The opening of Danish Finance Institute

Photo credit: Poul Christensen
On August 22 more than 100 participants gathered for the opening of the Danish Finance Institute (DFI) at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS). The official opening was conducted by Minister for Higher Education and Science Søren Pind, and the programme included speeches by CBS rector Per Holten-Andersen, CEO of Finance Denmark Ulrik Nødgaard, and Professor Tim Bollerslev from Duke University. CBS’ newly employed Professor Peter Feldhütter gave an inaugural lecture.
DFI is a collaboration between Finance Denmark, Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, University of Copenhagen and University of Southern Denmark.
DFI will receive nearly 8 million a year from Danish banks and mortgage associations. With this funding, DFI aims to build a world-class research environment in finance that supports Denmark as a financial center via thought leadership and the education of highly qualified graduates.
Read more about the opening ceremony and DFI here (in Danish):
Finans Danmark: Nyt samarbejde skal skabe forskningsmiljø i verdensklasse
Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet: Den store opgave for forskning i finansiering
FinansWatch: Kæmpegave fra banker kan føre Danmark i finansiel forskerelite (login required)
For further information, contact Søren Hvidkjær, 38153533 or