Brown-Bag research seminar on work-in-progress by Anirudh Agrawal

Non-Institutional actors as institutional void fillers: Legitimacy of social impact investment vehicles

Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 12:00 to 13:00

Brown-Bag research seminar on work-in-progress by Anirudh Agrawal

The seminar takes  place on TUESDAY February 25, 2014 from 12:00-13:0 in room PH18A-0.140

Kai Hockerts, ICM,  will be the discussant.



Social impact investment vehicles (SIVs) act as institutional fillers where traditional financial instruments backed by institutionally recognized organizations fail. They provide financial services to social enterprises, work integrated enterprises, fair trade organizations and aim to address millennium development goals through innovative financial mechanisms. SIVs are engaged in the process of creating social value by providing socially inclined financial services, but they are also required to adhere to financial sustainably and liquidity. These competing logics can lead SIVs into legitimacy crises. We do not know much on how these SIVs gain legitimacy as institutional fillers. The paper aims to deconstruct the field of social impact investment vehicles (SIVs) and address their process of legitimacy seeking.

Anirudh will use the brown-bag seminar to get input on how to convert this short-paper into a full paper and which journal to target.

If you would like a copy of the paper to be presented, please e-mail Anirudh (

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