Research 2014-2019

Corporate Social Responsibility, cover


Date Title Author(s)

Cross-sector Partnerships as Capitalism's New Development Agents: Reconceiving Impact as Empowerment. Business & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0007650319845327

A. Vestergaard, L. Murphy, M. Morsing, & T. Langevang



Fit for purpose: the role of sustainability centres in promoting sustainable business education. In Journal of Business Ethics.

R. Slager, S. Pouryousefi, J. Moon & E. Schoolman
2019 CSR and Feminist Organization Studies: Towards an Integrated Theorization for the Analysis of Gender Issues. In Journal of Business Ethics, p 1-22, 10.1007/s10551-017-3510-x L. McCarthy & J.N. Muthuri
2018 Engaging fringe stakeholders in business and society research: Applying visual participatory research methods. Business & Society. Special Issue ‘Quants and Poets: Advancing methods and methodologies in Business & Society research’.

K. Grosser & J. Moon


2018 Lobbying and the responsible firm: Agenda-setting for a freshly-conceptualized field. In Business Ethics: A European Review 27: 207–221. S. Anastasiadis, M. Humphreys & J. Moon
2018 Disrupting the gender institution: Consciousness raising in the cocoa value chain. In Organization Studies 39(9) 1153-1177 L. McCarthy & J. Moon
2017 'Gender, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing and Refocusing a Conversation', Business Ethics Quarterly 24:b4 541-567 K. Grosser, J. Moon & J. Nelson
2017 Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication and Governance, Cambridge University Press

A. Rasche, M. Morsing & J. Moon

2017 The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: CSR and Beyond in A Rasche, M. Morsing and J Moon eds (2017) A. Rasche, M. Morsing & J. Moon
2017 Historical perspectives on CSR in A Rasche, M Morsing and J Moon eds (2017) J. Moon, L. Murphy & J-P Gond

A sheep in wolf’s clothing?: How the illusion of hard law makes business more responsible. In G. Atinc (Ed.), Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

E. Leitheiser

2017 Corporate Social Responsibility under Authoritarian Capitalism: Dynamics and Prospects of State-led and Society-driven CSR,  Business and Society 56: 5 651-671 P. S. Hofman, J. Moon, & B. Wu.
2016 Transfer of Social and Environmental Accounting and Reporting knowledge: Subsidiary absorptive capacity and organisational mechanisms. In Ambos, T., Ambos, B. and Birkinshaw, J eds  'Research in Global Strategic Management - Volume 18 (2016)’: Perspectives on Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in the Contemporary MNC.

G. Gutierrez-Huerter O, S. Gold, J. Moon & W. Chapple

2016 Gender Equality and Responsible Business: Expanding CSR Horizons. Sheffield: Greenleaf. K. Grosser,  L. McCarthy & M. Kilgour (Eds.)
Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia : Knowledge and Norms. In: Asian Business & Management, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2015, p. 349-382 R. Chunghee Kim & J. Moon
Edited Special Section, New CSR Dynamics in Asia? Institutions and Systems in a More Challenging Era, Asian Business & Management 14:5 R. Chunghee Kim, J. Moon & H.K. Moon
A New Era–Extending Environmental Impact to a Broader Sustainability Agenda: The Case of Commercial Group. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 35(3), 176-193. S. Grubnic, C. Herzig, J. P. Gond & J. Moon
Government Policies for Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe : A Comparative Analysis of Institutionalisation. In: Policy and Politics, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2015, p. 81-99 J. Steen Knudsen, J. Moon & R. Slager
‘#NoMorePage3: Feminism and Institutional Work in Corporate Constructed Arenas of Citizenship’. In John Humphreys (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561. S. Glozer, L. McCarthy & G. Whelan
How Do Firms Comply with International Sustainability Standards? : Processes and Consequences of Adopting the Global Reporting Initiative. In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 131, No. 2, 2015, p. 469-486 L. Vigneau, M. Humphreys & J. Moon
2014 Corporate Social Responsibility : A Very Short Introduction. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2014, 152 p. J. Moon
United nations Supported principles for Responsible Management Education : Purpose, Progress and Prospects. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 62, No. 1, 1.2014, p. 16-23

