CBS workshop: How to organize the center?

The workshop will be a combination of talks and discussions, where we come to an agreement of who we are and how we will use our group, aswell as which decisions and types of ‘hands on’ work could be undertaken.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 09:30 to 16:00

CBS workshop: How to organize the center?

9.30 – 9.45 Welcome and introduction to the day 

9.45 – 11.00 Research clusters and audiences at the Center 

We have developed into a group that is both in size and diversity comparable to many history departments. This has meant that different clusters have emerged, which have become parts of the profile of the center both internally and externally. How do we work with these clusters and what audiences do the clusters address/speak to e.g. in our group, at CBS and in society? 

Dan and Christina will be joining us from LA in this conversation through Skype and also chair the discussion. 

11.00 – 11.15 Break and Coffee 

11.15 -12.00 PhD group 

We have, as I wrote in the introduction, a group of PhD student who have all joined the center within the last half-year or so. What can we do for them and what can they do for the center? 

12.00- 12.45 Lunch 

12.45 – 14.00 Future strategy and (research) profile of the Center? 

While we focused on the internal and structural elements of the center in the morning session, in this session we will start a discussion of what the profile of the center is when it comes to its research area. We have defined ourselves as business historians with a broad cultural perspective, an interest in theory and a focus on relevance for the present. However, could we become a bit closer to our research field? The concepts of Economic History, Business History and the History of Capitalism all have their problems. 

Andrew will open and chair this session. 

14.00 - 14.15 Break and coffee 

14.15- 15.30 Follow-up on teaching strategy after the meeting with the Rector. 

We all agreed that we had a positive meeting with the Rector in December. How do we proceed? I suggest that we write three one-page visons of how history can become more central, and that we begin drafting the proposal at the meeting. 

15.30 -16.00 Plans and seminars for the semester


The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 11/15/2021