imagine .. Creative Industries Research


The list below consists of publications that are relevant to imagine .. For further information on the researchers' publications, please visit their individual websites at 'Staff' or search Research@CBS.




Books/Contributions to books

Ana Alacovska / Hope Labour Revisited : Post-socialist Creative Workers and Their Methods of Hope.
In: The New Normal of Working Lives: Critical Studies in Contemporary Work and Employment. . ed. /Stephanie Taylor; Susan Luckman. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2018, p. 41-63 (Dynamics of Virtual Work) 

Frans Bévort / Individuel kontra organisatorisk ledelse : Ledelse uden leder?.
In: Ledelsesdilemmaer: Strejftog gennem faglitteraturen. . ed. /Frans Bévort; Thomas Duus Henriksen; Anne-Mette Hjalager; Henrik Holt Larsen; Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Signe Vikkelsø. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, p. 25-40 (Ledelses-GPS til en ny tid: Fra komfortzone til konkurrencekraft, Vol. 1) 

Frans Bévort (Editor) ; Thomas Duus Henriksen (Editor) ; Anne-Mette Hjalager (Editor) ; Henrik Holt Larsen (Editor) ; Rikke Kristine Nielsen (Editor) ; Signe Vikkelsø (Editor) / Ledelsesdilemmaer : Strejftog gennem faglitteraturen.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 228 p. (Ledelses-GPS til en ny tid: Fra komfortzone til konkurrencekraft, Vol. 1) 

Rikke Nielsen; Anne-Mette Hjalager; Henrik Holt Larsen; Frans Bévort; Thomas Duus Henriksen; Signe Vikkelsø / Ledelsesdilemmaer : Og kunsten at navigere i moderne ledelse.
København : Djøf Forlag 2018, 220 p.

Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Frans Bévort / Lokal kontra global ledelse : Kan dansk ledelse eksporteres?.
In: Ledelsesdilemmaer: Strejftog gennem faglitteraturen. . ed. /Frans Bévort; Thomas Duus Henriksen; Anne-Mette Hjalager; Henrik Holt Larsen; Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Signe Vikkelsø. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, p. 147-163 (Ledelses-GPS til en ny tid: Fra komfortzone til konkurrencekraft, Vol. 1) 

Frans Bévort; Per Darmer; Sara Louise Muhr / Managing the Human in 21st Century Organizations : Developing a Critical and Performative Research Agenda for HRM-studies.
In: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2018, p. 209-220

Frans Bévort / Mobilitet kontra fast forankring : Engagement hos medarbejdere på gennemrejse.
In: Ledelsesdilemmaer: Strejftog gennem faglitteraturen. . ed. /Frans Bévort; Thomas Duus Henriksen; Anne-Mette Hjalager; Henrik Holt Larsen; Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Signe Vikkelsø. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, p. 79-90 (Ledelses-GPS til en ny tid: Fra komfortzone til konkurrencekraft, Vol. 1) 

Tor Hernes; Frans Bévort / Organisering i en verden i bevægelse
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2018, 317 p.

Anders Buch; Iben Sandal Stjerne / What’s New? : Temporality in Practice Theory and Pragmatism.
In: How Organizations Manage the Future: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights. . ed. /Hannes Krämer; Matthias Wenzel. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2018, p. 45-65

Mads Mordhorst / The History of Nation Branding and Nation Branding as History
In: Nation Branding in Modern History. ed. /Carolin Viktorin; Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht; Annika Estner; Marcel K. Will. New York : Berghahn Books 2018, p. 243-254 (Explorations in Culture and International History, Vol. 9) 

Silviya Svejenova / "It Must Give Birth to a World" : Temporality and Creative Leadership for Artistic Innovation.
In: Creative Leadership: Contexts and Prospects. . ed. /Charalampos Mainemelis; Olga Epitropaki; Ronit Kark. New York : Routledge 2018, p. 171-188 (Routledge Studies in Leadership Research) 

Silviya Svejenova; Lærke Højgaard Christiansen / Creative Leadership for Social Impact
In: Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics. . ed. /Candace Jones; Massimo Maoret. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2018, p. 47-72 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 55) 

Candace Jones; Silviya Svejenova Velikova / The Architecture of City Identities : A Multimodal Study of Barcelona and Boston.
In: Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions. ed. /Markus A. Höllerer; Thibault Daudigeos; Dennis Jancsary. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2018, p. 203-234 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 54B) 

Eva Boxenbaum (Editor) ; Candace Jones (Editor) ; Renate Meyer (Editor) ; Silviya Svejenova Velikova (Editor) / The Material and Visual Turn in Organization Theory : Objectifying and (Re)acting to Novel Ideas.
London : SAGE Publications 2018, 247 p. (Organization Studies, No. 5-6, Vol. 39) 

Strandgaard Pedersen, J. Khaire, M. & Slavich, B. (eds.) (forthcoming): Technology and Creativity: New Frontiers for Creative Industries. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers Ltd.: Basingstoke.

Jones, C., Svejenova, S., Strandgaard Pedersen, J. and Townley, B. (eds.) (2016): ‘Misfits, Mavericks and Mainstreams – Drivers of Innovation in Creative Industries’. Special issue of Organization Studies, 37(6): 751-888

Mazza, C. and Strandgaard Pedersen, J. (2017): Organizational Adaptation and Inverse Trajectories: Two Cities and Their Film Festivals. Chapter 11 in “New Themes in Institutional Analysis: Topics and Issues from European Research”. Kruecken, G., Mazza, C., Meyer, R. & Walgenbach, P. (eds.). Edward Elgar (pp. 282-304).

Ooi, C-S. & J. Strandgaard Pedersen (2017): Tourism, Place Branding and the Local-Turn in Food: The New Nordic Cuisine, (pp. 95-104). In Wagner, D., Mair, M., Stöckl A.F. & Dreyer, A (eds.) Kulinarischer Tourismus und Weintourismous. Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference 2015. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham.

Strandgaard Pedersen, J. (2017). Organisationskultur. Kapitel 8 i Tanggaard Andersen, P. & Hviid Jacobsen, M. (red.) Kultursociologi og kulturanalyse. Hans Reitzels Forlag. (pp. 223-246).

Christensen, B. T., Hartmann, P. V. W., & Rasmussen, T. (2018). Creative Leaders in Bureaucratic Organizations: Are Leaders More Innovative at Higher Levels of the Organizational Hierarchy? In R. Reiter-Palmon & J. Kaufman (eds.) Individual Creativity in the Workplace. Elsevier/Academic Press


Raviola, Elena; Zackariasson, Peter / Arts and Business : Building a Common Ground for Understanding Society. New York : Routledge, 2017. 232 p. (Routledge Research in Creative and Cultural Industries Management). Antology

Silviya Svejenova Velikova; José Luis Alvarez / Changing the C-suite : New Chief Officer Roles as Strategic Responses to Institutional Complexity.

In: New Themes in Institutional Analysis: Topics and Issues from European Research. . ed. /Georg Krücken; Carmelo Mazza; Renate E. Meyer; Peter Walgenbach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2017, p. 135-161

Dove, G., Abildgaard, S. J. J., Biskjær, M. M, Hansen, N., Christensen, B. T. & Halskov, K. (2017). Grouping Notes Through Nodes : The Functions of Post-it Notes in Design Team Cognition. In: Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis.

Christensen, B. T. & Ball, L. J. (2017) Fluctuating Epistemic Uncertainty in a Design Team as a Metacognitive Driver for Creative Cognitive Processes. In: Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis.

Christensen, B. T. & Ball, L. J. (2017) Fluctuating Epistemic Uncertainty in a Design Team as a Metacognitive Driver for Creative Cognitive Processes. In: Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis.

Christensen, B. T. & Abildgaard, S. J. J. (2017). Inside the DTRS11 Dataset : Background, Content, and Methodological Choices. In: Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

*Christensen, B. T., Ball, L. J. & Halskov, K. (eds.) (2017) Analysing Design Thinking: Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation. Leiden: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

Alacovska, Ana / From ‘Poetics’ to ‘Production’ : Genres as Active Ingredients in Media Production. In: Advancing Media Production Research: Shifting Sites, Methods, and Politics. . ed. /Chris Paterson; David Lee; Anamik Saha; Anna Zoellner. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2016, pp. 181-199 (Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research ). Book chapter.

Christensen, Bo T.; Ball, Linden J. / Dismensions of Creative Evaluation : Distinct Design and Reasoning Strategies for Aesthetical, Functional, and Originality Judgments. Analyzing Design Review Conversations. ed. / Robin Adams; Junaid Siddiqui. West Lafayette, IN : Purdue University Press, 2016. pp. 115-135.

Kolodner, Janet J.; Christensen, Bo; Reeve, Richard; Svihla, Vanessa / Reflections on Design Stories. Design as Scholarship: Case Studies from the Learning Sciences. red. / Vanessa Svihla; Richard Reeve. Abingdon : Routledge, 2016. pp. 130-149.

Tore Kristensen / Creating Value by Design : John Heskett's Contributions to the Business and Economics of Design. In: A John Heskett Reader: Design, History, Economics. . ed. /Clive Dilnot. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2016, p. 268-282 Book chapter

Svejenova, Silviya / “What’s Cooking?” : Serendipitous Opportunities and Creative Action in Data Collection. Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods. ed. / Kimberly Elsbach; Roderick Kramer. New York : Routledge, 2016. pp. 298-308.

Alacovska, Ana / From ‘Poetics’ to ‘Production’ : Genres as Active Ingredients in Media Production. Advancing Media Production Research: Shifting Sites, Methods, and Politics. red. / Chris Paterson; David Lee; Anamik Saha; Anna Zoellner. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. s. 181-199 (Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research ).