J. Godemann, J. Moon, J. Haertle & C. Herzig


Academic Presentations

Date Title Author(s) / Organizers
July 2019 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? The transparency paradox of private governance.' Presented at the European Group for Organization Studies annual colloquium, Edinburg, UK Erin Leitheiser
May 2019 'What is meta about MSIs: The significance of formation and membership.' Paper presented at Workshop Meta-, Macro-, and Partial Organization: Advances in Research and Theory, Toulouse School of Management, Toulouse, France Luisa Murphy
August 2018 'Governance for anti-corruption: the role of regional meta-MSIs.' Paper Development Workshop, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, USA Luisa Murphy
August 2018 'Governance for anti-corruption: the role of regional meta-MSIs.' Society for Business Ethics Conference 2018 Annual Conference, Chicago, USA Luisa Murphy
July 2018 'Interactions in MSIs: A case of pushmi-pullyu.' 34th European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia Luisa Murphy
July 2018 'Governance for anti-corruption: the role of meta-MSIs.' European Group for Organization Studies Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop, Tallinn, Estonia Luisa Murphy
June 2018 'Collaborative Governance Interactions on Anti-Corruption through the prism of the ASEAN CSR Network' 6th biennial International Symposium on  Cross-Sector Social Interactions, Copenhagen, Denmark Luisa Murphy
January 2018 “A sheep in wolf’s clothing? How the illusion of hard law is performative in companies’ compliance”. Paper presented at the workshop ‘Private Authority and Public Policy’, Yale University, USA Erin Leitheiser
January 2018 Co-convened Workshop on 'Private Authority and Public Policy', Yale University, USA Jeremy Moon
December 2017 “A sheep in wolf’s clothing? How the illusion of hard law is performative in companies’ compliance”. Paper presented at the Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG) Technocratic Governance conference’s PhD workshop Erin Leitheiser
2017 'Capitalism, the Public Good and Entrenched Societal Institutions - a Game of Domination or Ménage-á-trois?', European Group for Organization Studies, Copenhagen Denmark Dirk Matten and Jeremy Moon
June 2017 'CSR and Government', Behaviroal Ethics - A Case For Reformation n Normative Business Ethics, Research conference on the occasion of the 500 years Reformation Anniversary, Wittenberg, Germany Jeremy Moon
2017 'Which Firms Leave Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives? An Analysis of Delistings from the United Nations Global Compact' European Group for Organization Studies, Copenhagen Denmark Andreas Rasche, Wencke Gwodz, Michael Lund Larsen, Jeremy Moon
2017 'National Government and International CSR Initiatives: "direct and "indirect" Policies', Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Anual Conference (Regulation and Governance track), Lyon France Jette Steen Knudsen and Jeremy Moon
August 2017 "A sheep in wolf's clothing?: How the illusion of hard law makes business more responsible". Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Erin Leitheiser
August 2017 "What makes business responsible?: How the illusion of hard law makes business more responsible". Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Erin Leitheiser
July 2017 “Drawing lines and taking sides: How national context influences private governance arrangements”. Paper presented at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.   Erin Leitheiser
April 2017 “Friends, foes or frenemies?: Exploration of the partnerships paradox of CSOs and business”.  Paper presented at the 2017 CR3+ conference, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.   Erin Leitheiser
April 2017 “Are we treating the cause or the symptoms?: Exploration of the outcomes of varying approaches to private governance”. Paper presented at the second annual Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.   Erin Leitheiser
August 2016 Panelist in the symposium ‘Gendered Approaches to Making Sustainability More Meaningful’ at Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California Lauren McCarthy
August 2016 Presenter at ‘Opening up History: Analysing the Past and its Traces through Cross-Divisional Collaborations’ PDW at Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California Lauren McCarthy
August 2016 Presenter at ‘Making diversity and inclusion meaningful in AOM: Research, teaching and professional practice’ PDW at Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California Lauren McCarthy
August 2016 Facilitator of ’Translating scholarship into practice: Which comes first: theory or practice?’ Professional Development Workshop at Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California Erin Leitheiser
July 2016 Government Regulation of International Corporate Social Responsibility at EGOS in Naples Jeremy Moon and Jette Steen Knudsen
July 2016 Half day workshop leader of 'Business Responsibility & Sustainability: Education/ Training and Research' at ASEAN CSR Network and National University of Singapore Conference on Corporate governance & responsibility: theory meets practice, Singapore. Jeremy Moon
July 2016 Keynote speaker on 'Institutionalizing CSR in the Governance Era: Asian Perspectives' at ASEAN CSR Network and National University of Singapore Conference on Corporate governance & responsibility: theory meets practice, Singapore. Jeremy Moon
July 2016 ‘Government Regulation of International CSR´ presented at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy Jette Steen Knudsen and Jeremy Moon
July 2016 ‘Lobbying and the responsible firm: agenda-setting for a freshly conceptualized field’ presented in the 'Corporate Responsibility and Irresponsibility' stream at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy Stephanos Anastasiadis, Michael Humphreys and Jeremy Moon
July 2016 ’Moving the goalpost: How the collapse of Rana Plaza altered attributions of responsibility in Bangladesh’ presented in the 'Corporate Responsibility and Irresponsibility' stream at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy
Erin Leitheiser
July 2016 ‘Organizationally Formative and Institutionally Transformative: Exploring the role of CSR communications in micro, meso and macro CSR practice adaptations’ presented at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy Erin Leitheiser
June 2016 Presented ‘Feminist Organizing and Corporate Responsibility: Threat or opportunity?’ at the Gender,Work & Organization Conference, Keele, U.K. Lauren McCarthy and Visiting Fellow Dr. Kate Grosser (RMIT)
June 2016 Workshop conveners of ‘Gender, Sustainability & Governance’ stream at International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Lauren McCarthy and Visiting Fellow Dr. Kate Grosser (RMIT)
June 2016  “Shared Goals, Different Tactics: Exploring varying approaches to private governance in Bangladesh’s textile industry” presented at International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Erin Leitheiser
June 2016 'Building Sustainable Business Education: Academic Centres as Issue Champions' presented at International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Rieneke Slager, Sareh Pouryousefi, Jeremy Moon & Ethan Schoolman
June 2016

