Externally funded projects

As a modern business school, Copenhagen Business School seeks to attract research beneficial to both society and business. Below is a list of current and completed externally funded research projects, which Department of Digitalization are or have been involved in.

Click on one of the categories listed in the top menu if you want the list sorted differently.

AcronymTitleTypeStatusStartsort descending
Cyberskill Career IIIPrivate (National)Running01-11-2023
Spin-outs Denmark: Translational postdoc grantPrivate (National)Finished01-12-2023
Financial Inclusion in a cashless worldPrivate (National)Finished01-03-2024
Better marketing spendingPrivate (National)Running01-04-2024
ERAP Ecosystemic Resilience against PlatformizationEU Running01-08-2024
Foreign Visiting Professorship - Noam TractinskyPrivate (National)Running16-08-2024
Human Capabilities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Learning MachinesPrivate (National)Running01-09-2024
Digital Government Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals Public (National)Running01-09-2024
Kunstige kompositioner - hvad sker der med det autentiske og det auratiske når AI interagerer med original kunst?Private (National)Finished01-11-2024
De Danske Cybermesterskaber 2025-2027 Private (National)Running01-11-2024
