
Meet Nina, a student from BSc in International Business

Why did I choose my programme?
I chose this programme because I was excited to be in an environment of ambitious, driven people who inspire me. I was specifically drawn to an international programme to gain a global perspective and engage with diverse cultures both through the curriculum and BSc IB community. While I initially considered a maths-intensive programme due to my interest in numbers, I recognised that the broader opportunities here would better prepare me for the future – a choice that I now feel confident was the right one.

What do I like the best?
What I love most about the BSc IB environment is the strong sense of ambition and the wide range of opportunities it offers. There's always something happening, whether it's a social event, an academic challenge, or a networking event. This dynamic atmosphere, combined with the flexibility of BSc IB and university life, supports my academic and personal growth, allowing me to explore my interests, develop new skills, and build valuable connections with others in meaningful ways.

What do I think is difficult?
The freedom and flexibility are great, but they also mean you're fully responsible for managing your time, which can be quite challenging. In the beginning, I struggled organising my days, finding effective study techniques, and navigating a large programme with many new people. Often, I only discovered what worked best as the course was ending, making it difficult to stay on top of everything and manage the workload effectively.

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?
Prioritise your time well and figure out what works for you early on, so you have time to dive into social activities, student organisations, and more. The key is to experiment with study techniques and find what suits you. Don't compare yourself too much to others – focus on your own journey. I still catch myself comparing my study techniques to others and even blaming myself for doing things differently, but I’ve learned that what works for them may not be best for me. Trust your own process.

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?
After finishing my programme, I plan to pursue a master’s in finance, either at CBS or abroad. I’m interested in roles within Private Equity or areas where finance and strategy intersect. I want my career to have an international perspective, ideally involving travel and getting to use the global knowledge I’ve gained from the BSc IB programme. However, I’m still open to various career paths, as programme offers a wealth of opportunities to explore.

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…
Relax – you'll figure it out! The first year is about finding your footing. Take time to explore different study techniques and get to know your peers. Don't stress too much about school; use this time to embrace the opportunities CBS offers and get to know your peers. Be yourself and avoid comparing your study techniques to those of others. What works for someone else might not work for you, so remember that you know yourself best.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 09/13/2024