ITM Morning Briefing

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 - 08:00 to 10:00

Anders Brøns Petersen, Novozymes

Anders Brøns Petersen

Outsourcing has become a standard answer in many organizations, sometimes irrespective of the question! Due primarily to dramatically dropping transaction costs involved with buying instead of producing oneself, large as well as small companies are outsourcing functions and business processes, which we hitherto took for granted were if not core but at least vital to survival.

The IT function have pioneered this field since Kodak in a spectacular deal in 1989 outsourced all of its IT to IBM, Digital and Businessland. And today, most IT functions have gone down that route. Many models have been tried, but it is also safe to say that experiences have been mixed. Very few companies are satisfied, vendors are changed as soon as the contracts allow, there are many conflicts due to changing demands, and comparisons of outsourcing contracts document that some outsourcing companies are paying as much as three times what others are paying for exactly the same service.

Why is it so difficult and what is best business practice?

Anders Brøns Petersen, CIO from Novozymes, have experienced the full process from the first outsourcing efforts after Novozymes was established as an independent company until today, where Novozymes is in what one might call its third cycle of outsourcing and off-shoring. He will share his experiences of what it takes to succeed with outsourcing.


Anders Brøns Petersen has got his Masters in Computer Science from DTU, and has spent his entire working life in the Novo group, first in the central IT functions in Novo and in Novo Nordisk and most recently in Novozymes, where today he is CIO.

In Novozymes he initially worked in a functions like finance, production, development, and production mainly in roles as business controller, project manager and internal management consultant. Last, but not least he joined the IT function as Head of IT in 2006 transforming IT into a process and business oriented function with a clear outsourcing and offshoring strategy.


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