Jones, Candace; Lorenzen, Mark; Sapsed, Jonathan / Creative Industries : A Typology of Change. The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. ed. / Candace Jones; Mark Lorenzen; Jonathan Sapsed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. p. 3-30.

Jones, Candace (Editor); Lorenzen, Mark (Editor); Sapsed, Jonathan (Editor) / The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. 576 p.

Munar, Ana Maria; Ek, Richard / Relationbits : You, Me and the Other. The Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture. ed. / Toby Miller. New York : Routledge, 2015. p. 137-148.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Cultural Tourism.The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy. ed. / Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park. Vol. 1 London : Sage Publications, Incorporated, 2015. p. 109-111.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Destination Marketing. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy. ed. / Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park. Vol. 1 London : Sage Publications, Incorporated, 2015. p. 155-157.

Raviola, Elena; Schnugg, Claudia / Fostering Creativity Through Artistic Interventions : Two Stories of Failed Attempts to Commodify Creativity. Artistic Interventions in Organizations: Research, Theory and Practice. ed. / Ulla Johansson Sköldberg; Jill Woodilla; Ariane Berthoin Antal. Abingdon : Routledge, 2015. p. 90-106 (Routledge Research in Creative and Cultural Industries Management, Vol. 4).

Svejenova, Silviya; Slavich, Barbara; Abdelgawad, Sondos G. / Creative Entrepreneurs : The Business Models of Haute Cuisine Chefs. The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. ed. / Candace Jones; Mark Lorenzen; Jonathan Sapsed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. p. 184-199.

Wiegand, Frauke (Editor); Michelsen, Anders (Editor); Kristensen, Tore (Editor) /Transvisuality : The Cultural Dimension of Visuality [Vol 2]. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2015. 272 p.



Trine Bille; Ana Alacovska; Andrea Baldin; Søren Nikolai Horndrup; Rikke Hornbæk Mikuta / Billedkunstens økonomiske rum : Danske billedkunstneres økonomiske arbejds- og levevilkår.

Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2018, 278 p.

Fabian Csaba / Commentary on “Co-creating Stakeholder and Brand Identities: A Cross-cultural Consumer Perspective”
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 70, 1.2017, p. 411-413

Fabian Müller / Valuation Reversed – When Valuators are Valuated : An Analysis of the Perception of and Reaction to Reviewers in Fine-dining.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2018, 334 p. (PhD Series, No. 19.2018) 

Mette Mogensen; Rikke Kristine Nielsen; Thomas Duus Henriksen; Frans Bévort; Signe Vikkelsø / Working with Paradox as Entity and Process : Projecting and Eliciting Paradoxes in Managerial Practice through an Action Learning Programme.
Paper presented at The 34th EGOS Colloquium 2018, 2018


Frans Bévort / Professionalisering af ledelse i spændingsfeltet mellem bureaukrati og profession

In: Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2017, p. 28-45

Mads Mordhorst (Editor) / Narrative Turn and Business History
Abingdon : Routledge 2017, 158 p. (Business History, No. 8, Vol. 59) 

Minna Paunova; Silviya Svejenova Velikova / The Orchestra as a Laboratory : Generative Organizing for Performance and Learning.
Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2017, 2017


Baldin, Andrea; Bille, Trine / Modelling Preference Heterogeneity for Theatre Tickets : A Discrete Choice Modelling Approach on Royal Danish Theatre Booking Data. Paper presented at The 19th International Conference on Cultural Economics. ACEI 2016. Valladolid, Spain. 

Bille; Trine; Bertelsen, Marianne; Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld / Danske forfatteres og oversætteres økonomiske levevilkår, København : Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen 2016, 182 p. Report.

Gabrielsen, Gorm; Kristensen, Tore / The Consumer’s Experience of Design Influences how Markets Work. 2016. Paper presented at EMAC 2016, Oslo, Norway.

Kristensen, Tore; Ræbild, Ulla / The Prototype as Mediator of Embodied Experience in Fashion Design. Paper presented at The 15th NORDCODE Seminar, 2016. Paper

Paunova, Minna; Svejenova Velikova, Silviya / The Orchestra as a Laboratory : In-Between Organizing at Spira Mirabilis. Paper presented at The 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016.

Strandgaard, Jesper; Bévort, Frans; Bille, Trine; Cappelen, Sophie Marie; Munar, Ana Maria; Ooi, Can-Seng; Stjerne, Iben Sandal / Examining the Variety of Contexts for Creativity : WP # 2.1.2. Manchester : Cre8tv.EU 2016, 176 p. Report


Bille, Trine; Bernhard Berle, Johan; Skot-Hansen, Dorte / Theatre Management : Quality Indicators and Demand. 2015. Paper presented at The 13th International Conference of Arts & Cultural Management [AIMAC 2015], Aix-en-Provence, France.

Bille, Trine; Lidegaard, Christina; Nuccio, Massimiliano / How to Develop a Cultural District? : Comparing Governance Models in Creative Copenhagen. 2015. Paper presented at APROS/EGOS Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Bille, Trine; Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld / Effekten af kunststøtte : Et forprojekt om problemstillinger og metoder. Frederiksberg : CBS: Copenhagen Business School, 2015. 56 p.

Budeanu, Adriana / The 23rd Nordic Symposium for Tourism and Hospitality Research : The Value(s) of Tourism : 1–4 October 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark. In: Anatolia, 06.01.2015.

Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld; Beukel, Karin; Alkærsig, Lars / Designers as Determinant for Aesthetic Innovations. 2015. Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2015 (DRUID15), Rome, Italy.

Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld / Transitions of Creatives? : Empirical Evidence on Occupation and Industry Specific Human Capital. 2015. Paper presented at DRUID Academy Conference 2015, Aalborg, Denmark.

Karmark, Esben; Csaba, Fabian; Beckmann, Suzanne C. / Pure Luxury? : The Rebranding of Georg Jensen. Frederiksberg : CBS: Copenhagen Business School. 2015, 25 p. Case.

Munar, Ana Maria; Biran, Avital; Budeanu, Adriana; Caton, Kellee; Chambers, Donna; Dredge, Dianne; Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Jamal, Tazim; Larson, Mia; Nilsson Lindström, Kristina; Nygaard, Laura; Ram, Yael / The Gender Gap in the Tourism Academy : Statistics and Indicators of Gender Equality. Copenhagen : While Waiting for the Dawn, 2015. 33 p.

Shevren, Lai ; Ooi, Can-Seng / Experiences of Two UNESCO World Heritage Cities : National and local politics in branding the past. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2015.



Silviya Svejenova Velikova / Constructive Pluralism for a Theory of Organization : Rediscovering Our Community, Identity, and Vocation. In: Organization Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2019, p. 59–63


Ana Alacovska; Nada Endrissat / "Hope Is the Greatest Whore" : Hope, Critique, and Management Studies in Irena Haiduk's Artwork: Unplugged – Voices.

In: M@n@gement, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2018, p. 1135-1153

Ana Alacovska / Informal Creative Labour Practices : A Relational Work Perspective.
In: Human Relations, Vol. 71, No. 12, 2018, p. 1563–1589

Ana Alacovska / The Gendering Power of Genres : How Female Scandinavian Crime Fiction Writers Experience Professional Authorship.
In: Organization, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2017, p. 377-396

Ana Alacovska / The History of Participatory Practices : Rethinking Media Genres in the History of User-generated Content in 19th-century Travel Guidebooks.
In: Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 39, No. 5, 2017, p. 661-679

Fabian Faurholt Csaba; Else Skjold / Fur and Sustainability : Oxymoron or Key to ‘Deeper’ Luxury?.
In: Journal of Design Business & Society, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2018, p. 131-149

Iben Sandal Stjerne / Closing the HRM Scholar-practitioner Gap : Turning to the Aesthetic Experience in Human Resource Selection.
In: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2018, p. 249-276

R. Daniel Wadhwani; Roy Suddaby; Mads Mordhorst; Andrew Popp / History as Organizing : Uses of the Past in Organization Studies.
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 39, No. 12, 2018, p. 1663–1683

Mads Mordhorst; Stefan Schwarzkopf / Theorising Narrative in Business History
In: Business History, Vol. 59, No. 8, 2017, p. 1155-1175

Feuls, M. 2018. Understanding culinary innovation as relational – insights from Tarde’s relational sociology. Creativity and Innovation Management Journal (CIM), 27(2), 161–168.

Eva Boxenbaum; Candace Jones; Renate Meyer; Silviya Svejenova Velikova / Towards an Articulation of the Material and Visual Turn in Organization Studies
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 39, No. 5-6, 6.2018, p. 597-616

Ooi, C-S. and Strandgaard Pedersen, J. (2017): In Search of Nordicity - How New Nordic Cuisine Shaped Destination Branding in Copenhagen. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, Vol. 2, pp. 217–231

Jones, C., Svejenova, S., Strandgaard Pedersen, J. and Townley, B. (2016): Introduction to the Special Issue: ‘Misfits, Mavericks and Mainstreams – Drivers of Innovation in Creative Industries’. Special issue of Organization Studies, 37(6): 751-768.

Cramer-Petersen, C. L., Christensen, B. T. & Ahmed-Kristensen, S. (in press). Empirically analysing design reasoning patterns: Abductive-deductive reasoning patterns dominate design idea generation. Design Studies.

Christensen, B. T. & Abildgaard, S. J. J. A. (in press). The oscillation between individual and social designing in co-located student teams. CoDesign

Ball, L. J., Threadgold, E., Marsh, J. E., & Christensen, B. T. (2018). The effects of stimulus complexity and conceptual fluency on aesthetic judgments of abstract art: Evidence for a default–interventionist account. Metaphor and Symbol, 33(3), 235-252.

