
Department of Business Humanities and Law

Jacob Holm
External lecturer, PhD
+45 4014 6326

Presentation and academic fields

My background is founded on a solid academic education and an extensive professional experience. I have a PhD in strategy, communication and management and I am a Business Researcher with a thorough
understanding of the challenges within in the areas of strategy, communication and leadership in contemporary organisations.

My professional experience is based on substantial work as senior advisor and manager focusing on the primary areas of developing innovative solutions concerning management and leadership in public and
private organizations. I have an extensive experience in the field of value-added communication and management at the strategic, tactical and operational level. Over the years I have worked as a director,
communications manager, project manager, communications consultant and researcher. I have a practical and theoretical background in strategic communications, crisis communications,
management, strategy, organisation, branding and PR. I thrive on developing organisations and am always at the forefront of new knowledge.


Selected Publications:

Jacob Holm Hansen; Is Social Integration Necessary for Corporate Branding? : A Study of Corporate Branding Strategies at Novo Nordisk. PhD-thesis, Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, PhD Series, 2012, 458 p.

Anders Bordum; Jacob Holm Hansen / Strategisk ledelseskommunikation : Erhvervslivets ledelse med visioner, missioner og værdier. København : Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, 2005, 420 p.

Anders Bordum; Jacob Holm Hansen / Strategisk ledelseskommunikation In: K O Magasinet, No. 18, 2006 Journal article.

Jacob Holm Hansen; Anders Bordum / Erhvervslivets strategiske ledelseskommunikation : Datagrundlag og analyser. København 2005, 252 p. Working paper.

Jacob Holm Hansen / Har vi indflydelse på branding? In: institut for Organisation, CBS, 2005, Journal article.

Jacob Holm Hansen / Må jeg bede om opmærksomheden, så skal I få en oplevelse... In: Institut for Organisation, CBS, 2005 Journal article.