
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Assistant professor

Room: POR/18.B-3.130
E-mail: lm.bhl@cbs.dk
Lara Monticelli

Lara Monticelli holds a master’s degree in Economics and Social Sciences (Bocconi University, Milan) and a Ph.D. in Economic Sociology (University of Brescia). Before joining Copenhagen Business School as an Assistant Professor and Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in September 2018, she has been awarded a grant by the Italian Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia to conduct an explorative project on ecological and utopian communities in collaboration with the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), Erasmus University (Rotterdam). Prior to this, Lara worked as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy). The research she conducted during her post-doc was focusing on the study of political engagement among young precarious workers, combining perspectives from the sociology of work, social movement, and political participation studies.

Her ongoing Marie Skłodowska-Curie project (2018-2021), titled ‘EcoLabSS – Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change’, focuses on the (re)emergence of community-based, prefigurative social movements (e.g. sustainable communities, eco-villages, transition towns, solidarity networks) as living laboratories experimenting with practices of resilience and resistance to environmental, economic and societal challenges. Lara is especially interested in how these movements re-politicize and re-configure everyday life, thus representing radical attempts to embody the critique to contemporary capitalism and prefigure alternative, sustainable futures. Lara is also involved in a number of parallel research and editorial projects in collaboration with non-governmental organizations like the Global Ecovillage Network and ECOLISE – the European Network for Community Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability.

In the past years, she has co-chaired two mini-conferences within the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (Berkeley 2016, Lyon 2017), creating a vibrant and international forum for the discussion of the emerging, interdisciplinary research field focusing on prefigurative politics, alternative futures and radical imagination in grassroots, community-based social movements. Since 2017, she is the co-founder and co-chair of the research network 'Alternatives to Capitalism' within the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE).

Since 2021, she is the co-editor, together with Torsten Geelan (University of Copenhagen) of the book series “Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century” published by Bristol University Press.  

She is also affiliated researcher at the CoresNet research network for the study of consumption networks and practices of sustainable economies and member of the collective “Women on the Verge” that gathers female scholar-activists from Australia, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, the UK and the US.

At CBS, she is a member of the research initiative “Transformational economies and societies” and one of the coordinators of the new Cand.soc. Minor “Transforming Business and Organizations to Build Sustainable and Democratic Economies”.

Link to personal website: www.laramonticelli.com

EcoLabSS explainer video: EcoLabSS - Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change (Lara Monticelli, CBS)

Primary research areas
  • Contemporary capitalism, current trends and future developments
  • Capitalism and the future of democracy
  • Collective action, grassroots social movements and alternative forms of organizing (intentional communities, eco-villages, co-operatives, new municipalism)
  • Radical and prefigurative politics
  • Non-conventional forms of political and civic participation
  • Alternative and sustainable futures
  • Critical social theory, economic and political sociology, political economy
Administrative tasks
  • Course Coordinator: “Re-Imagining Capitalism” (elective, Master level)
  • Course Coordinator: “Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (mandatory, M.Sc. Organization, Innovation, Entrepreneurship)
  • Bachelor in Business and Sociology: Final Project Coordinator
  • Supervisor of several Bachelor projects and Master Theses (various study programs)
Link to this homepage

I have supervised a number of Master theses focusing on the following themes: worker owned cooperatives, grassroots sustainability, implementation of degrowth measures, online platforms for recycling and upcycling, voluntary organizations, alternative forms of organization.

Selected publications

Lara Monticelli (Ed.) The Future is Now. An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022.

Lara Monticelli. Introduction. In: The Future is Now. An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022, p. 1-12.

Lara Monticelli. Prefigurative Politics Within, Despite and Beyond Contemporary Capitalism. In: The Future is Now. An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022, p. 15-31.


Publications sorted by:
Lara Monticelli; Linea M. Petersen / Faces and Spaces of Prefiguration : Liminality, Utopia and Experimentation in the Ecovillage Movement.
Abstract from 17th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, 2023
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Lara Monticelli / Prefazione
In: Possibilità negate: Per una critica del capitalismo. . ed. /Michele Longo. Lecce : Edizioni Bepress 2023, p. 7-11
Lara Monticelli; Linea M. Petersen / Scattered Notes on Future Imaginaries, Collapse, and Exit Strategies – Part 1 : On Sci-fi Aestheticism(s), Moon Landings, and Archaeologies of Humankind.
In: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, 1.2.2023
Comment/debate > peer review
Lara Monticelli; Linea M. Petersen / Scattered Notes on Future Imaginaries, Collapse, and Exit Strategies – Part 2 : On Ecovillages as Survival Units and Everyday Preppers.
In: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, 1.2.2023
Comment/debate > peer review
Suryamayi Clarence-Smith; Lara Monticelli / Flexible Institutionalisation in Auroville : A Prefigurative Alternative to Development.
In: Sustainability Science, Vol. 17, No. 4, 7.2022, p. 1171-1182
Journal article > peer review
Lara Monticelli / Introduction
In: The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. . ed. /Lara Monticelli. Bristol : Bristol University Press 2022, p. 1-12 (Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century)
Book chapter > peer review
Lara Monticelli / Politica prefigurativa e utopie concrete : Verso onto-epistemologie alternative al capitalismo contemporaneo.
In: Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, No. 3, 7.2022, p. 729-749
Journal article > peer review
Lara Monticelli / Prefigurative Politics Within, Despite and Beyond Contemporary Capitalism
In: The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. . ed. /Lara Monticelli. Bristol : Bristol University Press 2022, p. 15-31 (Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century)
Book chapter > peer review
Lara Monticelli (Editor) / The Future Is Now : An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics.
Bristol : Bristol University Press 2022, 246 p. (Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century)
Anthology > peer review
Lara Monticelli / On the Necessity of Prefigurative Politics
In: Thesis Eleven, Vol. 167, No. 1, 12.2021, p. 99-118
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 25 results)
Research Projects
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