Dove, G., Abildgaard, S. J. J., Biskjær, M. M, Hansen, N., Christensen, B. T. & Halskov, K. (2018). Grouping Notes Through Nodes: The Functions of Post-it Notes in Design Team Cognition. Design Studies, 57, 112-134.

Abildgaard, S. J. J., & Christensen, B. T. (2018). Cross-Cultural and User-Centered Design Thinking in a Global Organization: A Collaborative Case Analysis. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 3(4), 277-289.

*Christensen, B. T., & Ball, L. J. (2018). Fluctuating epistemic uncertainty in a design team as a metacognitive driver for creative cognitive processes. CoDesign, 14(2), 133-152.


Csaba, Fabian / Commentary on “Co-creating Stakeholder and Brand Identities: A Cross-cultural Consumer Perspective”. In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 70, 2017, p. 411-413. Comment/debate

Stierand, M., Boje, D., Glaveanu, V., Dörfler, V., Haley, U., & Feuls, M. 2017. Paradoxes of ‘having an idea’: examining the creative process through an antenarrative lens. The Journal of Creative Behavior – online 28.12.

Christensen, B. T., Hartmann, P. V. W., & Rasmussen, T. (2017). Threshold theory tested in an organizational setting: the relation between perceived innovativeness and intelligence in a large sample of leaders. Creativity Research Journal, 29(2), 188-193

Stierand, M., Boje, D., Glaveanu, V., Dörfler, V., Haley, U., & Feuls, M. 2017. Paradoxes of ‘having an idea’: examining the creative process through an antenarrative lens. The Journal of Creative Behavior – online 28.12.

Christensen, B. T., Hartmann, P. V. W., & Rasmussen, T. (2017). Threshold theory tested in an organizational setting: the relation between perceived innovativeness and intelligence in a large sample of leaders. Creativity Research Journal, 29(2), 188-193


Bille, Trine; Grønholm, Adam; Møgelgaard, Jeppe / Why Are Cultural Policy Decisions Communicated in Cool Cash?. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2016, p. 238-255.

Bille, Trine; Jensen, Søren / Artistic Education Matters : Survival in the Arts Occupations. In: Journal of Cultural Economics, 17.6.2016

Budeanu, Adriana (Editor); Miller, Graham (Editor); Moscardo, Gianna (Editor); Ooi, Can-Seng (Editor) / Special Volume: Sustainable Tourism : Progress, Challenges and Opportunities. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science 2016, 255 p. (Journal of Cleaner Production, No. Part B, Vol. 111)

Budeanu, Adriana; Miller, Graham; Moscardo, Gianna ; Ooi, Can-Seng /Sustainable Tourism: Progress Challenges and Opportunities : An Introduction. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 111, No. Part B, 2016, p. 285–294.

Christensen, Bo; Ball, Linden J. / Dimensions of Creative Evaluation : Distinct Design and Reasoning Strategies for Aesthetic, Functional and Originality Judgments. In: Design Studies, Vol. 45, No. Part A, 7.2016, pp. 116-136

Comunian, Roberta; Ooi, Can-Seng / Global Aspirations and Local Talent : The Development og Creative Higher Education in Singapore. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2016, p. 58-79.

Jones, Candace; Velikova, Silviya Svejenova; Strandgaard, Jesper; Townley, Barbara / Misfits, Mavericks and Mainstreams : Drivers of Innovation in the Creative Industries. In: Organization Studies, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2016, p. 751-768.

Ooi, Can-Seng / The Business of Politics Commerce, and Culture in East Asia. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2016, p. 308-311.

Raviola, Elena; Dubini, Paola / The Logic of Practice in the Practice of Logics : Practicing Journalism and Its Relationship with Business in Times of Technological Changes. In: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2016, p. 197-213.

Alacovska, Ana / Legitimacy, Self-Interpretation and Genre in Media Industries : A Paratextual Analysis of Travel Guidebook Publishing. I: European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 18, Nr. 6, 2015, s. 601-619.

Alacovska, Ana / Genre Anxiety : Women Travel Writers’ Experience of Work. I: The Sociological Review, Vol. 63, Nr. S1, 2015, s. 128-143.

Christensen, Bo Thomas; Kristensen, Tore; Reber, Rolf / Contributions of Consumer-perceived Creativity and Beauty to Willingness-to-pay for Design Products. In: International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Vol. 3, No. 3-4, 2015, p. 164-176.

Ooi, Can-Seng / The Business of Politics Commerce, and Culture in East Asia. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, 04.09.2015.




Books/Contributions to books


Book Chapters:

Moeran, Brian / Business, Anthropology, and Magical Systems : The Case of Advertising. Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings. EPIC 2014. ed. / Gary F. Gebhardt; Melea Press. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. p. 119-132 (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference. Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2014).

Moeran, Brian / Juxtapositions : Social and Material Connectedness in a Pottery Community. Anthropology Now and Next: Essays in Honor of Ulf Hannerz. ed. / Thomas Hylland Eriksen; Christina Garsten; Shalini Randeria. Brooklyn : Berghahn Books, 2014. p. 29-47.

Moeran, Brian / The Business of Creativity : Toward an Anthropology of Worth. Walnut Creek, CA : Left Coast Press, 2014. 299 p. (Anthropology and Business: Crossing Boundaries, Innovating Praxis, Vol. 1).

Mathieu, Chris; Stjerne, Iben Sandal / Artistic Practices over the Course of Careers in Film. Artistic Practices: Social Interactions and Cultural Dynamics. ed. / Tasos Zembylas. Abingdon : Routledge, 2014. p. 59-77 (Routledge/ESA Studies in European Societies).

Vaarst Andersen, Kristina; Lorenzen, Mark / Different Creative Cities : Exploring Danish Data to Adapt the Creative Class Argument to Small Welfare Economies. The Creative Class Goes Global. ed. / Charlotta Mellander; Richard Florida ; Bjørn T. Asheim; Meric Gertler . Abingdon : Routledge, 2014. p. 103-116 (Regions and Cities, Vol. 69).

Vaarst Andersen, Kristina; Bugge, Marcus M.; Hansen, Høgni Kalsø; Isaksen, Arne ; Raunio, Mika / One Size Fits All? : Applying the Creative Class Thesis to a Nordic Context. The Creative Class Goes Global. ed. / Charlotta Mellander; Richard Florida ; Bjørn T. Asheim; Meric Gertler . Abingdon : Routledge, 2014. p. 117-137 (Regions and Cities, Vol. 69).



Moeran, Brian (Redaktør); Christensen, Bo (Redaktør) / Exploring Creativity : Evaluating Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. 311 s.

Exploring Creativity


Book Chapters:

Alacovska, Ana / Creativity in the Brief : Travel Guidebook Writers and Good Work. Exploring Creativity: Evaluative Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. ed. / Brian Moeran; Bo T. Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. p. 172-190.

Bille, Trine / How to Develop a Region through Culture and Creativity : The Foundation Cultiva in Kristiansand.The Value of Arts and Culture for Regional Development: A Scandinavian Perspective. ed. / Lisbeth Lindeborg; Lars Lindkvist. Abingdon : Routledge, 2013. p. 161-179 (Regions and Cities, Vol. 64).

Christensen, Bo; Strandgaard, Jesper / Resturant Rankings in the Culinary Field. In: Exploring Creativity : Evaluating Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. red. / Brian Moeran; Bo T. Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. s. 235-259.

Csaba, Fabian; Ger, Güliz / Patina Meets Fashion : On the Evaluation and Devaluation of Oriental Carpets. In: Exploring Creativity : Evaluating Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. red. / Brian Moeran; Bo T. Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. s. 260-277.

Kristensen, Tore (Editor); Michelsen, Anders (Editor); Wiegand, Frauke (Editor) /Transvisuality : The Cultural Dimension of Visuality. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2013. 261 p. (Boundaries and Creative Openings, Vol. 1).

Mathieu, Chris; Bertelsen, Marianne / Evaluation in Film Festival Prize Juries. In: Exploring Creativity : Evaluating Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. red. / Brian Moeran; Bo T. Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. s. 211-234.

Moeran, Brian; Christensen, Bo / Introduction. In: Exploring Creativity : Evaluating Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. red. / Brian Moeran; Bo T. Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. s. 1-42.

Moeran, Brian / The Ursula Faience Dinnerware Series by Royal Copenhagen. I: Exploring Creativity : Evaluating Practices in Innovation, Design, and the Arts. red. / Brian Moeran; Bo T. Christensen. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013. s. 121-145.

Moeran, Brian / Framing Values : Symbolic Space in the Display of Arts Work. Business and Anthropology : A Focus on Sacred Space. red. / Hirochika Nakamaki; Mitchell Sedgwick. Osaka : National Museum of Ethnology, 2013. s. 7-24 (Senri Ethnological Studies; Nr. 82)

Ooi, Can-Seng / Tourism Policy Challenges : Balancing Acts, Co-operative Stakeholders and Maintaining Authencity. I: The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. red. / Melanie Smith; Greg Richards. New York : Routledge, 2013. s. 67-74.

Stöber, Birgit / Klassisch digital : Der virtuelle Konzertsaal der Berliner Philharmoniker. Akustisches Kapital: Wertschöpfung in der Musikwirtschaft. ed. / Bastian Lange; Hans-Joachim Bürkner; Elke Schüssler. Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag, 2013. p. 133-150.



Mathieu, Chris (Redaktør) / Careers in Creative Industries. In: Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. 299 s. (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies; Nr. 49).

careers in creative industries

Book Chapters:

Bille, Trine / Creative Labor : Who Are They? What Do They Do? Where Do They Work? A Discussion Based on a Quatitative Study from Denmark. Careers in Creative Industries. ed. / Chris Mathieu. Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. p. 36-65 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies).

