Usynligt arbejde ved implementering af kunstig intelligens i den offentlige forvaltning
Oplæg til konferencen Forandringer i arbejdslivet med kunstig intelligens ved Ursula Plesner og Lise Justesen
Københavns Professionshøjskole, 31.10.24
Digitalisering og AI i organisationer
Masterclass for Gentofte Kommunes skoleledere ved Ursula Plesner
Gentofte, 30.10.24
Digitalisering og usynligt arbejde
Oplæg for ledergrupper i Udbetaling Danmark/ATP ved Ursula Plesner
Online, 24.10.24
Digitalization and invisible work
Research seminar at the Department of Organization, CBS, September 25–26, 2024
Research seminar at the Department of Organization, CBS, September 25–26, 2024
Advisory board seminar
London, UK, September 5, 2024
London, UK, September 5, 2024
Hvordan leder digitalisering til usynligt arbejde?
Practitioner workshop, Master of Public Governance, Department of Organization, CBS, August 23, 2024
Practitioner workshop, Master of Public Governance, Department of Organization, CBS, August 23, 2024
Research exchange at Royal Holloway University of London
PhD fellow Louise Jørring visited Professor Gillian Symon at RHUL, 8.- 11.01.24
PhD fellow Louise Jørring visited Professor Gillian Symon at RHUL, 8.- 11.01.24
SLB Work Shop 2023, Aarhus University
Louise Jørring presented the paper: “Automatically prepared?: How frontline workers cope in the face of automation”
Aarhus, 13.12.23
Louise Jørring presented the paper: “Automatically prepared?: How frontline workers cope in the face of automation”
Aarhus, 13.12.23
AI-projekter i praksis – usynligt arbejde som ledelsesudfordring
Workshop ved Ursula Plesner / Region Sjælland
Køge, 12.12.23
Workshop ved Ursula Plesner / Region Sjælland
Køge, 12.12.23
Digitalisering og usynligt arbejde som organisatorisk udfordring
Keynote ved Ursula Plesner / Lab23 Arbejdsmiljøkonferencen
Nyborg, 12.10.23
Keynote ved Ursula Plesner / Lab23 Arbejdsmiljøkonferencen
Nyborg, 12.10.23
Kunstig intelligens og ledelse
Oplæg af Lise Justesen / Lederne
København, 5.10.23
AI, usynligt arbejde og ledelse
Keynote ved Ursula Plesner, KITA (Kommunale IT og Digitaliseringsansvarlige) efterårsseminar
Kolding, 14.9.23
European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) 39th Colloquium
Paper presentations by all group members
Cagliari, 6-8.7.23
Organization Theory Winter Workshop
Paper presentation of ’Invisible digi-work: Connecting, compensating and cleaning in digitalized organizations’ by Lise Justesen and Ursula Plesner
Oslo, February 1-3, 2022
Oplæg af Lise Justesen / Lederne
København, 5.10.23
AI, usynligt arbejde og ledelse
Keynote ved Ursula Plesner, KITA (Kommunale IT og Digitaliseringsansvarlige) efterårsseminar
Kolding, 14.9.23
European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) 39th Colloquium
Paper presentations by all group members
Cagliari, 6-8.7.23
Organization Theory Winter Workshop
Paper presentation of ’Invisible digi-work: Connecting, compensating and cleaning in digitalized organizations’ by Lise Justesen and Ursula Plesner
Oslo, February 1-3, 2022
'Symposium in the Digital Transformations Platform'
Project presentation by Ursula Plesner, Copenhagen Business School, February 28 2023
Project presentation by Ursula Plesner, Copenhagen Business School, February 28 2023
'Predictive algorithms in practice'
Paper presentation by Ursula Plesner, SODAS (Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science), University of Copenhagen, February 24 2023.
Paper presentation by Ursula Plesner, SODAS (Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science), University of Copenhagen, February 24 2023.
PhD Research exchange at Aarhus University (DPU Emdrup).
Louise Jørring is visting Helene Ratners team and her projects: “Data visions” and “Algorithms, Data and Democracy” February 1 – April 30.
Louise Jørring is visting Helene Ratners team and her projects: “Data visions” and “Algorithms, Data and Democracy” February 1 – April 30.
Network presentation
Presentation by Louise Jørring in the network DISA (Digitalisering i socialt arbejde). January 20. Network website:
Presentation by Louise Jørring in the network DISA (Digitalisering i socialt arbejde). January 20. Network website:
'Surveillance Capitalism or Democracy'
Participation in panel by Ursula Plesner following talk by Shoshana Zuboff at Copenhagen Business School, December 16th 2022.
Participation in panel by Ursula Plesner following talk by Shoshana Zuboff at Copenhagen Business School, December 16th 2022.
Leadership work in public sector AI projects: Topicalizations and engagements.
Conference presentation by Frank Meier, of paper by Frank Meier, Lise Justesen & Ursula Plesner, International Studies of Leadership Conference, Brighton, UK. December 11th-13th 2022.
Conference presentation by Frank Meier, of paper by Frank Meier, Lise Justesen & Ursula Plesner, International Studies of Leadership Conference, Brighton, UK. December 11th-13th 2022.
'Extending Hope: The Communicative constitution of project promises in AI projects'
Paper and presentation by Frank Meier, Lise Justesen and Ursula Plesner at the 38th EGOS Colloquium in Vienne, Austria, July 7-9 2022.
