
Department of Business Humanities and Law

External lecturer, PhD
+45 6168 7655

Alexander Carnera
Presentation and academic fields

Alexander Carnera, Doctor degree from Copenhagen Business School and Author of several essays.

Main research areas:

Biopolitics, Climate-change and Technology. I have been teaching in these areas over 15 years and published widely in English and Danish.

Biopolitics and Governance: Power-Analysis (Dispositiv) Work-life, Neoliberalism, Stress, Shame, Care of the self, sexuality, creative writing, (Ethics) (Foucault, Agamben, Deleuze, Fraser, Mason, Chul Han), Climate-change, Ecology and social innovation: Climate Engineering, Anthropocene, nature as agents (Latour, Bennett, Morton), Urban Space, Architecture, Environmental Imagination (Heise, Pallasmaa, Rosa, Ingold). Technology and Digitalisation: Surveillance-Politcs, Control, Gaming, Governance, Power-Strategies, Acceleration, Futurism, Sci-Fi, Art (Virilio, Rosa, Deleuze, Jameson, Fischer, Robinson).

Professional and/or academic experience
  • Biopolitics and Governance Social Innovation and Creativity Climate-change, Ecology and Sustainable Ethics Technology and Digitalisation
  • Litterature, Writing and the Litterary Essay Exambles: ”Essayets etos. De fem benspænd” i Radierende felter. Prosaens litterære laboratorium. Multivers. 2021.
  • Shame as the friend of thought: Franz Kafka and the gesture of shame, i Shame on you! (Ed. Larsen & Rasmussen). Syddansk Universitetsforlag. 2021.
  • The Earth’s Quake. Mjösa art-project). Wencke Kvalstad Eckhoff publisher. 2019.
  • The affective turn: The ambivalence of biopolitics within modern labor and management, Journal of Culture and Organization. Vol. 1. 2012.
  • Giacometti and the Gesture of Creative Life. CHARA – Journal of Creativity, Spontaneity and Learning, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2010).

Other Essays: Økologi er legende alvor. Ny Tid. Marts. 2022. En stilfærdig civilisationskritik. Heidegger og Jensen. Le Monde Diplomatique. 2021. Litteraturen som en vedvarende skabelse. Le Monde Diplomatique. Juni. 2021. Alle billederne vil forsvinde. Essay om corona og døden. Ny Tid. Sommer 2021. At efterligne naturen. Michael Taussig og den mimetiske kraft. Ny Tid. Nov. 21. Fællesskabets helende kraft. Om ritualer og Byung Chul-Han. Ny Tid. Vinter 2020/21. Hannah Arendt: Åndens konkrete liv. Le Monde Diplomatique. December. 2019. Tankens lys. Simone Weil. ATLAS. Magasin Nr. 2. 2019. Kunsten at være alene. Le Monde Diplomatique. Maj. 2019. Mjøsa: Stedssans og bærepose. Ny Tid. Maj. 2019. Simone Weil: Livets tragik og skønhed. Le Monde Diplomatique. Marts. 2019. Planetarisk nydelse. Om Alphonso Lingis jordiske eksistensfilosofi. Le Monde Diplomatique. November. 2018.


  • Gud i en kakerlak – og andre essays. Spring. 2022. (In Press)
  • Mine dage i et andet liv. En dagbog. Spring. 2022. (In Press)
  • Jordens drejebænk. Antipyrine. 2021.
  • Erfaringer på kanten. Bemærkninger om kunst og liv. Essays. Forlaget Spring. 2016.
  • Opfindelsen af lediggang, eller kunsten at fare vild. Essayroman. Forlaget Spring. 2015.
  • Under Saturns sol. Fortællinger. Multivers. 2013.
  • De papirløses dagbog. Roman. Det Poetiske Bureau. 2013.
  • Og skibet sejler. Roman. Spring. 2011.
  • Dacapo. Roman. Spring. 2010.
  • Engagementets ABC. Essays. Forlaget Spring. 2009. Engagement ABC.
  • Som vidne er mennesket til. Essays. Forlaget Spring. 2007.
  • Vandringens gåde. Fortællinger. Samleren forlag. 1999.
  • Magten og livet og livet som magt. (Disputats). Samfundslitteratur. 2010.
  • Rettens alkymi. Om venskab, retfærdighed og pathos. (Phd). Samleren. 1998.
Pedagogical experience/method skills/supervision

Over 20 years of teaching-experience of Bachelor-level as well as Master-level at CBS and University of Copenhagen. Primarily on MPP and PKL.

