CCIJ Outstanding Paper of 2013 Award for Dennis Schoeneborn & Hannah Trittin

This paper by Associate Professor Dennis Schoeneborn and Hannah Trittin from University of Zurich explores the implications of switching from an instrumental to a constitutive notion of communication.


The paper “Transcending transmission: Towards a constitutive perspective on CSR communication” by Dennis Schoeneborn (Copenhagen Business School) and Hannah Trittin (University of Zurich) has been selected by the Editorial Team of Corporate Communications as the Outstanding Paper of 2013!  The paper argues that extant research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication primarily relies on a transmission model of communication, i.e. which treats organization and communication as distinct phenomena. In the paper, the authors suggest to reconsider CSR communication from a theoretical perspective that takes into account the constitutive and formative role of communication for organizations.The Outstanding Paper of 2013 can be found here.

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