Paper and presentation by Frank Meier, Lise Justesen and Ursula Plesner at the 38th EGOS Colloquium in Vienne, Austria, July 7-9 2022.
'Keeping invisible work in sight: Imperfect business case calculations, partial accounts, and the values of stupid robots'
Paper and presentation by Lise Justesen and Ursula Plesner at the 38th EGOS Colloquium in Vienne, Austria, July 7-9 2022.
Paper and presentation by Lise Justesen and Ursula Plesner at the 38th EGOS Colloquium in Vienne, Austria, July 7-9 2022.
'Valuing Invisible Work'
June 20 2022. Presentation by Ursula Plesner for the management team of CBS Indkøb & Legal.
'Hype, håb og håndværk i ledelsen af AI projekter' ("Hype, hope and craftmanship in the leadership of AI-projects")
Presentation by Frank Meier at KL's office of Digitalization and Technology in connection to the Danish Science Festival (Forskningens Døgn). April 28th, 2022.
June 20 2022. Presentation by Ursula Plesner for the management team of CBS Indkøb & Legal.
'Hype, håb og håndværk i ledelsen af AI projekter' ("Hype, hope and craftmanship in the leadership of AI-projects")
Presentation by Frank Meier at KL's office of Digitalization and Technology in connection to the Danish Science Festival (Forskningens Døgn). April 28th, 2022.
"Digitalisering, nye synligheder og usynligt arbejde" ('Digitalization, new visibilities and invisible work')
March 3, 2022. Presentation by Ursula Plesner at HR-konferencen Cranet 2022 (CBS, Copenhagen)
March 3, 2022. Presentation by Ursula Plesner at HR-konferencen Cranet 2022 (CBS, Copenhagen)
”Digitalisering og usynligt arbejde” ('Digitalization and invisible work')
December 7, 2021. presentation by Lise Justesen at staff seminar for the administrattion of Department of Organization.
December 7, 2021. presentation by Lise Justesen at staff seminar for the administrattion of Department of Organization.
“Digitalisering og usynligt arbejde” ('Digitalization and invisible work')
Dec 1, 20211. Presentation by Lise Justesen for the excecutive committee of HK.
Dec 1, 20211. Presentation by Lise Justesen for the excecutive committee of HK.
“Digitalisering og usynligt arbejde” ('Digitalization and invisible work')
September 14, 2021. Presentation by Ursula Plesner og Lise Justesen at staff meeting for HK Stat
September 14, 2021. Presentation by Ursula Plesner og Lise Justesen at staff meeting for HK Stat
”Digitaliseringens usynlige bagside” ('The invisible backside of digitalization')
September 3, 2021. Presentation by Lise Justesen at HD/arbejdsmiljødag in HK
September 3, 2021. Presentation by Lise Justesen at HD/arbejdsmiljødag in HK
Symposium: Digital Gnidningsløshed og Arbejdet Bag ('The work behind frictionless digital services in the public sector')
October 4, 2021. Symposium at KUNSTEN in Aalborg, arrangered by CBS’s Digital Transformation Platform in collaboration with ITU's Center for Digital Velfærd (Centre of Digital Wellfare), University of Aalborg and KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art Aalborg. Co-financed by Aalborg Municipality and University of Aalborg.
October 4, 2021. Symposium at KUNSTEN in Aalborg, arrangered by CBS’s Digital Transformation Platform in collaboration with ITU's Center for Digital Velfærd (Centre of Digital Wellfare), University of Aalborg and KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art Aalborg. Co-financed by Aalborg Municipality and University of Aalborg.
Ursula Plesner & Lise Justesen: Welcome - why 'The work behind frictionless digital services in the public sector'?
Frank Meier: From interaction to transaction - paradoxical state/citizen relations in working with automation and citizen-journeys.
Ursula Plesner & Lise Justesen: Welcome - why 'The work behind frictionless digital services in the public sector'?
Frank Meier: From interaction to transaction - paradoxical state/citizen relations in working with automation and citizen-journeys.
Read more about the symposium and download the programme here.
POVI (Public Organization, Value and Innovation) Seminar, CBS
April 4, 2021 (online)
April 4, 2021 (online)
Frank Meier: Invisible project leadership work in digital transformation: A CCO approach
Frank Meier: Invisible project leadership work in digital transformation: A CCO approach
International Scientific Advisory Board meeting
January 21, 2021 (online)
January 21, 2021 (online)
Digital organizing and the transformation of work. CBS/Royal Holloway Research exchange seminar
December 9, 2020 (online)
Ursula Plesner and Lise Justesen: 'Valuing Invisible Work'
Frank Meier: 'Negotiating efficiency promises of AI over time'
Ursula Plesner and Lise Justesen: 'Valuing Invisible Work'
Frank Meier: 'Negotiating efficiency promises of AI over time'
Digitale teknologier i den offentlige sektor. Research workshop at Aarhus Achool of Business
December 2, 2020 (Aarhus)
Project presentation:
Ursula Plesner and Lise Justesen: 'Valuing Invisible Work - from efficiency ambitions to digitalization projects in practice'
Ursula Plesner and Lise Justesen: 'Valuing Invisible Work - from efficiency ambitions to digitalization projects in practice'
Practitioner advisory board meeting
November 12, 2020 (CBS)
The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 01/14/2025