Department of Management, Society and Communication

Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management: Contours and Contributions

Guest lecture by Professor Jasmin Mahadevan

Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 09:45 to 11:30

This lecture takes place at Dalgas Have 15, room 1.V.052.

Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management:

Contours and Contributions

In this guest lecture, Professor Jasmin Mahadevan outlines the contours and contributions of a Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management (CCM) Studies since Hofstede. In today’s world, mobility and migration is omnipresent, many people experience multicultural and diverse societies, technology and social media connect individuals across different locations, organizations span and integrate boundaries, and there are no clear-cut ‘cultural’ borders to be crossed anymore, and a Contemporary CCM fully acknowledges these realities. Systemic and interpretive power-effects further complicate these processes, and a Contemporary CCM is therefore no longer ‘power-free’. Scholars and practitioners need to reflect upon their own interests and positions, and consider how CCM should be configured to serve its more diverse stakeholders in better ways. This requires a responsible application of more sophisticated theories, and a reflexive, critically-aware practice across and beyond multiple standpoints, while acknowledging that the goal can never be the ‘perfect integration’ of today’s cultural diversity. In this talk, Jasmin Mahadevan conceptualizes and illustrates such an approach.


Short Bio: 

Jasmin Mahadevan is professor of International and Cross-Cultural Management at Pforzheim University, Germany. Her background can be described as multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic; she has lived an internationally mobile life and has experienced cross-cultural management as a researcher, as an intercultural trainer and consultant, and as an academic. Her research interests include critical cross-cultural management, diversity and identity, reflexivity, postcolonial studies, and ethnography. She is the author of A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Cross-Cultural Management (Sage, 2017) and Cross-Cultural Management – A Contemporary Approach (Sage, 2023), and lead editor of Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management – An Intersectional Approach to Culture (Routledge, 2020, with Henriett Primecz and Laurence Romani). As associate editor of the International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, she is responsible for special projects and strategic development.


Jasmin Mahadevan, Pforzheim University

Professor Jasmin Mahadevan can be contacted at

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 11/19/2024