Bille, Trine; De Paoli, Donatella / Approaches to Stimulate and Support the Cultural Entrepreneur : The Case of Denmark and Norway. Pioneering Minds Worldwide: On the Entrepreneurial Principles of the Cultural and Creative Industries: Actual Insights Into Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship Research. ed. / Giep Hagoort; Aukje Thomassen; Rene Kooyman. Delft : Eburon Academic Publishers, 2012. p. 81-83.

Darmer, Per / Empirisk fænomenologi. Samfundsvidenskabelige analysemetoder. ed. / Claus Nygaard. 2.ed. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur, 2012. p. 103-120.

Hvass, Kristian Anders; Teilmann, Kasper / Shop Characteristics that Determine UCC Interest. Rethinking Transport in the Øresund Region: Policies, Strategies and Behaviours. ed. / Carl-Magnus Carlsson; Tareq Emtairah; Britta Gammelgaard; Anders Vestergaard Jensen; Åke Thidell. Lund : Lund University, 2012. p. 135-148.

Kristensen, Tore / Doctoral Research in Design versus Doctoral Research in Management. Design Research: Between Scientific Method and Project Praxis. Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2012. ed. / Lucia Rampino . Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2012. p. 45-52 (Serie di Architettura e Design).

Kristensen, Tore; Horváth, Dóra / Managing Consumer's Experiences : Design as a Solution for Transformation. Diversity in European Marketing: Text and Cases. ed. / Thomas Rudolph; Bodo B. Schlegelmilch; András Bauer; Josep Franch; Jan Niklas Meise. Wiesbaden : Gabler, 2012. p. 219-233.

Lorenzen, Mark; Vaarst Andersen, Kristina; Laursen, Stine / Creating : The Creative-class Based Knowledge City Models of Denmark. Building Prosperous Knowledge Cities, Policies, Plans and Metrics. ed. / Tan Yigitcanlar; Kostas Metaxiotis; Francisco Javier Carrillo. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, 2012. p. 24-39.

Mathieu, Chris / Careers in Creative Industries : An Analytical Overview. I: Careers in Creative Industries. red. / Chris Mathieu. Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. s. 3-35 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies; Nr. 49).

Mathieu, Chris; Stjerne, Iben Sandal / Central Collaborative Relationships In Career-Making. I: Careers in Creative Industries. red. / Chris Mathieu. Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. s. 128-147 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business studies; Nr. 49).

Moeran, Brian (Editor); Alacovska, Ana (Editor) / Creative Industries: Critical Readings : Concepts. Oxford : Berg Publishers, 2012. 300 p.

Moeran, Brian / Evaluating Ceramic Art in Japan. Creative Industries: Critical Readings: Work. ed. / Brian Moeran; Ana Alacovska. Vol. 4 Oxford : Berg Publishers, 2012. p. 353-370.

Moeran, Brian; Alacovska, Ana / Introduction. Creative Industries: Critical Readings: Concepts. ed. / Brian Moeran; Ana Alacovska. Vol. 1 Oxford : Berg Publishers, 2012. p. 12-20.

Moeran, Brian / More than Just a Fashion Magazine. Creative Industries: Critical Readings: Organization. ed. / Brian Moeran; Ana Alacovska. Vol. 3 Oxford : Berg Publishers, 2012. p. 41-58.

Moeran, Brian / Preface. Advertising and Anthropology: Ethnographic Practice and Cultural Perspectives. ed. / Timothy de Waal Malefyt; Robert J. Morais. London : Berg Publishers, 2012. p. ix-xiii.

Munar, Ana Maria; Ooi, Can-Seng / The Truth of the Crowds : Social Media and the Heritage Experience. The Cultural Moment in Tourism. ed. / Laurajane Smith; Emma Waterton; Steve Watson. Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. p. 255-273 (Routledge Advances in Tourism; No. 26).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Education and Becoming an Artist : Experiences from Singapore. In: Careers in Creative Industries. red. / Chris Mathieu. New York : Routledge, 2012. s. 254-269 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business studies; Nr. 49).

Ooi, Can-Seng / The Danish Welfare Model and the ‘Singapore Inc’ model. Changing Tides, Changing Ties: Anchoring Asia-Europe Relations in Challenging Times. ed. / Yeo Lay Hwee; Barnard Turner. Kent Ridge : EU Centre in Singapore, 2012. p. 69-74.

Skov, Lise / It Was a Huge Shock : Fashion Designers' Transition from School to Work in Denmark, 1980s-200s. Careers in Creative Industries. ed. / Chris Mathieu. Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. p. 270-288 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business studies; No. 49).




Moeran, Brian (Redaktør); Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard (Redaktør) / Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries : Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. 359 s.

negotiating values


Book Chapters:

Bille, Trine / Kunstens balancekunst mellem velfærd og marked. Kunstens form og kulturens bruk. red. / Hans Chr. Garmann Johnsen; Terje Dragseth; Oddbjørn Johannessen; Hans Kjetil Lysgård. Kristiansand : Portal forlag AS, 2011. s. 215-233.

Boxenbaum, Eva; Gjuvsland, Monica; Leon, Clarissa Eva / Diversity Management in Denmark : Evolutions from 2002 to 2009. Diversity in the Workplace: Multi-disciplinary and International Perspectives. red. / Stefan Gröschl. Farnham : Gower Publishing Ltd, 2011. s. 101-118.

Mezias, Stephen; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Kim, Ji-Hyun; Svejenova, Silviya; Mazza, Carmelo / Transforming Film Product Identities : The Status Effects of European Premier Film Festivals, 1996-2005. Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. red. / Brian Moeran; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. s. 169-196.

Moeran, Brian; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / Introduction. Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. red. / Brian Moeran; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. s. 1-35.

Moeran, Brian / The Book Fair as a Tournament of Values. Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. red. / Brian Moeran; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. s. 119-144.

Moeran, Brian / Réinventer la mode : Un pragmatisme mondialisé. Penser la mode. red. / Frédéric Godart. Paris : IFM/Regard, 2011. s. 207-214.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Branding and the Accreditation Approach : Singapore. Destination Brands : Managing Place Reputation. red. / Nigel Morgan; Annette Pritchard; roger Pride . 3.Edition. udg. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011. s. 185-196.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Paradoxes of City Branding and Societal Changes. City Branding: Theory and Cases . red. / Keith Dinnie. Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. s. 54-61.

Ooi, Can-Seng / The Overseas Constituency. Voting in Change: Politics of Singapore's 2011 General Election. red. / Kevin Y.L. Tan; Terence Lee. Singapore : Ethos Books, 2011. s. 161-171.

Skov, Lise; Meier, Janne / Configuring Sustainability at Fashion Week. Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. red. / Brian Moeran; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. s. 270-293.




Book Chapters:

Moeran, Brian; Skov, Lise / Cosmetics and Skin Care. Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: West Europe. ed. / Lise Skov. Vol. 8 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 420-425.

Skov, Lise / Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion : Volume 8 West Europe. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: Volume 8 West Europe. ed. / Lise Skov. Vol. 8 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 90-91 (Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Vol. 8).

Skov, Lise / Ethics and Industry. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion : West Europe. ed. / Lise Skov. Vol. 8 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 152-158 (Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Vol. 8).

Skov, Lise / Taste and Fashion. Consumer Behaviour: A Nordic Perspective. ed. / Karin M. Ekström. Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2010. p. 325-339.

Skov, Lise / The Geographic and Cultural Regions. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: West Europe. ed. / Lise Skov. Vol. 8 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 9-12 (Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Vol. 8).

Skov, Lise / The Study of Dress and Fashion in West Europe. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: West Europe. ed. / Lise Skov. Vol. 8 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 3-8 (Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Vol. 8).

Skov, Lise; Melchior, Marie Riegels / Research Approaches to the Study of Dress and Fashion. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: Global Perspectives. ed. / Phyllis Tortora; Joanne B. Eicher. Vol. 10 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 11-16 (Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Vol. 10).

Ooi, Can-Seng; Stöber, Birgit / Authenticity and Place Branding : The Arts and Culture in Branding Berlin and Singapore. Re-inventing Authenticity: Tourism, Places and Emotions. ed. / Britta Timm Knudsen; Anne Marit Waade. Bristol : Channel View Publications, 2010. p. 66-79.



Vaarst Andersen, Kristina; Lorenzen, Mark / Diversity vs Dharma : How Social Capital Increases and Impedes Project Performance in Bollywood. 2014. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, United States.

Bévort, Frans; Strandgaard, Jesper / Constructing Experts and Expertise : Evaluating Practice in Danish Filmmaking. 2014. Paper presented at The 10th New Institutional Workshop. NIW 2014, Rom, Italy.

Bille, Trine / Quality and Demand for Theatre Performances. 2014. Paper presented at The VIII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. ICCPR 2014, Hildesheim, Germany.



Alacovska, Ana / Genre and Autonomy in Cultural Production : The Case of Travel Guidebook Production. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd], 2013. 330 p. (PhD Series; No. 21.2013).

Bille, Trine; Grønholm, Adam; Møgelgaard, Jeppe / Når kulturen kommunikeres i kroner : Om brugen af det økonomiske rationale i kulturpolitisk beslutningskommunikation. 2013. Paper presented at Den 6. nordiske konference for kulturpolitisk forskning – NCCPR 2013, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Bille, Trine / Det kreative Norden. Nordisk kultursamarbeid - forskning og kunnskapsbehov: Arbeidsseminar i regi av Nordisk ministerråd og Det norske kulturdepartementet, nov. 2012. ed. / Nanna Løkka; Ola K. Berge. Bø i Telemark : Telemarksforsking, 2013. p. 23-28 (TF-rapport; No. 300).