Key-competence of teaching areas (20 years of experience) Philosophy: Political theory, critical theory, social theory, aesthetics and ethics (Foucault, Agamben, Rosa, Arendt, Latour, Bennett, Deleuze, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Simone Weil, Sennett). Organization studies: play, learning, aesthetic communication and organization. Social science: Actor-network theories, cultural studies, political philosophy, social philosophy, legal philosophy, ethics. Biopolitics: Governmentality, power-studies, affect-studies, pathologies, self-care and ethics. Law: Jurisprudence, freedom of speech, concepts of justice. Course responsible, Course-developer and course teacher Social Science. HA. BACH. CBS. Undergraduate. Keywords: Industrialisation, post-industrialisation, experience economy, management, social critique, disciplinary society, control society, acceleration society. 2001 – 2014. The challenged organization. HA. BACH. CBS. Keywords: Social responsibility, critical organization studies, critical thinking and aesthetic communication. 2007 –10. Immaterial economy/Cultural economy. Cand. Merc. CBS. Cand. Merc. Primary topics and keywords: Post-fordism, Co-creation, Experience economy, creative industries, aura-production and design, brands, viral marketing, atmospheric-(affect)-studies, urban-thinking, social innovation, digital communication, immaterial values and craft-values. 2004 - 2014. Biopolitics. Cand. merc. CBS. Keywords: Governmentality, sovereignty, social innovation and art/craft, self-care, ethics, affect-studies, trans-humanism, Agamben-studies, Foucault-studies, Latour-studies. 2008 – 2014. Aesthetics. Cand.merc. CBS. 
Keywords: Aesthetics, film-studies, Architecture, urban life and affect-communication. Capitalism and Religion. Cand.merc. CBS. Keywords: Secularisation, political theology, economic theology, political philosophy, consumerism, play and profanity, community and identity. Autumn. 2007. Cultural economy/Experience economy. Cand. merc. CBS. Similar to the new established course: Immaterial economy/Cultural economy. 2004-2007. Modern work life and film-communication. Cand. Merc. CBS. Keywords: Self-management, entrepreneurship, stress, performance, industrial labor, knowledge-work, self-valorisation. Pedagogic tool: Films/Movies on organization and work-life. 2004 – 2006. European legal philosophy. Cand. Juris. University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Law. Keywords: Law and ethics, law and power, law and the other, law and responsibility, law and aesthetics. 2000- 2001. Micropolitics and political philosophy. Cand. Merc. CBS. Keywords: Deleuze, Guattari. 2000 – 2001. Jurisprudence. BACH. JURIS. University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Law. Keywords: Legal principles, law and politics, law and morality, law and ethics, positivism, natural law, legal argumentation, legal understanding, language and law and logic. Epistemology, Rhetoric and Communication. Copenhagen Business. Shool. HA. Undergraduate level. 1997 – 2000.

Philosophy/aesthetics: Studies of archeology (Agamben/Foucault); vitalism (Deleuze/Spinoza), Object-theory (Latour/Bennett); Phenomenology/existentialism (Arendt, Weil, Merleau- Ponty) Art and cultural economy: Co-creation, social innovation, affect-communication, learning. Management: Self-management, Leadership, self-care, protreptic, narrative coaching. Organization studies: play, aesthetics and organization. Communication: Hermeneutics, speech-acts-theory (performativity of language), affect-studies, discourse-ethics and rhetoric. Social science: Cultural studies, political philosophy, social philosophy, ethics. Biopolitics: Governmentality, power-studies, sustainability and economy, Agamben-studies, Foucault-studies, Deleuze-studies.

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