

Inter-disciplinary and collaborative projects in research and education

The cluster brings together members with different backgrounds and research interests. We aim to increase the inter-disciplinary work modes, for example, by collaborating with researchers from the field of information systems or geo-statistics.

Transformational capabilities and excellence in the educational portfolio

Members of the DMRC are actively involved in teaching in different programs. The diversity in our research is also mirrored in the variety of teaching areas, methods, and formats. Many of us are active in developing blended and online teaching formats, which will support students’ digital learning skills in the future, especially when they embark on life-long learning.

Members teach and supervise students of all levels in a range of different programs across Copenhagen Business School. Topics include big data commercial strategies, business models for digital platform ecosystems, AI for sales management, intelligence and customer Insight, social media marketing, digital consumer behavior, and influencer marketing.

The DMRC is also heavily involved in developing the Copenhagen Business School’s pilot project “Online Modularization of Course Material in Marketing,” with one member being the project manager and four members being active contributors to the project. This involvement demonstrates the relevance of digitalization competences to teaching, from both a theoretical and educational perspective, and is in line with Copenhagen Business School’s strategy.

Societal relevance, impact, and value

Digitalization is inherently related to transformation in many aspects of consumers’ and firms’ decision-making, but also industry and market dynamics. Thus, research topics of the cluster have high societal relevance. For example, members of the cluster have been featured in different popular and industrial media outlets to share their knowledge on influencer marketing or teacher-student interactions in digital environments. Data-driven analyses consumers’ digital preferences and behaviour are highly relevant to a range of potential societal stakeholders (authorities, service providers, NGOs), with whom the cluster will establish close knowledge collaboration practices in the future.

Exploration of big challenges/wicked problems

Digitalization is transforming numerous aspects of consumer-firm relationships, but also numerous societal aspects. Members of the DMRC are currently working on projects, which tackle the following big challenges:

  • How consumers perceive the use of their personal information by companies.
  • How consumers perceive the use of algorithms by companies.
  • Artificial intelligence utilization/ implementation.
  • Improving effectiveness of marketing activities of charitable organizations with analytics and AI.
  • Effect of technology and digitalization on consumer-brand relationships.
  • Influencer marketing.
  • Digitalizing analogue design tools.
  • Use of digital platforms in mobile and collaborative consumption.
The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 11/19/2020