Center for Public Organization, Value and Innovation (POVI)

Associate Professor Susanne Boch Waldorff, Professor WSR Anne Reff Pedersen and Professor Carsten Greve are happy to release a new online series of seminars in Spring 2022 - Topics and dates in the overview!
teamiet povi
How Scandinavian Municipalities Prevent Radicalization to Extremism – a POVI seminar paper presentation
rasmus andersson malmros 1
a POVI seminar paper presentation on February 21, 2020
rasmus andersson malmros 2
Susanne Boch Povi
povi seminar sandfort
povi seminar
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Sandfort presenting

POVI 2022 - Spring seminars

PDF icon povi_spring_seminars_2022.pdf

February 28 at 12:00- 13.30 CBS/Kilen: Kirstine Zink Pedersen, CBS & Sarah Wadmann, VIVE. Paper presentation: “Economic responsibilization: A history of office-based accountability in healthcare”. 

In times of austerity, professional expertise is often mobilized by state authorities to device solutions that ultimately may alter both state and professions. Contributing to debates on the reconfiguration of professional roles against institutional reforms, this paper recounts what we call the ‘economic responsibilization’ of the medical profession in the Danish welfare state. Combining a governmentality approach with a Weberian understanding of office-based virtues and duties of professionals, we investigate how medical professionals respond to and are involved in the negotiations of new forms of knowledge and regulatory standards to control healthcare expenditures in the historical expansion of the Danish welfare state. Pedro Monteiro, CBS. Paper presentation: :” The Look and Feel of The Iron Cage: On the Material Design Features of Formalization.”

March 22 at 12:00-13.00, Kilen: Rundbordsdiskussion om bogen Entreprenørstaten og fælles frokost.

March 22 at 15.00-16.30, CBS/ Dalgas have: POVI & MPG joint seminar in Danish: Entreprenørstaten ” talk by Sigge Winter Nielsen.

Bogen ”Entreprenørstaten” af Sigge Winter Nielsen har fået stor omtale siden den udkom i 2021. Sigge Winter Nielsen skriver om reform- og forandringstendenser i den danske offentlige sektor. Tankerne om en entreprenørstat og politikudviklingens betydning for offentlige ledere og for borgerne har skabt en aktiv debat i medierne. ”I denne bog opføres en nervepirrende fortælling om det danske folkestyre. I centrum står politikere, journalister og embedsmænd fanget i deres egen spin som magtesløse sjæle, der løber hurtigere og hurtigere – man alligevel må erkende at meget sander til i pseudopolitik. Spørgsmålet rejser sig: Kan vi i dag overhovedet drive politiske forandringer? ”.

April 26 at 12.00-13.30, CBS/Kilen: Too Good to Be True? Institutional Dynamics at the Hope/Hype Nexus. Paper draft by Noomi Weinryb, Södertörn University, Stockholm and Uppsala University & Linda Wedlin, Uppsala University. Discussant: Morten Knudsen 

When something popular becomes almost too popular, it has come to be thought of as a hype. We live in an age of such hypes. Not only do our hopes converge on desired future states, but some of that convergence is also based on overblown, misleading, and even outright false assumptions on how such a state is attained. We argue that hypes are processes where desired states are attained at the prize of destructing, or at least threatening, carefully layered structures of rules and norms. Whereas hopes are continuous mechanisms that enable our mass organized society, hypes are their abrupt sister phenomena, that at times may challenge the status quo. The paper contributes to organization theory by showing how the concepts of hype and hope are interrelated on an institutional level, where fashion is one potential outcome of hypes, alongside failures and frauds. We use three cases of hypes with different outcomes to illustrate our understanding of what we term the hope/hype nexus, and the institutional dynamics that support and sustain hypes.  

May 3 at 12:00-14:00, CBS/Kilen:  Tobias Berggren Jensen, CBS & Susanne Waldorff, CBS. Paper presentation: “Rethinking Value in Public Management”. Ida Schrøder, Århus University & Helene Ratner Århus University:  Paper presentation: “When are algorithms ethically good (enough)? Organizational enactments of the ethically good algorithm”.

