
Project overview

Comparing learning and skill development practices in microwork and online freelancing (CrowdLearnPlus), Nov 2019- Jul 2020, Funder: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

The purpose of this study is to carry out statistical analyses comparing results from previous surveys scoping workplace learning practices of microworkers with data from the new Cedefop CrowdLearn survey of online freelance crowdworkers. In particular, the proposed study will examine what if any differences there are between microworkers and online freelancers in the use of workplace learning activities and self-regulatory learning strategies these two different types of online workers undertake to organise and direct their own learning in their crowd workplace. Furthermore, the study will analyse what if any correlations there are between the types and frequency of use of workplace learning activities and self-regulated learning strategies the workers undertake and the key personal and environmental factors, in particular the perceived complexity and interdependence of tasks workers undertake; the reported differential personal motivations underpinning microworkers’ and online freelancers’ decisions to take up crowdwork; the intensity of workers’ engagement in crowdwork; and the disposition to self-regulated learning they exhibit in their daily work on the platforms. This comparative study will, first, extend and add significant value to the robustness and generalisability of the Cedefop-funded CrowdLearn study. Second, the study will generate additional insights and policy recommendations to CEDEFOP on how to foster learning within both types of online work, widening the reach of the policy conclusions drawn. 


Professor Anoush Margaryan
Principal Investigator
Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School 



The page was last edited by: Department of Digitalization // 04/04/2022