Centre for Organization and Time (COT)



Nina Granqvist - @bout time seminar - January 18th "Chasing tornadoes: Temporal Work to Foster Group Engagement Under Uncertainty"


Jeroen Oomen - @bout time seminar - February 5th 2024 "Capturing futures: Temporality in the Drama of Environmental Politics"

Daniel Wadhwani - @bout time seminar - April 8th "Constructing Clock Time"


Brian Pentland - @bout time seminar - September 5th "Path Nets: Concurrence and Recurrence in the Dynamics of Organizaing"


Andrew Hoffman - @bout time seminar - October 29th "Business Education as if People and the Planet Mattered: Rejuvenating the Intellectual and Moral Training of Future Business Leaders"


Liliana Doganova - @bout time seminar - November 29th "Discounting the Future: The Ascendancy of a Political Technology"


Jörg Sydow - @bout time seminar - November 8th "Temporary Organizing: Form and Process


Lasse Jonasson - @bout time seminar - September 12th "Anticipatory Leadership: How to lead your organization in times of uncertainty and complexity


Stefan Gaardsmand Jacobsen - @bout time seminar - April 18th "Between Sequence and Urgency: Climate Justice Temporalities in Denmark"


Graham Winch - @bout time seminar - March 10th "From Temporary to Temporal Organizing: An intellectual Journey"


Peter Møllgaard - @bout time seminar



Emanuel Gomez - @bout Time Seminar



Elena Giovannoni - @bout Time Seminar

Invite @bout time seminar with Elena Giovannoni


Tammar B. Zilber - @bout Time Seminar

Invite @bout time seminar with Tammar Zilber


Jochen Koch - @bout Time Seminar

Invite @bout time seminar with Jochen Koch


Mikkel Flyverbom - @bout Time Seminar

Invite @bout time seminar with Mikkel Flyverbom




Liisa Välikangas - @bout Time Seminar



CrossRoads seminar - October 8th 2021



Natalie Slawinski - @bout Time Webinar



Innan Sasaki - @bout Time Webinar




Daniel Geiger - @bout Time Webinar 



Nicolas Bencherki - @bout Time Webinar 



Jonatan Pinkse - @bout Time Webinar 



Tima Bansal - @bout Time Webinar 



Ann Langley - @bout Time Seminar 




PhD defense: Vibeke Kristine Scheller successfully defended her ph.d. thesis

November 2019

Vibeke Kristine Scheller succesfully defended her ph.d. thesis entitled " The temporal organizing of same-day discharge: A tempography of a Cardiac Day Unit "

AbstractSame-day discharge is a recent trend and a challenge for hospital managers both in Denmark and internationally. This dissertation investigates the intersection between time and organizing in a specific Cardiac Day Unit and shows how the tensions, that professionals and patients face, relate to different representations of time. The papers in the dissertation present how a multiplicity of temporal perspectives coexist in the cardiac Day Unit and affects day-to-day organizing, i.e. managing patient trajectories, conducting temporal work and utilizing temporal boundary objects.

Primary supervisor: Professor mso Anne Reff Pedersen, IOA

Secondary supervisor: Professor Tor Hernes, IOA

Assessment Committee: 
- Professor Silviya Svejenova Velikova (Chair), IOA. 
- Professor Gerry McGivern, Warwick Business School
- Senior Researcher Dr Katja Maria Hydle, NORCE Norwegian Research Center

Thesis: The thesis is available at CBS Research Portal 


Hari Tsoukas - @bout Time Seminar



Juliane Reinecke - @bout Time Seminar



Majken Schultz published together with Oriol Iglesias and Nicholas Ind an article in Business Horizons

October 2019
History matters: The role of history in corporate brand strategy

This article explores how an organization can use its history to define and deliver its corporate brand strategy. We specifically look at Adidas, which, having rejected its history at one stage, rediscovered and used the philosophy and ideas of its founder to provide direction for the future, legitimate strategic choices, and enrich the corporate brand. Through analysis of material evidence and interviews with senior and long-serving employees, we conceptualize the way Adidas developed a systematic approach to the use of history in its corporate brand strategy by creating the means to uncover, remember, curate, and then embed it. Combining the lessons of the Adidas case with evidence from other cases in which history was used to refocus and revitalize corporate brands, we deliver key recommendations for managers.


Marc Stierand - @bout Time Seminar



A Conversation with David Boje 

September 2019

Monday 26 September 2019 Centre for Organizational time invited to informal conversation with David Boje about his ideas related to time, narrative, storytelling and materiality.

David Boje is an influential thinker in the area of Organization Studies who is particularly well known for his work on story-telling as constitutive of organizations.