June 7 at 12:00-14:00, CBS/Kilen: Summer-lunch POVI and strategy discussion of research groups at IOA. All POVI members.


POVI 2021 - Fall seminars

November 2 at 12:00-13:30: Invitation to POVI paper seminar: Associate Professor Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen and Assistant Professor Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen, CBS:  “BUT YOU’RE NOT IN DANGER ARE YOU DAMN IT: Unconscious drivers of category work in street-level exchanges”. Professor WSR Anne Reff Pedersen, CBS: “Renewal but no redemption: Employee narratives of organisational misconduct. RSO paper and editorial letter. (Venue: KL.4.74).

November 2 at 15:20-18:15: Invitation to: Fyraftens-seminar: Ledelse mellem hensyn og dilemmaer. A CBS event organized by Department of OrganizationCBS Leadership Blue Ribbon, and Master of Public Governance. Introduction (in Danish): Ledelse handle om at skabe retning og få ting til at ske i fællesskab. Men vilje og den rette indstilling er ikke nok. Ledelse skal også navigere imellem lige vigtige hensyn og finde kompromiser. Fyraftensseminaret inviterer til møde med organisations- og ledelsesforskere, som stiller skarpt på de balancegange, ledelse også handler om. På baggrund af samtaler med og analyser af danske ledere og ledelsesprojekter i offentlige organisationer og private virksomheder, give de smagsprøver på nye forskningsresultater og lægger op til debat om ledelse mellem hensyn og dilemmaer. (Venue: Solbjerg Plads SPs14 PA Consulting Aud, CBS). Link to the program in Danish here 

December 7 at 12:00-14:00: Invitation to POVI Seminar on COVID-19 - organization and management prespectives. Corona has for some time - and is still - a major challenge for societies. In this POVI seminar we take the opportunity to reflect upon the organizing and management of Covid-19 activities and how this has affected not only our daily lives, but also our analytical perspectives. We start with an inside view from a NHS vaccination center in the UK, then we focus on the consequences for professions' practices and responsibilities, and finally we trace the pandemic's threads back in time by studying a collection of Covid-19 objects. (Venue: Medical Museion, Copenhagen University, Bredgade 63 – lunch and coffee will be served). After the seminar there will be an opportunity to stay and explore the museum on your own hand.  Registration for the seminar is necessary. Please write to: by November 30.


POVI 2021 - Spring ONLINE seminars

PDF icon POVI Seminars 2021 - Spring

Every Tuesday from 12-12.40 at TeamsPOVI Social – Virtual drop-in meeting

As Covid-19 is taking a toll on us all, we decided to hold a weekly virtual drop-in meeting where we can be social and update each other on matters large and small. There is no formal agenda, nor any requirements for attendance. Just drop in every Tuesday for an informal chat with your POVI-colleagues about how you are feeling and what has been on your mind lately. 

March 22, 2021 at 12-13.30: Virtual Keynote speak with Renate Meyer. In this seminar, Professor Renate Meyer, who is Editor in Chief of Organization Studies, will share her thoughts on public sector articles in the journal such as what are the current agendas, missing debates, and possible contributions. There will also be plenty of room for questions regarding review and publishing processes.

April 8, 2021 at 12.13.30 Virtual Short presentations of POVI members ideas, projects and work (without papers): Post doc. Frank Meier Invisible project leadership work in digital transformation: A CCO approach. PhD Alexandrina Schmidt: ”The Dark side of Digitalization”. This PhD investigates how digitalization of job centers influences disadvantaged citizens. PhD. Ditte Thøgersen: Feedback is requested on a Call for abstracts for a book proposal about Public innovation management. The draft for the call will be sent out a week prior to the meeting and subesquently distributed through our network. 

April 23, 2021 at 14-15.30 Virtual Keynote speak with Erin Metz McDonnell(  Patchwork Leviathan: How Organizational and Cognitive Insights Help Explain High-Performing Niches in Low-Income States

In states where corruption or ineffectiveness are expected of civil servants, how do some niches within the state emerge as distinctly more effective and public-oriented than the rest? 

