Centre for Organization and Time (COT)
COT at conferences

Miriam Feuls: Sub-theme 10: [SWG 10] Innovating for Desirable Futures: Exploring the Intersection of Innovation, Sustainability, and Time, Convenor
Joana Geraldi with, Dicle Kortantamer & Jörg Sydow: Sub-theme 70: Temporary Organizing: A Field at Critical Junctures, Convenor
Majken Schultz: Clean Cluster Yearly Meeting, Key-note: How do companies move into a sustainable future?
Joana Geraldi & Sofia Pemsel: Plenary Panel Discussion Closing the 30th IRNOP - International Research Network on Organizing by Projects.
The Future is Now - Exploring the Interactions between Organizations, Sustainability, and Time, co-hosted by Saïd Business School, Smith School, and Copenhagen Busniss School, Oxford, UK (with Aoife Brophy, Juliane Reincke, Mette Morsing, and Majken Schultz
Xu, S. M., Feuls. M., Lahneman, B., Sasaki, I., Slawinski, N., & Garud, R. Organizing with Nature: Unfolding the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Complexities. Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Proceedings: Link
Governing for a Sustainable Future: Exploring the Internactions Between the Public and Private Sector. Grewatch, S., Feuls, M., Xu, S. M., & Miyushina, N.
Panelist and roundtable host, EGOS Strategy-as-Practice (SAP) Community Day 2023: In Search of a Good Life: Strategizing Between Vision and Tradition. Egos Colloquium
Facilitator: New conceptual tools for a net-zero world: Systems, scale and temporality. Academy of Management annual meeting
Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Etzion, D., Garud, R., Grewatsch, S., Whiteman, G., Reinecke, J., Feuls., Xu, S. M., The Role of Temporality in Innovating with Nature.
Proceedings: Link
Majken Schultz: PDW 01: Theorizing Desirable Future: Tools for imagination, panelist & moderator
Tor Hernes: PDW 01: Theorizing Desirable Future: Tools for imagination, convenor
Miriam Feuls: PDW 01: Theorizing Desirable Future: Tools for imagination, panelist & moderator
Miriam Feuls: Co-Organizer of the PDW: How can researchers impact the future – rethinking and developing new methods for studying grand challenges.
Majken Schultz:
Panelist of the PDW: How can researchers impact the future – rethinking and developing new methods for studying grand challenges.
Panelist of the PDW: Facts, Fictions, or Something in Between: The Constructive and Destructive Power of History Work
Tor Hernes: Sub-theme 01: Organization & Time: The Situated Activity of Time Enactment, convenor
Majken Schultz: Organizer Panel Symposium: Managing for the Distant Future: A Research Agenda for the Fight Against Climate Change
Tor Hernes: Panelist: Managing for the Distant Future: A Research Agenda for the Fight Against Climate Change
Majken Schultz: Sub-theme 01: Organization & Time: Understanding the Past (and Future) in the Present, convenor.
Silviya Svejenova: Sub-theme 22: Creative Industries Revisited: Addressing Invisibilities, Inequalities, and Injustice, convenor.
Mie Plotnikof: PDW 03: Digital Media, Communication, and Organization [or: Digital Media Eats Organization for Breakfast], convenor.
Mie Plotnikof: Co-organizer of the Organizational Discourse Conference
Iben Stjerne and Miriam Feuls: Chair a showcase symposium named the temporality of innovations: How do different concepts of time further our understanding of managing and organizing innovations?
Iben Stjerne: Paper presentation in the PDW: For a limited time only: A practice-based view of strategizing in temporary organizations
Tor Hernes: Sub-theme 01: Organization & Time: Organizing in the Nexus between Short and Distant Futures, convenor.
Iben Stjerne: Sub-theme 66: Temporality and Project-based Organizing, convenor.
Silviya Svejenova: Sub-theme 43: Cities as Sites and Drivers of Organizational Action, convenor.
Mie Plotnikof: Track chair - track 14
Majken Schultz: Speaker and moderator.
Majken Schultz: All activities referring to Centre agenda and Carlsberg research
- Speaker junior faculty consortium: temporality research
- Speaker workshop: Engaging and engaged research
- Organizer symposium: How Do Organizations Translate Temporal Extremities into Business Horizons?
- Panelist: The intersection on identity and memory
- Panelist: The dark side of authenticity
- Speaker: CBS alumni event: Strategy and identity (Carlsberg case)
Majken Schultz: Invited sub-plenary participant on rediscovering memory for the future: Semper Ardens case.
Tor Hernes: Track Chair and keynote: "The surprising lack of change in continuity"
Schultz, M. & Hernes, T: Joint paper presentation on framework for temporality in organizations.
Silviya Svejenova: Sub-theme 34: Organized Creativity: Harnessing Serendipity and Surprise.
Majken Schultz: Invited panelist on temporality research.
Tor Hernes: Keynote speaker: "The becoming of time".
Silviya Svejenova: Gave a public lecture together with Jesper Strandgaard and Haldor Byrkjeflot: Manifesto, Model or Movement? (Tem)plating (New) Nordic Food for Broader Impact.
Silviya Svejenova: Keynote speaker: "The Temporality of Creativity: Organizing for Novelty in Time"
EM LYON, November 2018:
Majken Schultz invited speaker on strategy and identity interplay. November.
Université Paris-Dauphine November 2018:
Tor Hernes speaker & teaching research master class
- Svejenova, S. The Changing C-Suite: Executive Power Structures in Transformation, Keynote at Dinner event fortop executives, Center for Leadership (CfL), Copenhagen, April 18 2018.
- Svejenova, S. (Keynote at Executive Brunch for HR specialists, Center for Leadership (CfL), Copenhagen, April 18 2018.