Daniel Nyberg - @bout Time Seminar



David Obstfeld - @bout Time Seminar



Silviya Svejenova published together with Barbara Slavich, M. Pilar Opazo and Gerardo Patriotta a paper in Organization Studies

April 2019

Politics of Meaning in Categorizing Innovation: How Chefs Advanced Molecular Gastronomy by Resisting the Label


This study examines innovators’ efforts to conceptualize and communicate their novel work through categorization. Specifically, we view category formation as a controversial process of meaning making, which we theorize through the concept of “politics of meaning” and operationalize through a social semiotics approach. By analyzing the labeling controversies underlying a new culinary style publicized as “molecular gastronomy”, we find that innovators’ efforts at categorization unfold along four consecutive stages: experimenting with a new style, communicating the new style, contesting the dominant label, and legitimating the category meaning. Our study suggests that a new category’s dominant label can substantially deviate from the innovators’ intended denotations, yet nonetheless bring that category forward by triggering public negotiations around its meaning, which lead to categorical deepening and legitimation. By putting forward a “politics of meaning” view on categorizing innovation, this work advances our understanding of the connection between labeling and category formation in the context of innovation.


Majken Schultz and Tor Hernes published a paper in Strategic Organizaiton

April 2019
Temporal interplay between strategy and identity: Punctuated, subsumed, and sustained modes. 


Although strategy and identity are recognized as exhibiting different temporalities, research has yet to show how their temporal differences influence their mutual interplay. Based on a longitudinal case study, we make three contributions to understanding how temporal differences influence the interplay between strategy and identity. First, we articulate their temporal differences as differences in temporal structures, defined as the ordering of their past and future time horizons and the temporal depth between those horizons. Second, we show how different combinations of temporal structures lead to different modes of interplay, which we label “punctuated,” “subsumed,” and “sustained.” Third, we show how sustained interplay happens when strategy includes multiple horizons and greater temporal depth, while identity has more defined horizons and a temporal depth spanning the distant past and future. In a sustained mode of interplay, strategy is meaningfully framed by identity, while strategy serves to enact identity. These findings, we argue, have major implications for how organizations can comply with short-term business cycles while addressing long-term concerns.



Stéphanie Dameron - @bout Time Seminar



Dr. Blagoy Blagoev - @bout Time Seminar

Leuphana University of Lüneburg
How do extreme work hours persist?
Temporal uncoupling as a new way of seeing

Information about the event

Date: Wednesday 20th of February 2019
Time: 13:00-15:00
Location: Copenhagen Business School, Kilevej 14 A, 2000 Frederiksberg - KL 4.74
Organized by: The Centre for Organizational Time

Extreme work hours constitute a peculiar temporal phenomenon: a temporal structure that persists in a state of asynchrony relative to deeply entrenched societal rhythms, such as the 40-hours work week. In his talk, Blagoy Blagoev will examine the dynamics and the effects of this asynchrony. For this, he will draw on a longitudinal case study of the genesis, reinforcement, and maintenance of extreme work hours in an elite consulting firm. To theorize his findings, Blagoy borrows from Luhmann’s theory of social systems and develops the notion of temporal uncoupling. Not only does this notion offer a new way of seeing the persistence of extreme work hours as a temporal problem, it also furthers current theorizing on organizational temporality. More specifically, temporal uncoupling reveals the paradoxical co-constitution of synchrony and asynchrony in organizations and, thus, challenges the orthodox view of entrainment as an ideal temporal relation between organizations and their environments.

Brief Biography
Dr. Bla­goy Bla­goev is Lec­tu­rer in Or­ga­niza­t­i­on Stu­dies at Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Lüne­burg, Germany. Bla­goy holds a doc­to­ral de­gree from Freie Uni­ver­sität Ber­lin and his work fo­cu­ses on the in­ter­play of time and tem­po­ra­li­ty with pro­ces­ses and prac­tices of or­ga­ni­zing. Among other things, he has con­duc­ted re­se­arch on the for­ma­ti­on and per­sis­tence of or­ga­niza­t­io­nal time re­gimes, the tem­po­ral co­or­di­na­ti­on of or­ga­niza­t­io­nal rou­ti­nes, and the ent­an­gle­ment of or­ga­niza­t­io­nal re­mem­be­ring with ma­te­ria­li­ty. Cur­rent­ly, Bla­goy is stu­dying the temporal structuring of work in new forms of or­ga­ni­zing.

Please register to sls.ioa@cbs.dk no later than February 18, 2019



New Book Release: Tid til Velfærd? (English: 'Time for Welfare?') 

January 2019

'Tid til Velfærd?' (Edited by Mie Plotnikof and Nana Vaaben, including chapters by CBS researchers Anne Reff Pedersen and Vibeke Scheller) is a new book about time in the welfare professions - ie. how welfare work is organized in time and how it is organized through different structures of time. This book helps to put into words some of the many different temporal understandings and constructions that characterize the organization of welfare work. Each chapter presents a special analytical concept of time and shows how one thereby can spot specific facets of the welfare work's temporality.



