Department of Strategy and Innovation

Open Innovation in Science

Virksomheders innovation kommer i stigende grad til at foregå gennem åbne innovationsprocesser, hvor folk uden for virksomheden bidrager til løsninger.

Associate Professor Marion Poetz is heading a large initiative called the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center (OIS Center) funded by the Austrian National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development.

The OIS Center is located in Austria at the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) in Vienna. It is established as an international hub for investigating, discussing and experimenting with Open Innovation in Science.

The OIS Center aims at generating insight into the potential of using open innovation principles and methods in science along the entire process of generating and disseminating new scientific research. The center's understanding of Open Innovation in Science builds on the widely distributed nature of innovation-relevant knowledge along contextually, geographically or functionally dispersed sources, and refers to enabling, initiating and purposively managing knowledge flows across organizational and domain-specific boundaries for generating novel research questions, designing, conducting and funding research studies, disseminating research results and eventually translating new scientific knowledge into innovation. As such, it clearly goes beyond existing concepts of Open Access, Open Journals or Open Data and challenges established ways of conducting and disseminating science.

The goals of the OIS Center are:

  • Re-thinking and re-designing scientific research through a shift towards working more openly, collaboratively and interdisciplinarily

  • Developing and testing new methods for integrating Open Innovation principles into scientific research and innovation processes

  • Establishing new forms of stakeholder interactions and collaborations within science

Read more about the activities of the center on the website:

The Department of Strategy and Innovation contributes to the center via Associate Professor Marion Poetz, who is scientific director of the center, and the post docs and PhD students who are actively involved in both Vienna and Copenhagen.
Read more about the research area in this interview with Marion Poetz about innovation management:

The page was last edited by: Department of Strategy and Innovation // 01/14/2025