Bille, Trine / The Policy on Creative Industries in Denmark. Development of Financing and Legislation in Creative Industries of the Northern Dimension. ed. / Irina Kizilova. St. Petersburg : Institute for Cultural Programs, 2013. p. 61-65.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Why Are Cities Becoming Alike When Each City Is Branded as Different?. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2013. (CLCS Working Paper Series; Nr. May, Vol. 2013).

Ooi, Can-Seng / How to Capture and Present Complexity, Ambivalence and Ambiguity : Applying Dialogism in Social Science Research. Frederiksberg : Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2013. (CLCS Working Paper Series).

Ooi, Can-Seng; Strandgaard, Jesper / Place in Food Branding : New Nordic Cuisine. Innovation and Value Creation in Experience-Based Tourism: Book of Proceedings. ed. / Frank Lindberg. Bodø : University of Nordland, 2013. p. 26.

Raviola, Elena; Schnugg, Claudia / Be Creative like Artists, You Tedious Businesspeople! : Commodifying Creativity in two Artists-in-Residence Projects. 2013. Paper presented at The 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2013, Reykjavík, Iceland.



Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / Oracle or Obstacle? : Individual Level Knowledge, Heterogeinity and Innovation. 2012. Paper presented at The DRUID Summer Conference 2012, Copenhagen, Danmark.

Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / The Problem of Embeddedness Revisited : Collaboration and Market Types. 2012. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, USA.

Bille, Trine; Jensen, Søren / Careers, Survival Functions and Income of Artists. 2012. Paper presented at The VII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. ICCPR 2012, Barcelona, Spanien.

Bille, Trine; Løyland, Knut; Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld / Work for Passion : Labour Supply for Norwegian Artists. 2012. Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Cultural Economics. 2012, Kyoto, Japan.

Bille, Trine / Kultur- og oplevelsesøkonomien i Danmark : Evaluering af aftale fra 20. juni 2007 om styrkelse af kultur- og oplevelsesøkonomien i Danmark. København : Deloitte, 2012. 106 s.

Bévort, Frans / Making Sense of Management with Logics : An Ethnographic Study of Accountants who Become Managers. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd], 2012. 391 s. (PhD Series; Nr. 17.2012).

Boxenbaum, Eva / Wicked Problems in Eco-cities : Onsite Renewable Energy Generation. 2012. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, USA.

Boxenbaum, Eva; Acquier, Aurélien ; Pinheiro, Rebecca ; Garza de Linde, Gabriela Lucía / Processes of Institutional Innovation : Reference Tools for Eco-cities in France and Denmark. Paris : Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture (PUCA), 2012.

Jones, Candace; Boxenbaum, Eva / Let's get Concrete! : Revealing the Symbolic, Material and Aesthetic within Architects' Professional Logic. 2012. Paper presented at ABC Network 2012, Banff, Canada.

Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Liburd, Janne J.; Jensen, Jens Friis; Munar, Ana Maria / Hvidbog om Turismeforskningen i Danmark. Nexø : Center for regional- og turismeforskning, 2012. 105 s.

Hvass, Kristian Anders / A Boolean Approach to Airline Business Model Innovation. Frederiksberg : Center for International Business and Emerging Markets, Copenhagen Business School, 2012.

Koning, Juliette; Ooi, Can-Seng / Awkward Moments and Ethnography. 2012. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, USA.

Moeran, Brian / How to Award a Prize : An Ethnography of a Juried Ceramic Art Exhibition in Japan. 2012. Paper presented at The 7th Conference of the European Research Network Sociology of the Arts. 2012, Vienna, Østrig.

Moeran, Brian / Some Thoughts on the Nature of Business Anthropology. 2012. Paper presented at The Business of Ethnography, Frederiksberg, Danmark.

Munar, Ana Maria / Revealing the Attractiveness of Outrageous Beer Tourism. Frederiksberg : Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2012. (CLCS Working Paper Series).

Munar, Ana Maria; Ooi, Can-Seng / Digital Heritage Experiences. 2012. Paper presented at Innovating the Experience Economy, Roskilde, Danmark

Munar, Ana Maria; Ooi, Can-Seng / What Social Media Tell us About the Heritage Experience. Frederiksberg : Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2012.

Munar, Ana Maria; Ooi, Can-Seng / ¡Otra cerveza por favor!* Sun, Alcohol, Sex, and Sports : Exploring the Resilience of Irresponsible Seaside Tourism. 2012. Abstract from The 21st Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Umeå, Sverige.

Munar, Ana Maria / Dear Professor, I Want to be Your Friend. 2012. Abstract from Annual Conference 2012, Cambridge, Storbritannien.

Munar, Ana Maria / Exploitation and Emancipation in Tourism Social Media. 2012. Abstract from Designing and Transforming Capitalism, Aarhus, Danmark.

Munar, Ana Maria; Jacobsen, Jens Kr. Steen / Tourist Motivation 2.0 : Why do Tourists Contribute to Social Media?. 2012. Abstract from Destination Branding & Marketing Conference IV, Cardiff, Storbritannien.

Møller, Søren Friis / From Disinterestedness to Engagement : Towards Relational Leadership In the Cultural Sector. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd], 2012. 325 p. (PhD Series; No. 39.2012).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Comparative Cultural Policy : Playing the Art World Game in Denmark and Singapore. 2012. Paper presented at The VII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. ICCPR 2012, Barcelona, Spanien.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Explaining Convergence : The Accreditation Strategy in City Branding. 2012. Paper presented at China Symposium 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Good Tourism Policies : Walking the Tightrope. Frederiksberg : Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2012. (CIBEM Working Paper Series; Nr. Januar 2012).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Nordic Model Holds Lessons for Singapore. In: The Straits Times, 12.06.2012, s. 19-19.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Not Being the First Isn't Necessarily Bad. In: The Straits Times, 02.06.2012.

Ooi, Can-Seng / S'pore and Nordic Nations Share a Nuanced Similarity. In: The Straits Times, 22.05.2012.

Ren, Carina Bregnholm; Ooi, Can-Seng / Auto-Communication and Micro-Orientalism at the Shanghai Expo 2010 : Performing and Regulating 'Danishness". Frederiksberg : Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2012. (CLCS Working Paper Series).



Acquier, Aurélien; Boxenbaum, Eva; Pinheiro-Croisel, Rebecca / Standards and Innovation in Emerging Fields: Pushing Breakthrough Innovation or Enrolling Actors? : An Analysis of Eco-District Standards in France and Denmark. 2011. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2011, San Antonio, USA.

Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / Optimal Levels of Embeddedness : The Contingent Value of Networked Collaboration. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd], 2011. 187 s. (PhD Series; Nr. 23.2011).

Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / The Geographical Stretching of Ties : Access to Cluster-External Knowledge Bases and Individual Level Performance within Clusters. 2011. Paper presented at The DRUID-DIME Academy Winter Conference 2011, Aalborg, Danmark.

Bille, Trine; Champarnaud, Luc / New Generations do not Contradict Retirees.  2011. Abstract from European Sociological Association Conference, Geneva, Schweiz.

Bille, Trine; Jensen, Søren; Vestergaard, Trine / The Careers, Survival Functions and Income of Artists. 2011. Paper presented at The 5th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Norrköping, Sverige.

Champarnaud, Luc; Bille, Trine; Dabo, Sophie / New Generations do not Contradict Retirees. 2011. Paper presented at The 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Antwerpen, Belgien.

Christensen, Bo T.; Strandgaard, Jesper / Evaluative Practices in the Culinary Field : A Case of Restaurant Rankings. Frederiksberg : imagine.. CBS, 2011.

Csaba, Fabian; Larsen, Frederik / The Role og Fairs in the Development and Division of Fields : CPH Kids and Danish Children's Fashion. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.

Darmer, Per / Stories About Poets Telling Stories as Employees in Companies. Proceedings of the Sixth Art of Management and Organisation Conference. red. / Steve Linstead; Jenna Ward . York : University of York, 2012. s. 18-19.

Mathieu, Chris / The Cultural of Production and Career in the Danish film Industry : The Ideological Symbiosis of ‘Auteur’ and ‘Craftsperson’. Frederiksberg : Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, 2011. s. 1-18 (Creative Encounters Working Paper; Nr. 68).

Mathieu, Chris; Bertelsen, Marianne / Creativity at Work : Film Festival Prize Juries. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; Nr. 69).

Mathieu, Chris; Stjerne, Iben Sandal / Cinematic Careers in and of Shadows : Career-Making among Cinematographers and Film Editors in the Danish Film Industry. Frederiksberg : Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, 2011.

Moeran, Brian / The Craft of Editing : Anthropology’s Prose and Qualms. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.

Moeran, Brian / The Ursula Faince Dinnerware Series by Royal Copenhagen. Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.

Moeran, Brian / The Colours of Smell : Perfume Advertising and the Senses. 2011. Paper presented at The 110th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. 2011, Montreal, Canada.

Moeran, Brian / Studying Popular Culture in Japan : An Anthropogical Approach. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.

Munar, Ana Maria / The Lifeworld of Tourism Social Media. 2011. Abstract from Advancing the Social Science of Tourism 2011, Surrey, Storbritannien.

Munar, Ana Maria; Jacobsen, Jens Kristian Steen / Trust and Involvement in Tourism Social Media. 2011. Abstract from The 20th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research.

Ooi, Can-Seng; Munar, Ana Maria / The Social Rules of Tourism Social Media. 2011. Abstract from The 4th Critical Tourism Studies Conference 2011, Cardiff, Storbritannien.