Miriam Feuls successfully defended her ph.d. thesis

January 2019

Miriam Feuls successfully defended her thesis in order to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil) on Thursday, January 31 at the University of the Arts Berlin. Within her dissertation project “Praktikenbasierte strategische Frühaufklärung: Identifikation innovativer Bereiche zur Weiterentwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen” she developed a method that by taking a practice perspective sensitizes strategic foresight for the interplay between past experiences, present realities and future trajectories (inside and outside the organization) inspiring new opportunities for business modeling.


Professor Philippe Lorino - @bout Time Seminar

ESSEC Business School, France

Pragmatism and the relational approach to organizational temporality
Based on his book “Pragmatism and Organization Studies”
Published February 2018 by Oxford University Press
Date: Tuesday, 29th of January 2019
Time: 10:00-12:00
Location: Copenhagen Business School, Kilevej 14 A, 2000 Frederiksberg - KL 4.74
Organized by: The Centre for Organizational Time
In this seminar, Professor Philippe Lorino from ESSEC Business School will focus on a specific aspect of pragmatist thought: the pragmatist approach to temporality and sociality, in particular Dewey and Bentley’s concept of “trans-action” and Mead’s philosophy of temporality. He will suggest that Mead’s notion of sociality simultaneously entails a definition of temporality, as the constant emergence of new events leading to the ongoing re-invention of the past and the future. The discussion will be illustrated with examples from professor Lorino's research on management and organizations. 
Brief Biography

Philippe Lorino is a distinguished Emeritus Professor of management control and organization theory at ESSEC Business School, Paris.



Professor Tor Hernes awarded Honoray Doctorate at EBS Estonian Business School in Tallinn


Professor Tor Hernes is appointed as Honoray Doctorate at EBS Estonian Business School in Tallinn. The appointment was part of a grand gala celebrating the school's 30th anniversary. Link to Estonian Business School: https://ebs.ee/en



Christina Lubinski has published on "Contextualizing the uses of the past" in Organization Studies


Research has made great strides in understanding how and why organizational actors use the past. So far, scholars have largely focused the level of analysis on the organization, without exploring the intertwined nature of historical claim-making with the organizational field or society at large. This article extends the status quo by conceptualizing the role of context for organizational uses-of-the-past. It identifies three key aspects of context that shape how history contributes to the social construction of reality: the existence of multiple audiences, the landscape of pre-existing historical narratives and the experience of social practices giving credibility to historical claims.

By analysing the historical case of German business in colonial India, the paper makes three broader claims that could move research toward a more contextualized conception of the uses-of-the-past: (i) historical claims are validated in a continuous dialogue with multiple audiences; (ii) they revise previously existing narratives by critiquing or ‘outpasting’, i.e. invoking earlier origins; (iii) they often result in ‘rhetorical frictions’ that require continuous and skilful history revisions to mitigate emerging conflicts in their reception. By contextualizing the uses-of-the-past in this way, the paper moves beyond ‘hypermuscular’ organizational actors bending history to their will and foregrounds the situated nature of historical rhetoric.

Lubinski, C. (2018). From ‘History as Told’ to ‘History as Experienced’: Contextualizing the Uses of the Past. Organization Studies, 39(12), 1785–1809


Inauguration Event for COT

Welcome to the inauguration event for centre for organizational time


Drawing on insights from various scholars at CBS and elsewhere, the Centre aims to be a hub for thinking about organizations and time. The main focus of the centre will be on how organizational actors enact their near and distant pasts and futures and how that enactment shapes processes, practices and policies in, between and around organizations.

We believe that by developing more dynamic and expansive models of time we can also be in a better position to understand how organizations can take an active and responsible part in shaping and sustaining the economic and institutional fabric of society.
For this inauguration event, we have invited scholars across CBS to share their ideas about time and discuss how those ideas might be reconceived or extended. We hope this will open up new opportunities for re-imagining, debating, and academically exploring matters of time.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Tor Hernes (IOA), Christina Lubinski (MPP), Majken Schultz (IOA) and Silviya Svejenova (IOA).
Date and time: 22.1.18, at 15-17 
Venue: Råvarebygningen, PHRS20
15.00: Welcome by Tor Hernes, Director of COT, Dep. of Organization
15.10: Opening remarks Søren Hvidkjær, CBS Dean Research
15.15: IOA and time Signe Vikkelsø, Head of Dep. Of Organization
15.20: Panel presentations:
Jan Damsgaard, Dep. of Digitalization
Mitchell Dean, Dep. of Management, Politics and Philosophy
Brooke Harrington, Dep. of Business and Politics
Lasse Heje Pedersen, Dep. of Finance
Christina Lubinski, Dep. of Management, Politics and Philosophy 
Michael Mol, Dep. of Strategic Management and Globalization)
Thomas Plenborg, Dep. of Accounting and Auditing) 
Andreas Rasche, Dep. of Management, Society and Communication
16.00: Discussion Majken Schultz (moderator), Dep. of Organization
16.30’ish: Closing remarks Silviya Svejenova, Dep. of Organization

Until 18.00: Mingling time and drinks






The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 01/14/2025