Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen is awarded the EliteForsk Award 2015
The Department of Finance and Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) are proud to announce that Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen receives one of the EliteForsk Awards which is given to “five of Denmark’s most talented researchers” below the age of 45. The Award Ceremony takes place at the EliteForsk conference on February 26, 2015, where ministers and members of the royal family will attend.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science motivates its decision for the award by stating that: “Lasse Heje Pedersen’s research focus on how financial frictions affect the price of financial assets. This is a field of research which has become increasingly interesting after the financial crisis and which has had extensive consequences for the economy and for society. Lasse Heje Pedersen is one of the world’s leading experts in this area. He has for instance shown how liquidity spirals occur and his research has been mentioned several times in connection with the motivation for the Nobel Prize.“
Asked about his reaction on having won one of the greatest research prizes in Denmark, Lasse Heje Pedersen answers: “I am happy and hope very much that we, in Denmark, can focus even more on research and education. For instance, it is interesting to see how our research center, FRIC, and funds from the European Research Council, ERC, can help attract and develop talents.”
See the EliteForsk video about Lasse Heje Pedersen
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About Lasse Heje Pedersen