Sustainability Seminar - Circular Economy: The Challenges of the Human Dimension

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - 15:00 to 17:00

With regard to sustainable production systems, several models and notions of circular economy try to provide solutions for the excessive consumption of resources. But what exactly does it mean and take to have circularity within the economy? How far are we to closed production cycles in order to create a more sustainable environment? Guided by Sönnich Dahl Sönnichsen (PhD Fellow, Dep. Of Marketing, CBS) and Morten Birkved (Professor, SDU, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology), this session will explore thought-provoking assessments of circular economy models by shaping different perspective on the challenges and opportunities laying ahead us.

  • Circular-economic thinking is being acknowledged by variety of stakeholders, being acknowledged as the future pathway for supporting sustainable production and consumption (SDG 12). The theory has been developed since the late 1960´s and has gained a lot of attention in businesses, and the society in general. Even though the circular economy holds the potential to decouple monetary growth from growth in virgin resource extraction and mitigate carbon emissions tremendously, the transformation from a linear economy is still at an early stage. on On this behalf, Sönnich Dahl Sönnichsen (PhD Fellow, Dep. Of Marketing, CBS) will look into some of the dilemmas of adaptation and transformation to a circular economy from a social science perspective.
  • Subsequent to the societal perspective, Morten Birkved (Professor, SDU) will present the consumer side of circular economy models. He depicts and challenges the current status quo of urban consumption and sustainable lifestyles. Further, he will suggest circularity inside the economy as part of the equation to solve environmental problems. However, do circular economy models provide a sufficient solution to these and how are the models viewed outside the Danish context? Morten aims to show the contextual perceptions that come along when we think about sustainable production processes. In this sense, He will elucidate how to move from a Danish perspective to a global understanding of circularity without patronizing societies across the borders.

Please sign up before the 10th of September 2018 by sending an email to Jakob Winkler,

Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have DH 2V.071 (The 2nd floor, east wing of the building)
September 12, 15.00-17.00

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 11/15/2021