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / Rebel or Outlaw? : Shared Leadership in a Filmmaking Company. Frederiksberg : imagine .. CBS, 2011.

Skov, Lise / Entering the Space of the Wardrobe. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.

Skov, Lise; Larsen, Frederik; Netter, Sarah / Kommissionsgenbrug : Imellem nyt og gammelt. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.

Stöber, Birtgit / New Media and Music Products "Any Place and Any Time" : The Digital Concert Hall in a Media Geographical Perspective. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2011.



Bille, Trine / The Scandinavian Approach to the Experience Economy : Does it make Sense?. 2010. Paper presented at The Experience Turn in Local Development and Planning, Aalborg, Danmark.  

Bille, Trine / The Scandinavian Approach to the Experience Economy : Does it make Sense?. 2010. Paper presented at International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. ICCPR 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Bille, Trine; Agersnap, Flemming; Jensen, Søren / Performing Artists' Living Conditions and Careers in Denmark. 2010. Paper presented at Careers in Creative Industries. Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Danmark.

Bille, Trine; Agersnap, Flemming; Jensen, Søren; Vestergaard, Trine / Performing Artists' Income Conditions and Careers in Denmark. 2010. Paper presented at The 16th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Copenhagen, Danmark.

Bille, Trine; Champarnaud, Luc; Dabo, Sophie / Effctive Generations in French Cultural Spendings : 1979-2006. 2010. Paper presented at The 16th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Copenhagen, Danmark.

Christensen, Bo Thomas; Onarheim, Balder; Ball, L.J.. / Design Requirements, Epistemic Uncertainty and Solution Development Strategies in Software Design. 2010. Paper presented at NSF Studying Professional Software Design Workshop 2010, Irvine, California, USA.

Hvass, Kristian Anders; Munar, Ana Maria / Airlines' Use of Social Media. 2010. Paper presented at The 14th Air Transport Research Society Conference 2010, Porto, Portugal.

Lorenzen, Mark; Mudambi, Ram / Bangalore vs. Bollywood : Connectivity and Catch-up in Emerging Market Economies. Frederiksberg : imagine .. CBS, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; 41).

Lorenzen, Mark; Taeube, Florian A. / The Banyan and the Birch Tree: Family Ties and Embeddedness in the Indian Film Industry in Bollywood. Frederiksberg : Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Copenhagen Business School, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; 40).

Mathieu, Chris / Talent retention in Danish film : (meso) industry level factors. Frederiksberg, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; 42).

Munar, Ana Maria / Airlines 2.0: The Challenge of Social Media. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, 2010. s. 1-18 (CIBEM Working Papers).

Munar, Ana Maria / Social Media Strategies for Destination Management. 2010. Paper presented at The 19th Nordic Symposium in Nordic Tourism and Hospitality Research 2010 , Akureyri, Island.

Munar, Ana Maria / Technological Mediation and User Created Content in Tourism. Frederiksberg : Center for East European Studies, Copenhagen Business School, 2010. (CIBEM Working Paper Series; April 2010).

Munar, Ana Maria; Ooi, Can-Seng / The Truth of the Crowds : Social Media and the Heritage Experience. 2010. Paper presented at The 19th Nordic Symposium in Nordic Tourism and Hospitality Research 2010, Akureyri, Island.

Munar, Ana Maria / Marketing Mix, Social Media and Destination Management Organizations. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp], 2010.

Ooi, Can-Seng / An Art Education, So What? : The Situation in Singapore. 2010. Paper presented at Careers in Creative Industries. Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Danmark.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Branding Cities, Changing Societies. Frederiksberg : imagine .. CBS, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; 45).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Buying and Selling Art : Control Mechanisms during Interaction. Frederiksberg : imagine .. CBS, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; 48).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Education and Becoming an Artist : Experiences from Singapore. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, 2010. s. 1-17 (CIBEM Working Papers).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Familiarity and uniqueness : Branding Singapore as a revitalized destination. Frederiksberg, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Paper; 47).

Ooi, Can-Seng; Koning, Juliette / Awkwardness and what to do with it : Contemplating quality and trustworthiness in organizational ethnography. Frederiksberg : Department of international Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2010. (CIBEM Working Paper Series; June 2010).

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / Embracing Constraints and Innovating Traditions in a Filmmaking Company. 2010. Paper presented at Boston College's Organizations Studies Seminar Series, Boston, Mass., USA.

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Mezias , S.; Kim, Ji-Hyun; Svejenova, S.; Mazza, C.. / The Dynamics of Product Identities : Status, Uniqueness, and Attention in the European Film Market, 1996-2005. 2010. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2010, Montréal, Canada

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Rüling, Charles-Clemens / Creativity at Work : Film Festival Research from an Organizational Studies Perspective. imagine .. CBS, 2010. (Creative Encounters Working Papers; 49).

Skov, Lise; Kofoed, Oleg / Studying the Structure of the Fashion System. Openwear : Sustainability, Openness and P2P Production in the World of Fashion. ed. / Bertram Niessen. 2010. p. 20-31.

Skov, Lise; Kofoed, Oleg / Sustainability in Fashion. Openwear : Sustainability, Openness and P2P Production in the World of Fashion. ed. / Bertram Niessen. 2010. p. 64-82.

Zaichkowsky, Judith Lynne; Kristensen, Tore; Gabrielsen, Gorm / It's All in the Details : Understanding Design and Brand Preference. 2010. Paper presented at International Colloquium AMSIG Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation, Barcelona, Spain.



Bille, Trine / Art and Culture between Growth and Welfare. In: Plan (Stockholm, 1947), Vol. 68, No. 5, 2014, p. 18-21.

Bille, Trine; Grønholm, Adam; Møgelgaard, Jeppe / Why Are Cultural Policy Decisions Communicated in Cool Cash?. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, 03.10.2014.

Christensen, Bo Thomas; Kristensen, Tore; Reber, Rolf / Contributions of Consumer-perceived Creativity and Beauty to Willingness-to-pay for Design Products. In: International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 14.11.2014.

Moeran, Brian; Wong, Dixon Heung Wah / ©reative Engagements and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to the Study of Business. In: Journal of Business Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, p. 136-139.

Moeran, Brian / Japanese “Merchants of Culture” : The Publishing Business in Japan. In: Research in Economic Anthropology, Vol. 34, 2014, p. 97-125.

Munar, Ana Maria; Jacobsen, Jens Kr. Steen / Motivations for Sharing Tourism Experiences through Social Media. In: Tourism Management, Vol. 43, 08.2014, p. 46-54.

Ren, Carina Bregnholm; O’Dell, Tom; Budeanu, Adriana / Sustainabilities in the Cultural Economy. In: Culture Unbound, Vol. 6, 2014, p. 907-911.



Alacovska, Ana / “Parachute Artists” or “Tourists With Typewriters” : Creative and Cocreative Labor in Travel Guidebook Production. In: Communication, Culture & Critique, Vol. 6, No. 1, 03.2013, p. 41-63.

Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / The Problem of Embeddedness Revisited: Collaboration and Market Types. In: Research Policy, Vol. 42, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 139–148.

Bille, Trine; Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld; Frey, Bruno S. ; Steiner, Lasse / Happiness in the Arts : International Evidence on Artists' Job Satisfaction. In: Economics Letters, Vol. 121, No. 1, 10.2013, p. 15-18.

Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Strandgaard Petersen, Jesper; Svejenova, Silviya / From Label to Practice: The Process of Creating New Nordic Cuisine. In: Journal of Culinary Science & Technology (Print Edition), Vol. 11, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 36-55.

Darmer, Per; Grisoni, Louise / The Opportunity of Poetry : Report about Poetry in Organizing and Managing. In: Tamara, Vol. 9, No. 1-2, 03.06.2011, p. 1-13.

Lorenzen, Mark; Mudambi, Ram / Clusters, Connectivity and Catch-up: Bollywood and Bangalore in the Global Economy. In: Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 13, Nr. 3, 05.2013, s. 501-534.

Lundhede, Thomas; Bille, Trine; Hasler, Berit / Exploring Preferences and Non-use Values for Hidden Archaeological Artefacts: A Case from Denmark. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2012, s. 1-30.

Munar, Ana Maria; KR. Steen Jacobsen, Jens / Trust and Involvement in Tourism Social Media and Web-Based Travel Information Sources. In: Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, 02.2013.

Ren, Carina Bregnholm; Ooi, Can-Seng / Auto-Communicating Micro-Orientalism: Articulating ‘Denmark’ in China at the Shanghai Expo. In: Asia Europe Journal - Intercultural Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 07.04.2013.

Strandgaard Petersen, Jesper; Darmer, Per; Mathieu, Chris / Bureaucracies and Judgmental Autonomy : Film Consultants in a Public Film Institute. In: Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidskrift, No. 1, 2013, p. 68-89.



Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / Christopher Kennedy: The Evolution of Great World Cities: Urban Wealth and Economic Growth. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2011. In: Regional Studies, Vol. 46, Nr. 7, 2012, s. 978-980.

Bille, Trine / The Scandinavian Approach to the Experience Economy : Does It Make Sense?. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 93-110.

Bille, Trine / Danske kulturpolitiske erfaringer : Oplevelsesøkonomi – den nye vin?. KulturRikets Tilstand 2011. red. / Nanna Løkka; Geir Vestheim. Porsgrunn : Høgskolen i Telemark, 2012. s. 40-54 (HiT skrift; Nr. 1).

Bille, Trine / Den økonomiske betydning af kulturhuse : Vækst eller velfærd?. In:, Nr. 40, 2012.

