
Ørstrøm Møller
Adjunct professor

Room: Outside campus
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I am primarily interested in how the world cope with the transition from the industrial age, mass consumption, enough of resources to a world controlled by knowledge, mass communication, and scarcities of most resources - economic and physical scarcities. What happens to our economic models out of tune and the inability of political systems.  How do we incorporate interdisciplinary & intersectoral analyses - complexity - in decision making?

Primary research areas
  • Asia's future, China's rise, Japan's decline
  • US economy, the declining superpower geopolitics
  • European integration
  • Futurism
  • Future of education influenced by ITC
Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
Selected publications
  • How Asia Can Shape the World, 2011
  • The Global Economy in Transition, 2013
  • Political Economy in a Globalized World, 2009
  • European Integration - sharing of experiences, 2008
  • The End of Internationalism or World Governance


Publications sorted by:

Tirsdag D. 26. Jun 2012

Søndag D. 03. Jun 2012

Den store omstilling: Masseforbrugets epoke er slut

Modvækst : Fastelavn er mit navn

Fastelavn er mit navn


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