Launch of New Research Project: CORPUS

 Knowledge brokerage between science and politics in sustainable development


On 15th January, the new EU P7 Project on "Knowledge Brokerage in the field of Sustainable Consumption and Prodcution" (CORPUS) will commence. With IÖW Berlin as consortium leader and 9 European parters (1,5 mill. EUR). Lucia Reisch is chairing the workpackage on the sustainability of the food sector. CORPUS focuses on the policy issue of ‘sustainable consumption’ which is of great importance in the current and future strategic development of the EU. It is included, for instance, in the re-launched Lisbon Strategy. The overall approach comprises two main building blocks: the development and testing of a web-platform for knowledge brokerage between policy-makers and scientists and, in parallel to that, inter-active knowledge brokerage exercises in three focus areas of sustainable consumption (food, mobility, housing).

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/12/2012