PhD defence - Elisabet Skov Nielsen
Monday, February 3, Elisabet Skov Nielsen has invited to her PhD defence entitled:
The leadership work of mobilizing committed future action: An ethnomethodological approach
The seminar takes place from 14:30-16:30 on Solbjerg Plads, room SPs07, Coloplast.
Primary supervisor:
Associate Professor Morten Knudsen, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisor:
Associate Professor Magnus Larsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University.
Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen (Chair), Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School
Professor Johann Packendorff, Department of Industrial Economics & Management, Division of Organization and Management KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering and Management
Associate Professor Birte Asmuss, Department of Management, Aarhus University