Bille, Trine / Vækst eller velfærd i kulturpolitikken. In:, Nr. 8, 2012, s. 3-4.

Hvass, Kristian Anders; Munar, Ana Maria / The Takeoff of Social Media in Tourism. In: Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 18, Nr. 2, 04.2012, s. 93-103.

Jones, Candace; Maoret, Massimo ; Massa, Felipe G. ; Svejenova, Silviya /Rebels with a Cause : Formation, Contestation, and Expansion of the De Novo Category “Modern Architecture,” 1870–1975. In: Organization Science, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2012, p. 1523-1545.

Kristian Steen Jacobsen, Jens ; Munar, Ana Maria / Tourist Information Search and Destination Choice in a Digital Age. In: Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 39-47.

Kristensen, Tore; Gabrielsen, Gorm; Zaichkowsky, Judith / How Valuable is a Well-Crafted Design and Name Brand? : Recognition and Willingness to Pay. In: Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2012, p. 44-55.

Lorenzen, Mark; Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / Different Creative Cities : Exploring Danish Data to Adapt the Creative Class Argument to Small Welfare Economies. In: Creative Industries Journal, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 123-136.

Lorenzen, Mark; Maurer, Indre; Staber, Udo / Space and Inter-Organizational Relations : Introduction. In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 19, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 181-186.

Lorenzen, Mark; Andersen, Kristina Vaarst / The Performance Effects of Uniplex, Multiplex and Diverse Social Ties : A Study of Bollywood Film Production. 2012. Paper presented at DRUID Society Conference 2012, Frederiksberg, Danmark.

Moeran, Brian / Opinions : What Business Anthropology is, What It Might Become... and What, perhaps, It Should Not Be. Overture. In: Journal of Business Anthropology, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 11.2012, s. 240-42, 290-297.

Moeran, Brian; Garsten, Christina / Letter from the Editors. In: Journal of Business Anthropology, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 11.2012, s. 174-176.

Moeran, Brian / A Business Anthropological Approach to the Study of Values : Evaluative Practices in Ceramic Art. In: Culture and Organization, Vol. 18, Nr. 3, 06.2012, s. 195-210.

Moeran, Brian; Garsten, Christina / What’s in a Name? : Editors’ Introduction to the Journal of Business Anthropology. In: Journal of Business Anthropology, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 1-19.

Moeran, Brian / Business and Anthropology. In: MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter, Nr. 34, 2012, s. 3-4.

Munar, Ana Maria / Social Media Strategies and Destination Management. In: Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 12, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 101-120.



Boxenbaum, Eva; Rouleau, Linda / New Knowledge Products as Bricolage : Metaphors and Scripts in Organizational Theory. In: Academy of Management Review, Vol. 36, Nr. 2, 2011, s. 272-296.

Clement, Jesper; Kristensen, Tore / Design skaber værdi(er). In: Market Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 50, 2011, p. 22-25.

Darmer, Per; Grisoni, Louise / The Opportunity of Poetry : Report about Poetry in Organizing and Managing. In: Tamara, Vol. 9, Nr. 1-2, 03.06.2011, s. 1-13.

Hvass, Kristian Anders; Munar, Ana Maria / Let's be Social in 30.000 Feet!. In: Aerlines Magazine, Vol. 2011, Nr. 49, 2011, s. 1-4.

Lorenzen, Mark / Emerging Themes in Economic Geography : Outcomes of the Economic Geography 2010 Workshop. In: Economic Geography, Vol. 87, Nr. 2, 04.2011, s. 111-126.

Moeran, Brian / Perspectives in Business Anthropology : Cultural Production, Creativity and Constraints. In: International Journal of Business Anthropology, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, 2011, s. 16-30.

Moeran, Brian / Trade Fairs, Markets and Fields : Framing Imagined as Real Communities. In: Historical Social Research, Vol. 36, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 79-98.

Munar, Ana Maria / Drawing Global Tourism : The Spatio-Temporal Dimensions. In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (JOHAT), Vol. 9, Nr. 1, 2011, s. 52-71.

Munar, Ana Maria / Tourist-created Content : Rethinking Destination Branding. In: International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 5, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 291-305.

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Mazza, Carmelo / International Film Festivals for the Benefit for Whom?. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2011, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 139-165.

Svejenova, Silviya; Strandgaard, Jesper; Vives, Luis / Projects of Passion : Lessons for Strategy from Temporary Art. Project-Based Organizing and Strategic Management. red. / Gino Cattani; Simone Ferriani; Lars Frederiksen; Florian Täube. [London] : Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011. s. 501-527 (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 28).

Ooi, Can-Seng; Stöber, Birgit / Creativity Unbound : Policies, Government and the Creative Industries. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2011, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 113-117.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Subjugated in the Creative Industries The Fine Arts in Singapore. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2011, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 119-137.

Skov, Lise; Csaba, Fabian; Melchior, Marie / Translating Fashion into Danish. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2011, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 209-228.

Skov, Lise / Dreams of Small Nations in a Polycentric Fashion World. In: Fashion Theory, Vol. 15, Nr. 2, 2011, s. 137-156.

Stöber, Birgit / Fixed Links and Vague Discourses About Culture and the Making of Cross-Border Regions. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 2011, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 229-242.



Ball, Linden J.; Onarheim, Balder; Christensen, Bo Thomas / Design Requirements, Epistemic Uncertainty and Solution Development Strategies in Software Design. In: Design Studies. 2010 ; Vol. 31, Nr. 6, 01.01.2010. s. 567-589.

Bille, Trine / Cool, Funky and Creative? : The Creative Class and Preferences for Leisure and Culture. International Journal of Cultural Policy. 2010; Vol. 16, Nr. 4, 01.01.2010. s. 466 - 496.

Christensen, Bo Thomas / Images of Users and Products Shown During Design Processes Increase Users' Willingness to Use the Design Outcome. In: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. 2010; Vol. 24, Nr. 2, 01.01.2010. s. 179-189.

Gabrielsen, Gorm; Kristensen, Tore; Zaichkowsky, Judith Lynne / Whose Design is it Anyway?. In: International Journal of Market Research. 2010; Vol. 52, Nr. 1, 01.01.2010. s. 89-110.

Lorenzen, Mark; Mudambi, Ram / Bangalore vs. Bollywood : Connectivity and Catch-UP in Emerging Market Economies. In: Academy of International Business Insights. 2010; Vol. 10, Nr. 1, 01.01.2010. s. 7-11.

Munar, Ana Maria / Digital Exhibitionism : The Age of Exposure. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research. 2010; Vol. 2, 01.01.2010. s. 401-422.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Cacophony of Voices and Emotions : Dialogic of Buying and Selling Art. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research. 2010; Vol. 2, 01.01.2010. s. 347-364.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Political Pragmatism and the Creative Economy : Singapore as a City for the Arts. In: International Journal of Cultural Policy. 2010; Vol. 16, Nr. 4, 01.01.2010. s. 403-417.

Ooi, Can-Seng; Ek, Richard / Culture, Work and Emotion. In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research. 2010; Vol. 2, 01.01.2010. s. 303-310.

Ooi, Can-Seng; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / City Branding and Film Festivals : Re-Evaluating Stakeholder's Relations. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 2010; Vol. 6, Nr. 4, 01.01.2010. s. 316-332. Review.

Rüling, Charles-Clemens; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / Film Festival Research from an Organizational Studies Perspective. In: Scandinavian Journal of Management. 2010; Vol. 26, Nr. 3, 01.01.2010. s. 318-323.




Books/Contributions to books


Mathieu, Chris; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence. Lund : Ariadne Förlag, 2009. 199 p.

Book Chapters:

Boxenbaum, Eva; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard / Scandinavian Institutionalism : A case of institutional work. Institutional Work: Actors and Agency in Institutional Studies of Organizations. ed. / Thomas B. Lawrence; Roy Suddaby; Bernard Leca. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. p. 178-204.

Darmer, Per / Dogme OA : Dogmereglerne som model for organisationsanalyse. Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence. ed. / Chris Mathieu; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Lund : Ariadne Förlag, 2009. p. 173-195.

Gabrielsen, Gorm; Grønhaug, Kjell; Kahle, Lynn; Kristensen, Tore; Plenborg, Thomas; Wilke, Ricky / Is Good Design Good Business?. Industrial Design, Competition and Globalization. ed. / Grete Rusten; John R. Bryson. Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. p. 220-241.

Lorenzen, Mark / Creativity in Context : Content, Cost, Chance and Collection in the Organization of the Film Industry. Creativity, Innovation and the Cultural Economy. ed. / Andy C. Pratt; Paul Jeffcutt. Routledge, 2009. p. 93-118 (Routledge studies in global competition).

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Mathieu, Chris / Udviklingstræk i dansk film 1995-2007. Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence. ed. / Chris Mathieu; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Lund : Ariadne Förlag, 2009. p. 15-35.

Stöber, Birgit; Ooi, Can-Seng / Kreatives Singapur. Governance der Kreativwirtschaft: Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen. ed. / Bastian Lange; Ares Kalandides; Birgit Stöber; Inge Wellmann. Bielefield : Transcript Verlag, 2009. p. 223-226.

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Boutaiba, Sami; Pedersen, Anne Reff / Zentropa : Identitetsskabelse via medierne. Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence. ed. / Chris Mathieu; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Lund : Ariadne Förlag, 2009. p. 113-141.

Strandvad, Sara Malou; Mathieu, Chris / Den danske model : Hvad består den af?. Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence. ed. / Chris Mathieu; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Lund : Ariadne Förlag, 2009. p. 37-60.