May 11, 2021 at 12-13.30: Virtual Roundtable and Paper presentations:  PhD. Ditte Thøgersen: Windows of Translation - The asynchronous translation of an organizational mission, Post doc. Vibeke Kristine Scheller: Meeting cancer on home ground: Boundary work in at-home cancer trajectories

June 16, 2021 at 12-13.30: Live at CBS Book discussion: Public Innovation Management in a Danish contextDitte Thøgersen & Anne Reff Pedersen. In this seminar authors will present their abstracts for the book chapters and we will discuss the shared narrative of the anthology. Finally, we will agree on a template for the structure of the chapters.

POVI 2020 - Fall/Winter ONLINE seminars

PDF icon POVI Seminars 2020 - Fall/Winter

October 20, 2020 at 12-1 pm. What are we doing in POVI in our current research:  The two presenters are:  Paul Du Gay & Carsten Greve, IOA/CBS.

November 17, 2020 at 12-1.30 pm. POVI paper presentations: Lene Tolstrup Christensen, IOA/CBS & Giuseppe Grossi, Professor in Public Management and Accounting.  Paper: A New Model of Corporatization. The institutionalization of the State Guarantee Model into the Danish transport infrastructure governance.

November 24, 2020 at 11-12.20 pm.  Fall guest lecture, Professor Stephen Osborne, University of Edinburgh. Title: A Public Service Logic and The Creation of Public Value. Moderator: Ditte Thøgersen.

December 1, 2020 at 12-2 pm. Not the Christmas special, but the “Covid-19 special”: Discussion of public management and organizing in the context of COVID 19 and how to collect data in times with COVID19: Presenters of cases: Ann Fugl-Meyer, Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen and Kristine Zink Pedersen. 

January 20, 2021 at 12-1.30 pm. What are we doing in POVI in our current research: The four presenters are: Camilla Sløk, Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen, Karen Boll, Vibeke Kirstine Scheller, IOA/CBS.  

February 3, 2021 at 12- 2 pm. POVI paper presentations: 2 papers: Morten Knudsen: The dynamics of Ignorance & Pedro Monteiro: The concept of bureaucracy. IOA/CBS.


POVI 2020 - Spring seminars

PDF icon POVI Seminars 2020 - Spring

January 20, 2020 at 1-4 pm.: Paper seminar on 'Policy and Program Implementation’. With Professor Jodi Sandfort, University of Minnesota, Associate Professor Martin Bæk Carstensen, IOA/CBS, and Associate Professor Susanne Boch Waldorff, IOA/CBS.

February 6, 2020 at 12-2 pm.: Paper seminar with Professor Steven Brown, Nottingham Trent University: Travelling memories: experiencing time in secure psychiatric care & Associate Professor Attila Bruni University of Trento: Flirting with objects and technologies, performing organization: STS and studies of organizational practice

February 21, 2020 at 2-3 pm: Paper Presentation by PhD fellow Robin Anderson Malmros, Gothenborg University: Managing Grand Challenges - How Scandinavian Municipalities Prevent Radicalization to Extremism. 

March 12, 2020 at 12-1:30 pm: Seminar and book presentation with Professor Alasdair Roberts, University of Massachusetts Amherst: Strategies of Governing. 

April 22, 2020 at 12-1:30 pm: Paper presentation with Professor Renate Meyer, CBS and Vienna University: Inequality, political opportunity structures, and the challenges of robust action: An analysis of city resilience strategies.

May 19, 2020 at 12-1:30 pm: Paper presentation with Associate Professor Karen Boll, IOA/CBS and discussion: The promissory economy of internal control. 

June 24, 2020 at 12-6 pm: Young scholar paper seminar.

