New publication by Bent Petersen

New publication by Bent Petersen

bent petersen

Together with Hanh Song Thi Pham (Sheffield Business School), Bent Petersen (CBS/EGB) newly published the article "The bargaining power, value capture, and export performance of Vietnamese manufacturers in global value chains" in International Business Review. The study examines the payoff of upgrade and negotiation process initiatives taken by export manufacturers from emerging economies. By using a structural equational modelling approach, the study finds that all initiatives, except after-sales services, strengthen the manufacturers’ bargaining power and export performance. In particular, two sources of bargaining power of emerging economy firms are identified: negotiating process and functional upgrade.
Notably, this is the first large-scale empirical study investigating the bargaining power of emerging economy firms inserting in global value chains.

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The page was last edited by: Department of International Economics, Government and Business // 01/25/2024