“Here or there: The role of culture in private governance”.  Paper presented at the International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.  

Erin Leitheiser
May 2016 ‘Teaching Gender, CSR and Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities' presented at the  Business and Human Rights Conference, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Lauren McCarthy
April 2016 ‘Challenges and Opportunities applying visual participatory research methods in sustainability research’ presented at the 3rd EurOMA Sustainability Conference, Lancaster, U.K. Lauren McCarthy
January 2016 ‘Engendering CSR? The Ignored Role of Unpaid Care Work’ at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the African Academy of Management, Nairobi, Kenya Lauren McCarthy
  'Politics and Responsible Business' at the International Communication Association Nordic Regional Conference, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Jeremy Moon
October 2015 'Corporate Political Responsibility:A citizenship approach' at the European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference Jeremy Moon
August 2015 'Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR): a citizenship approach' at the Academy of Management New Perspectives on CSR Symposium, Academy of Management Annual Conference Jeremy Moon
August 2015 'Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility' at the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015 Symposium on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Interface Jeremy Moon
'Social Environmental Accounting and Reporting: MNC's Governance, Absorptive Capacity and Learning' at the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2015 Knowledge Transfer, Learning, and Innovation workshop Gabriela Gutierrez Huerter O, Jeremy Moon, Stefan Gold and Wendy Chapple
Convener and presenter at ‘Gendering Governance, Governing Gender’ PDW at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada Lauren McCarthy and Dr. Kate Grosser, La Trobe University, Australia
‘#NoMorePage3: Feminism and Institutional Work in Corporate Constructed Arenas of Citizenship’ presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.  Lauren McCarthy (with Dr. Sarah Glozer (Royal Holloway) and Dr.Glen Whelan (CBS)
July 2015 ‘Engendering CSR? Resistance work in multi-actor partnerships’ presented in the ‘Creating and Sustaining Transnational Multi-Actor Governance of Corporate Conduct’ stream at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece. Lauren McCarthy
June 2015 'SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING IN A MANDATORY VS. VOLUNTARY CONTEXT' at the Scandinavian Sustainability Conference, CBS Jeremy Moon
March 2015 'Cutting edge research in business and society in 2025' at the 26th Annual IABS Conference
Pura Vida: Realizing Eudemonia in Business and Society, International association of business and society, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Jeremy Moon


The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 02/25/2021