Lorenzen, Mark (Redaktør); Kristensen, Tore (Redaktør); Skov, Lise (Redaktør); Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard (Redaktør) / Når oplevelser møder økonomi : Kreative virksomheder, brancher og steder. Århus : Klim, 2008. 269 s.

Når oplevelser møder økonomi : Kreative virksomheder, brancher og steder

Book Chapters:

Lorenzen, Mark; Kristensen, Tore; Skov, Lise; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard /Kreativitet og mødet mellem oplevelser og økonomi. Når oplevelser møder økonomi: Kreative virksomheder, brancher og steder. ed. / Mark Lorenzen; Tore Kristensen; Lise Skov; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen. Århus : Klim, 2008. p. 11-21.

Moeran, Brian / On Entering the World of Women's Magazines : A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Elle and Marie ClaireMarketplace Anthropology. ed. / Nasreen Taher; Swapna Gopalan. Hyderabad : Icfai University Press, 2008. p. 187-209.

Ooi, Can-Seng / The Danish Seduction of the China Outbound Tourism Market : New Issues for Tourism Research. China: Business Opportunities in a Globalizing Economy. ed. / Verner Worm. Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School Press, 2008. p. 171-191.

Skov, Lise / Politik, branche og forskning : Brugerinnovation og den danske modebranche. Når oplevelser møder økonomi: Krative virksomheder, brancher og steder. ed. / Mark Lorenzen; Tore Kristensen; Lise Skov; Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen'. Århus : Klim, 2008. p. 205-226.



Book Chapters:

Darmer, Per; Mathieu, Chris; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Strandvad, Sara Malou / Professionalisering i den danske filmindustri : Det Danske Filminstitut. Oplevelsesøkonomi: Produktion, forbrug, kultur. ed. / Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt; Jon Sundbo. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur, 2007. p. 209-229.

Darmer, Per; Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Brorsen, Jens Peter / Zentropa : I de gyldne palmers skær. Organisationer i forandring: Cases fra private og offentlige virksomheder. København : Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 2007. p. 149-197.

Lorenzen, Mark / Localized learning and social capital. The learning region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future. ed. / Roel Rutten; Frans Boekema. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, 2007. p. 206-230.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Free the mind, Mind the Free : The Creative Economy and Limits to the Freedom of Expression in Singapore. Communication and Human Rights. ed. / Mike Hayes. Thailand : Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development, Mahidol University, 2007. p. 44-68 (Human Rights In Asia Series).

Ooi, Can-Seng / Creative Industries and Tourism in Singapore. Tourism, Creativity and Development. ed. / Greg Richards; Julie Wilson. London : Routledge, 2007. p. 240-251 (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility).



Moeran, Brian / Ethnography at work. New York : Berg Publishers, 2006. 152 s.

Book Chapters:

Moeran, Brian / Mingei-Keramiker und Wertediskussion. Faszination Keramik: Museum für Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt. ed. / Stephan von der Schulenburg. Köln : Wienand Verlag GmbH, 2006. p. 49-55.



Nøgletal for Dansk Ophavsretsøkonomi. Bilagsmateriale fra "Ophavsret i den Danske Oplevelsesøkonomi: Tal og Tendenser" af cand.merc.jur Kunal Singla og lektor Mark Lorenzen fra Copenhagen Business School.

CBS Tal om Dansk Ophavsret 2009



The research project 'Art, Competence and Competitiveness in the Danish Experience Economy' released on June 2008 eight new reports, presenting new research within the following areas:

Den danske oplevelsesøkonomi - Afgrænsning, økonomisk betydning og vækstmuligheder af Trine Bille og Mark Lorenzen.

The political promotion of the experience economy and creative industries - Cases from UK, New Zealand, Singapore, Norway, Sweden and Denmark af Sofie Birch.

Events i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi - den kollektive brusen af Jens Nielsen.

Museerne i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi - når oplysning bliver til oplevelse af Dorthe Skot-Hansen.

Film i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi - filmproduktion, filmstøtte og biografmarkedet i Danmark af Rikke Wümpelmann.

Idræt og sport i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi - mellem forening og forretning af Rasmus K. Storm og Henrik H. Brandt.

Fashion in the Danish Experience Economy - Challenges for Growth af Yen Tran.

Software Games in the Danish Experience Economy af Nicholas O' Keeffe.

All eight reports can be purchased through:



Den Kreative Klasses Dynamik - imagine.. rapport 2007. Af Kristina Vaarst Andersen, Erik Johnsen Vinther & Mark Lorenzen.

Download rapport: Den Kreative Klasses Dynamik - Rapport 2007



Rammebetingelser for Københavns kreative brancher - Rapport 2006. Af Sofie Birch Mathiasen, Mark Lorenzen og Christine Fur Poulsen.
Download rapport:
Rammebetingelser for Københavns kreative brancher - 2006 Rapport

Kortlægning af den danske ophavsretsøkonomi - Rapport 2006. Af Kristina Vaarst Andersen.

Download rapport: Ophavsretsrapport

Nordic design for a global market - Policies for developing the design industry in the Nordic Region. Af Dominic Power, Johan Jansson og Mark Lorenzen.
Download report: Nordic Design Policy




imagine .. Annual Mappings 2005 (published in June 2005).
Download brochure Imagine 2005 Flyer
Download mappings below:


The Geography of the Danish Creative Class: A Mapping and Analysis



Friis Møller, Søren; Poulfelt, Flemming / Kulturel governance?. In: Boersen, 05.06.2009, p. S. 9.

Kristensen, Tore / The Micro- and Macro-levels of Co-creation : How Transformations Change preferences in Open Source Business Resource. In: Open Source Business Resource, 2009, p. 25-29.

Kristensen, Tore; Sontaite, Migle / Aesthetics Based Corporate Reputation Management in the Context of Higher Education. In: Organizaciju Vadyba: Sisteminiai Tyrimai, No. 51, 2009, p. 129-146.

Lorenzen, Mark; Vaarst Andersen, Kristina / Centrality and Creativity : Does Richard Florida's Creative Class Offer New Insights into Urban Hierarchy?. In: Economic Geography, Vol. 85, No. 4, 2009, p. 363-390.

Lorenzen, Mark / Bollywood. Anglo-Files. 2009; Nr. 152, 01.01.2010. s. 81-86.

Mathieu, Chris / Practising Gender in Organizations : The Critical Gap Between Practical and Discursive Consciousness. In: Management Learning, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2009, p. 177-193.

Moeran, Brian / The Organization of Creativity in Japanese Advertising Production. In: Human Relations, Vol. 62, No. 7, 2009, p. 963-985.

Ooi, Can-Seng / Government and creativity : Arts city Singapore. In: Creative Industries, No. 3, 2009, p. 44-47.

Ooi, Can-Seng / The Orient responds : Tourism, Orientalism and the national museums of Singapore. In: Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2005, p. 285-299.

Skov, Lise; Skjold, Else; Moeran, Brian; Larsen, Frederik; Csaba, Fabian / The Fashion Show as an Art Form. Frederiksberg : Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2009.



Lange, Bastian; Kalandides, Ares; Stöber, Birgit; Mieg, H. A. / Berlin's Creative Industries : Governing Creativity?. In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2008, p. 531-548.

Lange, Bastian; Stöber, Birgit / Die Stadt ist der Star : Vergleiche von Place-Making-Prozessen durch die Kreativwirtschaft in Berlin und Kopenhagen. In: Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde, Vol. 82, No. 4, 2008, p. 355-377.

Lorenzen, Mark; Scott, Allen J.; Vang, Jan / Geography and the Cultural Economy. In: Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2008, p. 589-592.

Moeran, Brian / Materials, Skills and Cultural Resources : Onta Folk Art Pottery Revisited. In: Journal of Modern Craft, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008, p. 35-54.

Moeran, Brian / Economic and cultural production as structural paradox : The case of international fashion magazine publishing. In: International Review of Sociology, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2008, p. 267-281.

Skov, Lise / The simultaneous success and disappearance of Hong Kong martial arts film. Frederiksberg : Center for Europaforskning, Copenhagen Business School, 2008.



Kristensen, Tore; Grønhaug, Kjell / Editorial Essay : Can design improve the performance of marketing management?. In: Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 23, No. 9-10, 2007, p. 815-827.

Lorenzen, Mark (2007), Hollywood and Beyond: Globalization of the film industry. Særudgave af Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14, No. 4, redigeret af Mark Lorenzen.

Lorenzen, Mark / Internationalization vs. Globalization of the Film Industry. In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2007, p. 349-357.

Lorenzen, Mark / Social capital and localised learning : Proximity and place in technological and institutional dynamics. In: Urban Studies, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2007, p. 799-817.

Moeran, Brian / Marketing scents and the anthropology of smell. In: Social Anthropology, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2007, p. 153-168.



Institutions in the making: Identity, power, and the emergence of new organizational forums. Redigeret af Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen og Ann Westenholz (Copenhagen Business School) samt Frank Dobbin (Harvard University). American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 49, No. 7, March 2006.

Mathieu, Chris / Transforming the Danish Film Field Via "Professionalization", Penetration and Integration. In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2006, p. 242-249.

Moeran, Brian / Elegance and Substance Travel East : Vogue Nippon. In: Fashion theory: the journal of dress, body and culture, Vol. 10, No. 1-2, 2006, p. 225-258.

Moeran, Brian / More Than Just a Fashion Magazine. In: Current Sociology, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2006, p. 725-744.

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Dobbin, Frank / In Search of Identity and Legitimation : Bridging Organizational Culture and Neoinstitutionalism. In: American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 49, No. 7, 2006, p. 897-907.

Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard; Svejenova, Silviya; Jones, Candace; de Weerd-Nederhof, Petra / Editorial. In: Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2006, p. 221-223.

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