POVI 2019 - Fall Seminars

PDF icon POVI Seminars 2019 - Fall

August 21, 2019, Paper presentation: “Occupying Policy Vacuums: The European Commission on Demographic Change” by Professor Leonard Seabrooke & Professor Eleni Tsingou, CBS and PhD Fellow Johann Ole Willers, NUPI & CBS

September 25, 2019, Paper presentation: “Standardizing professional discretion: The displacement of case-based rationality in front-line encounters.” by Associate Professor Kirstine Zinck Pedersen, CBS and Assistant Professor Anja Pors, University College Copenhagen

October 9, 2019, Paper presentation: “Meaningful work” &  “Everybody is responsible, but nobody is guilty.” by Professor Marjo Lips-Wiersma, AUT University and Associate Professor Camilla Sløk, CBS

October 23, 2019, Paper presentation:  “A Policy Enterpreneur Stuck on a Path? Was the "Coherence reform" (Sammenhængsreformen) Coherent?” by Professor Carsten Greve, CBS

November 12, 2019, Paper presentation: “Babylon or bureaucratic control? A Q methodology study of Danish elite actors' governance perception in the transport infrastructure sector.” by Postdoc Fellow Lene Tolstrup Christensen, CBS

December 3, 2019, Paper presentation: “Public Innovation” by PhD Fellow Ditte Thøgersen, CBS

POVI 2019 - Spring Seminars

 POVI Seminars 2019 - Spring

January 16, 2019, Paper presentation: "Speaking Truth to Power? Anti-Bureaucratic Romanticism from Critical Organizational Theorizing to the White House" by associate professor Thomas Lopdrup-Hjorth, CBS

February 8, 2019, POVI talk: “A research agenda and vision of futures of Public Administration research” by Professor Geert Bouckaert, KU Leuven, Belgium Event: click here

March 21, 2019, VELUX & POVI seminar: "When the State meets the Street' and 'The Enabling Roles of Bureaucracy in Collaboration Across Expertise Domains" by Assistant Professor Bernardo Zacka, MIT and Postdoc Fellow Pedro Monteiro, EMLYON Business School

Program: click here

May 15, 2019, Paper presentation: “Everybody is responsible, but nobody is guilty” by Associate Professor Camilla Sløk, CBS

June 19, 2019, Paper presentation: “Shared decision-making in a Health care setting” by Associate Professor Kirstine Zinck Pedersen, CBS

POVI 2018 - Fall Seminars

PDF icon POVI Seminars 2018 - Fall

September 4, 2018: Round table talk & Paper presentation by Professor Anne Reff Pedersen & Associate Professor Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen, CBS

September 24, 2018: Talk by Professor Mark Moore, Harvard University

September 24-25, 2018: Professor Mark Moore visit at IOA on  Program

Interview with Mark Moore: " Implications for leaders"


October 9, 2018: Paper presentation and round table talk by Professor Carsten Greve & Postdoc Fellow Lene Tolstrup Christensen, CBS

October 23, 2018: Talk by Assistant Professor Mie Plotnikof, Københavns Professionshøjskole

October 29-30, 2018: Workshop on Nordic experiences with public sector innovation and public value creation

Place: Copenhagen, Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

November 6, 2018: Paper presentation & Velux project talk by Professor Paul Du Gay, CBS

November 20, 2018: Talk on "Democracy, governance and law in the Nordic public sectors" & Nordic project talk by Professor Haldor Byrkjeflot, University of Oslo & CBS

POVI 2018 - Spring Seminars

PDF icon POVI Seminars 2018 - Spring

April 16, 2018: Round table talk and paper presentation on “Institutional Logics, Embedded Agency and Performance Measurement as Decision-making” by visiting PhD Fellow Ben Ngoye, ESADE

April 30, 2018: Talk by Head of Analysis Ole Bech Lykkebo, Center for public Innovation (COI)

May 8, 2018: Paper presentation & IRSPM talk on “Translating value based management into health care" by Associate Professor Susanne Boch Waldorff, CBS and Chief Research Analyst Marie Henriette Madsen, VIVE

May 22, 2018: Talk by Research Director Vibeke Normann Andersen, VIVE

June 12, 2018: Paper presentation and round table talk on “Is there such a thing as”collaborative” tax checking?” by Associate Professor Karen Boll, CBS

June 26, 2018: Talk on "En forskers erfaringer fra ledelseskommissionens arbejde og resultater" by Associate Professor Caroline Grøn, KU


The page was last edited by: Center for Public Organization, Value and Innovation // 06/17/2022