzhen – Fifth semester will take place at The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Deadline for application is 1 January. Only students who started at CBS in the fall can apply (1 semester students).


The students will spend their third semester in Copenhagen, their fourth semester at UBC in Vancouver, Canada and their fifth semester at the CUHK campus in Shenzhen, China. The final sixth semester will be dedicated to the bachelor project, possibly with an international logistics company or other relevant company.

Overview and courses for BSc IB

1st semester

2nd semester

(7.5 ECTS)
Principles of International Marketing
(7.5 ECTS)
International Business Environment
(7.5 ECTS)
Industrial Organizational Analysis
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipate and Avoid Startup Pitfalls
(7.5 ECTS)
Corporate Governance
(7.5 ECTS)

3rd semester

4th semester - UBC

Logistics Clusters
(7.5 ECTS)
Quantitative Policy Analysis
(7.5 ECTS)
Operations and Logistics Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Supply Chain Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Supply Chain Risk Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Corporate Finance
(7.5 ECTS)
Financial Accounting
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)

5th semester - CUHK

6th semester

Managing Innovation in China
(7.5 ECTS)
International Business Strategy
(7,5 ECTS)
Current and Regional Issues in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Contemporary Issues in International Business
(7,5 ECTS)
Organizational behaviour
(7.5 ECTS)
Bachelor project
(15 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)


Overview and courses for BSc Shipping

1st semester

2nd semester

Introduction to Maritime Logistics
(7.5 ECTS)
Principles of International Marketing
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
Maritime Law
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
Corporate Finance
(7.5 ECTS)
Macroeconomics and Trade
(7.5 ECTS)
Financial Accounting
(7.5 ECTS)

3rd semester

4th semester - UBC

Logistics Clusters
(7.5 ECTS)
Quantitative Policy Analysis
(7.5 ECTS)
Operations and Logistics Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Supply Chain Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Supply Chain Risk Management
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
Business Research Methodology
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)

5th semester - CUHK

6th semester

Managing Innovation in China
(7.5 ECTS)
Organizational Analysis
(7.5 ECTS)
Current Regional Issues in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
(7.5 ECTS)
Internship report
(7.5 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)
Bachelor project
(15 ECTS)
(7.5 ECTS)




The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 01/14/2025