Compare programmes - bachelor

There are many issues to consider when choosing programme. Below you can make a comparison between different undergraduate programs, so you can identify which study is most relevant and interesting to you.

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BSc in Business Administration and Sociology

In the BSc SOC you learn how to make responsible business decisions by combining the economic and social perspectives on companies, their organisation and their surroundings.
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BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management

BSc DM gives you an understanding of the possibilities as well as challenges that digitalisation creates for companies. You will learn to work with strategy, data and technologies to manage digital transformations and business solutions.
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BSc in International Business in Asia

IBA teaches you to manage the fundamentally different challenges businesses face when they work with Asian markets or companies. This unique programme combines business expertise with Asian political, economic and cultural insight and Chinese or Japanese language skills.

BSc in Business Administration and Sociology

Number of students per year92
Male / female35%/65%
Average age21,8
International students59%
Exchange option5th semester
Internship option5th semester
Teaching languageEnglish
Master programmeMSc in International Business and Politics


Grade point average for entry2024: 10,0
Grade point average for standbyNo standby
Number of places100
Quota 1 / quota 260%/40%
Motivational EssayYes - see Selection quotas under Admission
MathematicsB with min. 6.0 grade average (on the Danish grading scale)
History or social studiesB

BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management

Number of students per year176
Male / female60%/40%
Average age21.4
International students55%
Exchange option5th semester
Internship option5th semester
Teaching languageEnglish
Master programmeMSc in Business Administration and Digital Business


Grade point average for entry2024: 9.6
Grade point average for standbyNo standby
Number of places200
Quota 1 / quota 260%/40%
Motivational EssayYes - see Selection quotas under Admission
History or social studiesB

BSc in International Business in Asia

Number of students per year64
Male / female48%/52%
Average age21,8
International students48%
Exchange optionMandatory 4th semester and optional 7th semester
Internship option7th semester
Teaching languageEnglish
Other teaching languagesChinese and Japanese
Master programmeMSc in Business, Language and Culture (2 concentrations)


Grade point average for entry2023: Japanese: 8,3 / Chinese: 7,8
Grade point average for standbyNo standby
Number of placesJapanese: 35 / Chinese: 45
Quota 1 / quota 2Japanese: 60%/ 40% /Chinese: 60% / 40%
Motivational EssayYes - see Selection quotas under Admission
History or social studiesB
2nd foreign language

Chinese or Japanese - see Specific entry requirements